Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 166 [Magic palm print]

I left the meeting room and hurried to my residence. After all, it is not a joke to get these treasures at once.

The crowd outside has also dispersed, and even the fire has been cleared away quickly. Only a few people are crying there, mourning the lost relatives. Of course, there are still many members of the ghost hunter family in this vast area. It seems that they are preparing for tomorrow's big battle. I deliberately looked for my cousin and the others, but they were not there. Could it be that they have already returned to their residence?

Putting away these two treasures, I trotted all the way home. My uncle was still sitting on the sofa, but my cousin and Jiang He were not there. I glanced at the time, and it was past ten o'clock in the morning. It should end at eight o'clock. At that time, everyone was participating in the cremation, except for some injured disciples, and when I fought Qi Shitou, if my cousin and the others knew, they would definitely come up. Where did they go?Was ambushed by disciples of the Blood Soul Sect?

"Xiao Yuan, you're back."

My uncle beckoned to me, and the whole living room was filled with a strong smell of chicken soup, which whetted my appetite.

"Well, what about my cousin and the others, didn't they go out to patrol at six o'clock?"

I sat on the sofa and asked, I was very worried, I didn't want them to end up like Wang Sheng.

"They came back at around nine o'clock. They seemed to be setting up some venue for tomorrow's ambush. They probably won't be back until the afternoon. By the way, Aunt Zhang made chicken soup. You can also drink some later. The members of the Zhong family They are all born with yin bones, drinking some chicken soup is good for the body."

Uncle patted me on the shoulder, looking very relieved, his complexion looked much better.

"Well, by the way, Li Nianbai hasn't gotten up yet?"

I glanced at the coffee table, breakfast was still there, so I asked casually.

"He didn't wake up, he slept soundly. I called him, but he didn't wake up. Why are children so sleepy now? Fortunately, Zhong Yuan, you are very hardworking. From now on, the heavy responsibility of our Zhong family will fall on your shoulders. You can also afford it.”

Uncle took a cup of tea from the coffee table, took a sip, and looked at me proudly.

I scratched my head in embarrassment, pointed to my bedroom, and said, "Then I'll go in and see what's going on with him first. When my cousin and the others come back, I still have something to tell you."

"Go, go, remember to come out to drink chicken soup later, Aunt Zhang will stay here for lunch, she brought some tableware, so there is no need to go to the cafeteria for lunch."

The uncle nodded and looked at me with a smile.

I pushed open the door, opened the curtains, and tore off the ghost-suppressing charm, anyway, the little ghost head wouldn't come out during the day.

Li Nianbai was wrapped into a rice dumpling on the bed, even his head was not exposed.

"Hey, get up, I have something important to discuss with you."

I patted the quilt and opened my mouth. Although Grandma Lan said that he would go with me, it still needs his consent after all.

But Li Nianbai didn't make a sound, I shook it again, and finally pulled off the quilt. The boy shrank into a ball, his body trembling a little. I was slightly startled, and I put my hand on his forehead, which was scorching hot. Taking a closer look at his neck, it is very fair. The palm print from yesterday has disappeared, but why is it still like this?

"Don't scare me. Grandma said that you are very strong, and you have melted away the yin energy in your neck. Why do you still look like this? Have you caught a cold?"

I patted his face, it was wet, his brows were tightly wrinkled, his teeth were biting his lips, and there was a shocking trace of blood.

"Li Nianbai, wake up!"

I directly helped him up, and then he slowly opened his eyes, stared at me with a confused face, grinned slightly, and said:

"What... what's wrong?"

His voice was very weak, his hair was wet with sweat, sticking to his forehead, and he looked at me weakly.

"What's the matter? I want to ask you what state you are in now? If it's not good, you have to say it. What's the point of hiding it? Are you afraid that we will harm you?"

I snorted coldly, looked at Li Nianbai who was trying to pretend to be very strong, and began to reprimand him.

Li Nianbai smiled embarrassedly, and said: "My mother said, you have to rely on yourself for everything, even outside, don't trust anyone easily, I just suffered a little injury, and when my mana recovers, I can heal it .”


I glanced at Li Nianbai suspiciously, feeling that he was getting more and more mysterious.

"Mana power is equivalent to your ghost hunting power."

He tried his best to cross his feet, and explained that he was wearing a white shirt, his chest was slightly exposed, and the inside was faintly black. I took another look at the rest of his body, and the rest of his body was smooth and tender, but his chest was A black evil spirit was emitted.

"How is this going?"

I asked, pointing to his chest.

"I was slapped by the Black Mountain devil, but it's not a problem. With the strength of my body, these evil spirits will be dissolved."

Li Nianbai looked down and said with a smile.

"You really don't need my help? Tomorrow you are going to sneak into Jiuhuang City with me. There is a very important task. Are you sure you are competent in your current state?"

I glanced at him and said.

"Really? That's great, you can play again. If you really want to help, then use the Dao pattern in your palm. The rest of the things will not help these evil spirits. You can have the Dao pattern in your palm. Yesterday it was not Feel free to say."

Li Nianbai grinned, showing his white teeth.

Then he untied his chest, and a dark palm print appeared. This palm print seemed to be splashed with ink, and it exuded a devilish aura. This devil is much more powerful than Yinsha. Yinsha can be eliminated, but Mosha is more advanced, and this kid can still survive until now.

I sat down opposite him, raised my palm, and the power of hunting ghosts poured into my palm. After a while, the Dao pattern in my palm opened, and Li Nianbai, who was shining golden light, couldn't open his eyes. .


An astonishing cold force began to erode the dao pattern in my palm, my face changed drastically, and I wanted to withdraw my hand, but there seemed to be a strong suction in his chest, and I couldn't break free at all.


I already felt the power of hunting ghosts in my body was passing away quickly, and I could clearly feel the Dao pattern in my palm continuously bombarding this black demon palm print.

Just when my ghost-hunting power felt exhausted, Li Nianbai opened his eyes and pushed me away. With great strength, he pushed me off the bed, and I rolled to the door, knocking my head on the door panel , let out a scream.


The door opened, and my uncle ran in with a face full of panic, helped me up, and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's okay, let this kid get rid of the evil spirit."

I rubbed my forehead and said.

The palm print on Li Nianbai's chest has disappeared, and an invisible energy surged around him, making his white shirt rattle, his hair kept dancing, and a faint smile appeared on his smooth forehead. The cyan imprint looked like a small sword, but it disappeared very quickly. He put a circle around his dantian with his hands, and often let out a bad breath, jumped up from the bed with a smile, and shouted:

"Finally, it feels so good, Zhong Yuan, I'm hungry and I want to eat."

"There is one in the living room, where do you go by yourself, how old is it, and you look like a child, am I your father!"

I snorted coldly, and watched Li Nianbai who was jumping out of the room, struggling to get rid of his uncle's support, and wanted to sit on the bed to rest, but his limbs were a little out of control, and he fell like a dog eating shit.The sandalwood box and golden bone hand in my pocket fell to the floor.

"Zhong Yuan, what method did you use to heal him, to consume so much ghost-hunting power? Could it be the dao pattern in your palm?"

Uncle helped me pick up these things, looked at them and asked, but let me stay on the floor like this, my attention was completely attracted by these two treasures.

"Yes, my good uncle, I used the Dao pattern in my palm to heal his wounds, can you return the things in your hand to me?"

I gritted my teeth and got up from the ground, sat down on the bed, and said angrily.

"Zhong Yuan, what is this treasure and where did you get it? Sell it, maybe you can get a good price."

The uncle smiled and handed me the sandalwood box and the bone hand. Originally, he still wanted to see if the bone hand was made of gold.

"No, this is a treasure. It was given to me by Grandma Lan and Senior Luo Duohan. I might be able to use them tomorrow. Now I want to restore my lost ghost-hunting power. Uncle, help me look at Li Nianbai. It's best not to let him go out and cause trouble."

I rubbed my head and spoke.

"Don't worry, there's no problem. Would you like a bowl of chicken soup?"

Before leaving, my uncle turned his head and asked.

"Keep it for yourself and don't let anyone disturb me."

I looked at my uncle feebly, and said in a low voice, then my uncle closed the door, and I began to meditate to recover my ghost-hunting power.

On the other hand, Li Nianbai ran into the living room, staring at the cold meat buns on the coffee table with glowing eyes, he didn't care, grabbed one with each hand, and started to eat it.

"Brother Shan, your chicken soup is ready, I'll bring it to you."

Zhang Yajiao's voice came from the kitchen, and after a while Zhang Ya came to the living room with a big jar.

It was supposed to be fed to my uncle, but my uncle skillfully pulled it away and said, "Aya, go and do it yourself. I'll drink it myself. By the way, what's the news about Ling Zi?"

"I haven't seen you coming out of Jiuhuang City yet. Remember to finish drinking the chicken soup before I go to the kitchen."

After Aya finished speaking, she walked into the kitchen with a very unhappy expression.

The uncle immediately fell into deep thought. It wasn't until Li Nianbai choked on the steamed bun that the uncle came to his senses, patted his back, and said, "Eat slowly, drink some soup."

Li Nianbai nodded, then held the big jar with both hands, and began to drink indistinctly.

It wasn't until after four o'clock in the afternoon that I recovered all the consumed ghost hunting power. Unexpectedly, it actually increased a little. Although it was not obvious, when I came out, my cousin and Jiang He had already returned. And the four of them sat on the sofa, watching TV very leisurely.

"I have a few things to announce. The first thing is that Nian Bai and I will go to Jiuhuang City tomorrow to see if we can take over my father from the Blood Soul Sect. The second thing is to trouble a few people to help me. Guardian, I want to eat this treasure to increase my ghost hunting power."

After finishing speaking, I smiled and took out the sandalwood box, grabbed the Hanxue fruit from it, and shook it proudly at several people.

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