Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 150 [Strange Silkworm Cocoon]

"This is a personal matter of the master. We as disciples dare not disobey, nor will we try to figure out what she means. Since you know that the Blood Soul Sect has recently started to act, I advise you to leave here early, so as not to lose your life."

Wei Xiaoqing stared at Jiang He and smiled coldly.

"Be careful with yourself. The ghost hunter families in Jiuhuang City are not vegetarians. Zhang, Qi, Huang, Li, and Qian are all in Jiuhuang City. In addition, there are members of the Ghost Hunter Alliance here. Branch, there may be elders from the Ghost Hunters Alliance sitting in the branch, as long as these five families unite, it will be enough to fight against your Blood Soul Sect in Jiuhuang City."

Jiang He also understood the current situation in Jiuhuang City, and also looked at Wei Xiaoqing coldly.

Wei Xiaoqing stopped talking to them, but sat in front of me and asked with her mouth raised, "Did you take good care of our ice silkworm baby?"

"Well, yes, it is fed with blood every day, but its demand is not like what you said, it only needs a drop of blood to feed, it can eat as much as it has."

I pointed to the jade box on the cabinet and said.

Wei Xiaoqing took the box curiously, and opened it gently, for fear of disturbing the baby silkworm inside, but when he opened it, she was completely stunned, and she looked at the baby silkworm inside the box in amazement.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

I asked curiously, and at the same time leaned over, Jiang He and Luo Shui'er next to me also looked over.

The baby ice silkworm king has disappeared, and now there is only a big silkworm cocoon. The silk on the cocoon is very smooth, like a ball of snowballs. No, there is a trace of red glow in this silkworm cocoon, and the red glow It started to get stronger and stronger, and the entire surface of the silkworm cocoon was covered with blood-red scars in an instant. These scars are very beautiful, like patterns, I didn't care, this Ice Silkworm King is not Ordinary existence, silk spinning is naturally different from other silkworms.

"Since when did the silk become a cocoon?"

Thinking back carefully, it was my shoulder that was pierced by Luo Yue'er's ice sword, and the blood dripped, and then the ice silkworm baby happened to be bathed in it, and then I put it on.

"The baby ice silkworm king has mutated. I have seen ice butterflies transformed by ice silkworms in the Snowy Plains. The silk spit out by ordinary ice silkworms is snow-white, and there are no such weird lines at all. I think this is the same as You raised it with fresh blood, this baby ice silkworm should have been influenced by the blood of your Zhong family."

Luo Shui'er spoke softly, her words revealed shock, except for Wei Xiaoqing, no one present could understand this better than her.

Wei Xiaoqing stared at the silkworm cocoon with a complicated expression, and said, "I really didn't expect it. I used to raise it according to the normal breeding method. After many years, silkworm babies have always been like this, but when I came to you, in a short period of time There is actually a butterfly that breaks out of its cocoon, Zhong Yuan, you must take good care of this psychic ice butterfly, it will bring you great benefits."

"Well, I know, by the way, how is my father's situation? This period of time is not long or short, and you also said that within this month, Jiuhuang City will be in chaos. If I want to Go, and I will go with my father, and what is his relationship with your master? Although you said that you can't figure out what the master means, but after so long, you will always have a chance to get close to my father. "

As soon as I saw Wei Xiaoqing, I remembered that the Blood Soul Sect would launch an attack in the next month, and the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect would start "hunting". This would undoubtedly be a catastrophe for the ghost hunter family. It's just a scene talk, no matter how powerful the ghost hunter family is, there are only a few people, but the sect is different, and there are not many disciples under the sect.

"Uncle said that now is not the time to meet. I once asked him about his relationship with my master. Uncle was a little embarrassed and didn't want to say more, but he revealed a piece of news to me, saying that the master had already greeted his disciples. I won't embarrass the people of the Zhong family, but what I'm most afraid of is the people from above. At that time, I'm afraid even the master will not have this right, and it will be too late for you to leave by then."

Wei Xiaoqing's expression was particularly solemn.

"The ones above are probably not human beings, but demons from the Great World of Maha. I never thought they would control such a huge power of the Blood Soul Sect here. Are you willing to sacrifice your life for these demons?"

Jiang He said in a cold voice with a very disdainful tone.

Wei Xiaoqing gritted her teeth resolutely, and said in a firm tone: "I am not working for these demons, I am for my master, because I was adopted since I was a child, and my master has treated me with great kindness. I won’t leave the Blood Soul Sect, it’s too long to come out today, I have a mission, I have to leave first, Zhong Yuan may not be convenient for me these days.”


I nodded, re-covered the jade box, and placed it directly on the cabinet.

After Wei Xiaoqing left, Luo Shui'er also left.

Jiang He and I were the only ones left in the whole ward, and the wounds on our bodies didn't hurt so much anymore.

What's strange is that Luo Shui'er and Luo Duohan left the hospital the next day, but what Luo Shui'er said when they left was that they were going to the branch of the Ghost Hunters Alliance in Jiuhuang City, and then the entire Jiuhuang City All ghost hunter families fight against Blood Soul Sect together.

After the second week, I was discharged from the hospital, and my body has almost recovered. After these few battles, my strength is much stronger than before.

On a new day, when I reappeared at the school, Wang Sheng’s attitude towards me was different. When I was a transfer student, there were always some unsightly people in the school who troubled me. To be honest, they just bullied me. People I don’t know here can blackmail me for a little money. Although I am not afraid of them, they always come and I am very depressed.

But now, Wang Sheng has already greeted all the students with some influence in the school, so they will not attack me.

As for Wu Tianxing, he restrained himself a lot. Although he was in the same class, he rarely came to see me. It must be because my cousin warned him.

At lunch time, I returned to the classroom after eating Chinese food in the cafeteria. When I arrived at the door of my classroom, I found Wang Sheng sitting on my seat, and many girls in the class were pointing around, looking like a nympho.

"Come to see me suddenly, what's the matter?"

I patted him on the shoulder from behind, then pulled out a stool from the side and sat down.

"It's a big deal, Zhong Yuan. It's very likely that I won't be going to school here today. Why don't you go too?"

Wang Sheng's face was serious, and he spoke seriously.

"Why do you want to leave suddenly? What happened?"

I stared at Wang Sheng strangely. Did something happen to his family?

Wang Sheng stared at me in surprise, his eyes were very strange, and he stared at me in surprise: "Are you joking? You don't know about such an important matter. Could it be that your family didn't inform you?"

"Notify me? Notify me of what? What happened?"

"The branch of the Ghost Hunter Alliance has already begun to gather members of the major families. It is said that there is a major meeting to be held. It seems to be a joint fight against the Blood Soul Sect. This time it is a major battle, because two days ago there were ghost hunter friends They disappeared one after another, and after being reported by the alliance spies, they have been killed by the Blood Soul Sect, and many weak families left Jiuhuang City after hearing the news, Zhong Yuan, what are you going to do?"

Wang Sheng lowered his voice, for fear that others would know, but the more this happened, the more interested others were. Wu Tianxing had already walked over, staring at us two with a smile.

I ignored him, glanced at Wang Sheng, and said, "Originally, I also planned to leave Jiuhuang City, and you know our Zhong family very well. Up to now, our Zhong family has few people. If it is damaged, our generation is likely to be finished."

"That's right, I understand that if you want to leave, you should leave Jiuhuang City as soon as possible, and things will change if you are late. Now more and more ghost hunters are missing, and disciples from many families have gone to the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch to seek refuge. I'll be leaving tomorrow too."

Wang Sheng nodded.

Wu Tianxing said with a smile: "I also know about this matter, and I know the fate of these missing ghost hunters. I inquired about it and found that most of these missing ghost hunters lived in Jiuhuang City. It's not here, so even if it is missing, the family will not be able to notice it for a while, and they also want to leave Jiuhuang City, don't listen to Wang Sheng, there are many Blood Soul Sects ambushing outside Jiuhuang City disciple, if you want to leave now, you will be courting death."

"How do you know so much? And your family is not here, how are you okay?"

Wang Sheng glanced at Wu Tianxing strangely and asked.

Wu Tianxing still looked at the two of us with a smile, showing a smug look, the fat on his face trembled slightly, and said:

"I have been able to survive for such a long time alone, so I naturally have my own rules of survival that I must not spread. Listen to me, don't leave. Gathering so many ghost hunters may be able to compete against the Blood Soul Sect. This is a contest between good and evil. If the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch is wiped out, the entire Jiuhuang City will be controlled by the Blood Soul Sect, and the strength of the Blood Soul Sect will expand. Don't forget, they refine so many ghost soldiers just to wait for the Tengu When it is released at the moment of the eclipse, not only ghost hunters, but ordinary people here will also be affected."

"Tiangou eclipse? The news said that it will be a few days, and this time the solar eclipse will last for a long time, it seems to be more than an hour, but even in this hour, how much can the Blood Soul Sect do? One hour What threat can it pose to the people?"

I have calculated that on the day of the solar eclipse, even if all the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect come out, it is impossible to pose a threat to Jiuhuang City, after all, Jiuhuang City is not small.

"What do you think these ghost soldiers they refined are for? Fun? Well, I won't say too much. My suggestion to you is to go to the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch with the members of your family to resist foreign enemies together. Leaving Jiuhuang City is a very unreliable idea."

Wu Tianxing reached out and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a smile.

"What is your identity? Why should we listen to you? Don't forget that you cheated both of us last time."

Wang Sheng was not too polite, he looked coldly at Wu Tianxing who was full of laughter, the smile on Wu Tianxing's face became even brighter, his eyes rolled, and he stared at us mysteriously, then he took out a token from his pocket. card, said:

"I can be regarded as your classmate. In fact, I still have an identity. But I am relatively low-key, and I don't want to show it off. If I say it, you won't believe it. Since you question my words and ask questions sincerely, then I Let me tell you, I am Wu Tianxing, Elder Wu of the Ghost Hunter Alliance Branch of Jiuhuang City."

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