Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 168 [Thief]

"We don't care about this kind of thing. The Blood Soul Sect is very difficult for us to deal with right now. It's getting late, we have to prepare. By the way, cousin, will you and Jiang He participate in tomorrow's battle?"

I grabbed the bone hand and put it away, and asked in a deep voice.

There are casualties in combat, and I don't want to see either of these.

"Well, we will all participate, but Jiang He will be with me. His martial arts are very effective against the disciples of the Blood Soul Sect, and if the opponent uses secret techniques, I can resist them. The two cooperate with each other, so I am not afraid What, not to mention that we have left behind and set up a formation there. If we lose the enemy, we can escape with that formation. But you, the Black Mountain devil has already possessed Qi Jianfeng, and he must have arrived Blood Soul Sect, you must be careful."

The cousin spoke with a trace of instructions.

I nodded and said: "Don't worry, if there are no special circumstances, I will not easily enter the Blood Soul Sect. I know a stronghold of the Blood Soul Sect. Jiang He knows this place, and I will be there Meet Wei Xiaoqing, and be careful of the Qi family, I have a grudge with them, they will not let us go easily, Jiang He should be the most clear, so in tomorrow's battle, you have to be careful. "

"Well, that's good, it's getting late, pack up and have a good rest, you don't go on patrol tonight, I will inform Wu Tianxing."

After the cousin finished speaking, he went back to his room.

I don't have anything special to prepare. The little devil stays here. I have already made the worst plan. He absolutely cannot go with us. If he is caught by the Blood Soul Sect and turned into a ghost soldier, The consequences can be imagined.

This night, I slept soundly, and I got up early the next morning. Li Nianbai was still wearing the same denim outfit, with the ebony sword on his back, but he wrapped it with a piece of gray cloth, so that no one would look carefully. If it wasn't, he wouldn't know it was a sword at all.

After passing through the woods, we headed straight for Nine Desolation City, but we didn't encounter disciples of the Blood Soul Sect ambushing us. It seemed that they were also preparing for a battle with the Ghost Hunters Alliance today.

When we got to the highway, we got on a minibus directly. There were quite a lot of people in the car, and there was a lot of chatter. As soon as we got up, we cast strange glances.

There were quite a lot of people in the car, and it was a bit crowded, not to mention the location, it was almost crowded, and it was filled with all kinds of smells, which were extremely unpleasant.

When I was about to reach the territory of Jiuhuang City, I suddenly felt a person behind me was very close to me, almost leaning against my back. I turned my head and saw a young man with squirrel eyebrows. He saw me looking at him , he smiled, showing a mouth full of black and yellow teeth, a disgusting stench blew out, I immediately turned my head.

"Boy, should you reckon your identity if you make a move in front of me?"

I just turned my head when Li Nianbai's voice came from beside me.

At first glance, this squirrel-eyed young man has already put his hand into my trouser pocket, holding a thin blade in his hand, looking at Li Nianbai with a face full of shock.

Li Nianbai held the young man's wrist with one hand, and looked at him with a smile. When he squeezed his hand hard, the young man's wrist tightened and he let out a scream.

"Hey, this is to bully people!"

The young man grinned at Li Nianbai, the blade in his hand disappeared at some point, and stared at me with a painful face.

"Why did you bully you? If you want to steal something from me, why don't you bite back?"

I turned around and looked at the young man coldly.

"I'm really wronged. I didn't want to steal anything from you. If you don't believe me, search for it. I don't have anything on me. I just look at you like an acquaintance of mine, so I want to say hello to you."

The young man chuckled and pulled his wrist desperately, but Li Nianbai held him tightly, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

"Stubborn, you've been staring at us since you got in the car, do you think I don't know?"

Li Nianbai did not let go, but increased his strength again, and said again: "Apologize, if you don't apologize, then your hand will be broken."

"Brother...Brother, I was really wrong, I dare not, never again, please forgive me."

The young man arched his body slightly and began to beg for mercy.

"Nianbai, forget it, it's not suitable to cause trouble now, maybe there are disciples of the Blood Soul Sect around here."

I leaned close to his ear, glanced at the crowd around me, and said.


Li Nianbai nodded, let go of the young man's thin wrist, and stopped talking to him.

The car soon arrived at the station. After we got off the bus, I took Li Nianbai to another road. Of course, this road did not lead to the coffee shop.

"Why don't you go directly to that place? Maybe after we finish our business, we can still participate in the battle between the Alliance Branch and the Blood Soul Sect."

Li Nianbai walked beside me unhurriedly and asked aloud.

"Don't make a sound. Of course I know I have to rush there as soon as possible, but I have to solve this trouble. Oops, I don't know what went wrong. I caused this trouble. I hope it's not as bad as I imagined."

I glanced at the front, there was an alley, I smiled immediately, and led Li Nianbai into it, this alley was as wide as one person, he and I supported the walls on both sides, and went up.

After a while, a young man came in. This young man was the so-called thief he met in the car before. He glanced around and said to himself:

"It was still there just now, why did it disappear all of a sudden? How can I explain it when I go back?! Damn it!"

"Before you go back, you can explain to us first, who sent you here!"

I fell down in front of him, pointing the demon-subduing sword in my hand at him, and asked in a cold voice,

This kid is very dishonest. Although I noticed that he was looking at me all the time in the car, I never thought that this kid would be so bold as to want to take something from me.

Blade cut pants?No, I didn't have any money in my pocket, yes, my bag was in the back at the time, and he must have tried to get hold of my bag.

Seeing me appear, the young man's expression changed, he immediately turned around and ran away, and just at this time, Li Nianbai also jumped down, blocking the young man's way, saying:

"Want to escape? I advise you to give up this plan. When I grabbed you, I already felt the power of hunting ghosts in your body. Although it is very weak, I can't feel it wrong. Zhong Yuan, I was very young at the time." Curious, why would a young man with the power of hunting ghosts be willing to be a thief, is there another purpose?"

Li Nianbai looked at me with a smile, showing all his white teeth, with a look of complete incomprehension.

"Let me ask you again, who sent you here? If I'm not wrong, it should be the disciple of the Ghost Hunter family in the Ghost Hunter Alliance branch. After all, the one who has hatred with me should also be the Qi family. , I fought against Qi Shitou yesterday, and the day before, his younger brother Qi Jianfeng hated me to the bone and wanted to attack me, are you from the Qi family? Or, are you sent by the Qi family?"

I looked at this young man coldly, seeing his face getting more and more gloomy, he gritted his teeth, suddenly sank down, rolled past me in a rolling posture, and then ran back desperately .

"Want to leave? It's not that easy, the ground is a prison, sleepy!"

Li Nianbai pinched the Fajue in his hand, stretched his hand towards the young man in the distance, a golden light suddenly emerged from the young man's feet, no matter how much he ran, he couldn't leave here.

"Zhong Yuan, why are you talking so much nonsense with him? How about I kill him directly, torture his soul, and make sure that he can't live or die."

Li Nianbai smiled evilly, his voice was loud, looking at my ugly face, he leaned close to my ear, and said in a low voice: "I lied to him, with this trick, Uncle Bai Han will often threaten those monsters."

Sure enough, after hearing this, the young man was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he fell down and sat on the ground, looking at us tremblingly, as if we were evil big monsters.

"I'll ask you one last time. If you don't say anything, then you can do it."

I walked to the side of the young man and spoke unceremoniously.

"Tell me, I am a disciple of the Qi family, and I am indeed a member of the Qi family. Master Shishi just asked me to come over and stare at you."

The young man put his arms around his shoulders and looked at the two of us nervously.

"Nian Bai, let's do it, this kid refuses to tell the truth."

I put away the Fumo sword, put my hands in my trouser pockets, and turned around.


Li Nianbai thanked him with a smile, and reached out his hand when he reached the young man's side.

"If I tell the truth, will you two let me go?"

The young man gritted his teeth, looked at Li Nianbai's hand, and asked with fear.

"That depends on how true your truth is."

I turned around, looked at the young man who was already pale with fright, and spoke in as gentle a tone as possible.

"I'm just a miscellaneous disciple of the Qi family, and I don't know much about it. In fact, apart from the Gu family, the Blood Soul Sect also controls another big family in Jiuhuang City. This big family is the Qi family. Don't you realize that?" , Did the Qi family enter the alliance branch very smoothly, while other ghost hunter families entered, but were ambushed. Every time Elder Wu Tianxing led people to rush to rescue, those Blood Soul Sect disciples would notice in advance and leave, almost There is no loss of a..."

While checking the expressions of the two of us, the young man spoke carefully.

I clenched my fist and asked again: "Did the Qi family also report to the Blood Soul Sect for today's battle?"

"Yes, moreover, this time the Blood Soul Sect will split into two groups to deal a heavy blow to the Ghost Hunter Alliance. Although I also know that Master Heishan was injured, the Blood Soul Sect has already prepared for him to recover. Strength, so this time, Lord Heishan personally led the elders and elite disciples of the Blood Soul Sect to massacre the ghost hunter disciples of the alliance branch, and cooperated with the Qi family. Now everyone in the ghost hunter alliance branch, except for the disciples of the Qi family, They are all doomed."

After the young man finished speaking, he swallowed his saliva and looked at me with lingering fear.

"No wonder, I asked why Qi Jianfeng and the others were so arrogant. The rest of the big families didn't dare to act presumptuously in the alliance branch. It turned out that there was such a big conspiracy with the support of the Blood Soul Sect. At this time, the war probably It's about to start! Nian Bai, what should we do? Do we need to rush back, or you rush back. "

I turned around and stared at Li Nianbai, he was still smiling, shook his head, and said: "If you lose, you lose. They can't beat them, and they won't run away. Don't forget, you just happen to I took advantage of this great battle to meet your father. Isn’t this an excellent opportunity? The Black Mountain devil is not here, and the elders are probably coming out in full force. Even if we really enter the Blood Soul Sect, we don’t have to be afraid. It is possible to succeed, of course, must succeed, failure is not my style of Li Nianbai."

"Are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?"

I glanced at Li Nianbai, then stared at the young man, suddenly worried, and asked, "What should he do?"

"He? Look at me, although I don't have the mother's Gu in my hand, but I have already researched the technique of the Gu, as long as he reveals our whereabouts today, he will definitely die of angina!"

After Li Nianbai finished speaking, he smiled, and stretched out his hand directly across the painting, and his white palm was printed on the young man's chest.

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