Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 134 [Ming Yin Pei]

"Is it still alive!"

Seeing Gu Pingping's vigorous figure without any sluggish figure, I secretly broke into a cold sweat.

Not only did the released soul not hurt him, but was trapped by him again, and now he is galloping towards me unscathed.

No, not unscathed, he should have been injured, otherwise he wouldn't have a grim face, looking at me gnashing my teeth, wishing he could swallow me alive.

I comforted myself in this way, and tried to hypnotize myself. How could a person be able to retreat completely in front of so many ghosts?

The unjust souls trapped by these banners roared almost like wild beasts, the sound was very loud, these banners were whistling by the wind, as if they would be blown away at any time, but strangely, these banners did not Knowing what kind of magic power it contained, the flagpole remained motionless, no matter how those ghosts collided, there was nothing they could do.

"Mr. Lin, do you mean that you deliberately frightened Sister Lin a few times ago? You were afraid that Sister Lin would know that you were controlled by the Gu family, and you didn't want Sister Lin to get involved in this dispute, so you threatened her so that she couldn't get close. In fact, the old house of the Lin family can avoid being discovered by people from the Gu family and the Blood Soul Sect, right?"

I calmed down and stared at Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin nodded, looked at me, nodded, and continued:

"Well, you are very smart, and you can see through it at once, but what I didn't expect is that Ah Zhong has already let you go secretly, and you still haven't left here, and you even broke into this forbidden area. This time, I can't save you. is you."

"You...you know Uncle Zhong let us go? Did you do anything to him?!"

My heart tightened, Uncle Zhong was so old that he couldn't stand the torment.

Mr. Lin smiled and said:

"What can I do with him? Ah Zhong is such a person, and I will use his hand to let you go. I don't want to be an enemy of the ghost hunter family in Jiuhuang City. I do this because I have no choice. Now Gu Pingping is here, do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Lin turned into a puff of white mist and disappeared, and the ghost slaves who fought with Wang Sheng in the distance also disappeared at the same time.

Just when Gu Pingping arrived in front of me, Wang Sheng also rushed over.

"There is still one person, very good, you two will solve it together today!"

Gu Pingping opened his black lips and looked at the two of us coldly. The corner of his mouth slightly grinned, revealing a cruel smile.

Wang Sheng was not injured except his face was slightly pale. He tightly held the ruler in his hand with five fingers, and said with a cold snort:

"What a big tone, I really want to see the disciples of the Gu family who practice ghost art have the ability and ability, Zhong Yuan, don't be polite, this person has already cultivated into a half-human, half-ghost, vicious and vicious, and his body is full of ghostly aura. Even using the usual spells to deal with ghosts can have a certain effect on him, and if we work together, I don't believe we can't deal with it."

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Gu Pingping's posture is very strange, approaching us is like a gust of wind.

Although I don't know why the rest of the Gu family children didn't come out of the wooden house, but I think Mr. Lin must have helped us a lot, because at this moment the wooden house has been completely covered by a thick fog, and the house can no longer be seen. Outline.

I stabbed his shoulder with the Fumo Sword. This is a simple stab. I have practiced it for several months. Now as long as I think of the target, I can stab it at the fastest speed, but when I was about to stab his shoulder just now At that time, they were actually knocked away by Gu Pingping with a wave of his palm. Maybe he blocked them with his nails, and they collided together and made a crisp "ding" sound.

This time he was very strong, so I took a few steps back to get out of the way, because Wang Sheng was the main attacker, and the ruler in his hand pointed directly at Gu Pingping's vitals, but Gu Pingping was able to dodge every time he was in danger, And to fight back, I am sneak attacking from the side, cooperating with the Seven Star Step.

After fighting for several rounds, Gu Pingping became a little impatient, and suddenly let out a sharp whistle.

A slender girl came out of the woods. Because it was too far away, I couldn't see her face clearly, but I had a very familiar feeling from her appearance.

"An'an, activate the ghost formation!"

Gu Pingping separated Wang Sheng's ruler with a palm, and suddenly retreated. He took out a small apricot-yellow flag from his arms, and then suddenly threw the small apricot-yellow flag towards the surroundings. The small flag was like a sharp arrow. It seems that it has sunk into the ground.

The slender girl also took out a small apricot-yellow flag in her hand, and was about to throw it out, when I immediately screamed in fright:

"Gu An'an, I'm Zhong Yuan, don't activate the ghost array!"

The voice is quite loud, not weaker than Gu Pingping, Gu An'an should be able to hear clearly.

I have also seen this ghost formation before. There are countless graves, and many evil spirits are hidden inside. If there is no special powerful force to break it, then it is necessary to find the real eye of the formation among these many graves. Break it out, otherwise it will be eaten by the evil spirits inside.

After the figure in the distance heard my words, he ran over here, and I was relieved that the flag in his hand was not thrown out.

"Zhong Yuan, why are you here?"

Gu Anan appeared in front of me, staring at me with surprise.

"I want to ask you guys, if you didn't come here because of a commission, you wouldn't know that your Gu family can refine so many ghost soldiers. What do you want to do?! Deal with the ghost hunter family in Jiuhuang City? Kill them all?!"

Before I opened my mouth, Wang Sheng said with a cold smile.

"Zhong Yuan, we refine ghost soldiers only because of the needs of the family branch, don't we, brother?"

Gu An'an's face darkened, he stared at Gu Pingping, and asked.

Gu Pingping shook his head, looked at Gu Anan, and said softly:

"An'an, you'd better go, give me the command flag of the Yinming ghost formation, and don't interfere here."

"No way, brother, you know about the Yinming ghost formation, you want to use it against my classmates?!"

Gu An'an shook his head again and again.

"An'an, you don't know the family situation, hey, I really don't understand why you want to come back, and I don't know what your mother thinks, well, like this, as long as Zhong Yuan handed over the Mingyin pendant on his body, I will let them go, how about ?”

Gu Pingping patted Gu An'an's shoulder, his tone became very soft, and the murderous aura in his eyes dissipated completely. At this moment, he really looked like a big brother who cared for his sister, but he also succeeded. The topic was changed, maybe Gu Anan didn't know that these ghost soldiers were used by the Blood Soul Sect, or in other words, all the ghosts collected by the Gu family were handed over to the Blood Soul Sect.

"No, the Mingyin Pendant is a family heirloom of the Zhong family. My mother failed to take it away last time, and it is Zhong Yuan's personal thing, and it is also a symbol of the owner. How can I give it to you?" us?"

Gu Anan looked at me dumbfounded, and said with an ugly face.

And for the first time, I also knew the name of the ancestral jade pendant, Ming Yin Pei, it was actually called Ming Yin Pei, what secret does this jade pendant contain?

I didn't interrupt the conversation between them, because I wanted to figure it out too, but Wang Sheng, who was next to me, stared at me strangely.

"If you don't give it to us, then they will definitely not be able to leave. An An, don't you know that our Gu family is just a subsidiary family under the Blood Soul Sect. If you don't want to do things for them, then you must have the ability to resist them. No How can the Mingyin Pendant, which summons ghost messengers, counter their ghost soldiers?"

Gu Pingping's tone became a little hasty, and he frequently looked into the distance agitatedly, fearing that there might be some monsters devouring people there.

Mingyin Pei can actually summon ghost messengers? !

No wonder, no wonder all the major ghost hunter families covet this jade pendant. The job of the ghost hunter family is to hunt ghosts, and ghosts are extremely vicious things. If ghosts help each other, the situation will be different.

But I faintly feel that this jade pendant is not that simple.

"You Gu family are really whimsical. You don't really think that you can summon ghost messengers to work for you if you get the Mingyin pendant. Just kidding, do you have the blood of the Zhong family flowing in your body? Are you worshiping Zhong Kui? Ghost messengers Why do you listen to your orders? Every time you use the token, you need to consume the blood of the descendants of the Zhong family, otherwise, his jade pendant has been robbed long ago, and can you still keep it in your hand?"

Wang Sheng next to me smiled and looked at Gu Pingping with disdain. It seems that he has a better understanding of Mingyin Pei than I do.

Gu Pingping didn't get angry, he grinned slightly, and said:

"Naturally, we have a solution. If the people of the Zhong family are not extinct, there will be the blood of the Zhong family. We don't need to deal with ghost messengers, and ghost messengers don't hurt people, only evil things, so we don't need the power of faith. "

"Hehe, you guys are so naive. Do you know how my power of faith came from? It was approved by the ancestor Zhong Kui. He personally planted it for me. With the power of faith, ghost messengers will treat us. The Zhong family is obedient, even if I give you the jade pendant, and you call ghost messengers, they may not care about you. Seeing that the person holding the jade pendant is not from the Zhong family, what do you think the ghost messengers will do? They will not report Ancestor, it is said that the Zhong family's Mingyin pendant fell into the hands of outsiders, and they also used ghost messengers to handle affairs. You may not know what kind of existence our ancestor was, but I can tell you that he is very defensive, yes, I will not guarantee He knows the news and will come to find you in person.”

I chuckled and stared at Gu Pingping whose face changed drastically.

"Then how about handing over the Dark Yin Pendant to our Blood Soul Sect? Our Blood Soul Sect has the blood of the Zhong family, and there are also people who believe in Zhong Kui."

A voice with a slightly deep voice came from afar, but strangely, the voice was exceptionally clear.

I saw a figure in a black cloak walking slowly in the distance.

It's a very familiar voice, think about it carefully, by the way, this person should be Xiaoqing's elder brother, he just used a talisman to immobilize me back then, so I have a special impression of him.

"See Boundless God Envoy!"

As soon as the man in the black cloak came to us, Gu Pingping and Gu Anan fell to their knees with their foreheads on the ground, not daring to get up, especially Gu Pingping, whose body trembled uncontrollably. Extreme performance.

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