Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 177 [Escape]

"Cang Lang, help me pull out the arrow from my back! Later, if you have a chance, leave me alone and run away!"

I gritted my teeth and opened my mouth with sweat profusely. Now not only Wei Wuya, but even the ten elders of the Blood Soul Sect have appeared. Now I have been shot again, and there are so many disciples around me. If I want to escape, unless it is Of course, I'm just saying that if Cang Lang doesn't want to fight and just wants to escape, at his speed, he probably won't even be able to catch up to the tenth elder.

"Don't you humans understand the principle of fighting side by side? If I leave first, you will definitely die. Don't pull out the arrow. I won't stop the bleeding. Before we leave here, you will bleed to death."

Canglang looked suspiciously, not understanding why I asked him to leave first.

"You are so stupid. You are a monster. It is conceivable that you fall into their hands. I am different. I am a ghost hunter and the head of the Zhong family. I also master the Mingyin Pendant and the Dao pattern in the palm. They will not be so Execute me quickly, now you have confirmed that your enemy is a member of the Blood Soul Sect, but it must be a big character, and the revenge has not been avenged, so how can he die here? Well, I won't talk to you anymore, If there is a destiny, we will meet again, and I will use the thousand-mile talisman to escape, and you also take care."

I glanced at the distance, the Tenth Elder was taking out a mirror, and Wei Wuya was pointing. Although there were disciples of the Blood Soul Sect around, if they didn't leave now, when would they wait?If Canglang and I separate, they will split into two groups, and we will all have a chance to survive.

"Okay, I'll open the way!"

Cang Lang smiled coldly, staring at the distance, suddenly raised his head, his body swelled several inches, and the hair all over his body was much thicker, his eyes were green, his body bowed slightly, and he rushed forward suddenly, I also took this opportunity to take out The Thousand Mile Talisman slapped him fiercely.

These Blood Soul Sect disciples drew out their swords and stabbed towards Cang Lang. This is the first time I have seen these ordinary Blood Soul Sect disciples attack. They seem to be well-trained and their moves are deadly. But Cang Lang doesn't care so much, just Just relying on a pair of fleshy palms to resist, when the palms waved, they touched these swords, sparks sparked out, and we who were originally surrounded were forced out of a gap by him.

I couldn't care too much about it, so I went directly to the other side.

"Oops! Let them escape!"

The tenth elder put away the magic mirror in his hand, his face was very gloomy.

"In this case, then I will go after Zhong Yuan, and you stay to deal with this monster."

Wei Wuya was about to leave, but was held back by the Tenth Elder. The Tenth Elder smiled strangely at Wei Wuya, and said, "Look at him, he has cast the Thousand Miles Talisman, do you think you can catch up? I'll do it." Bar!"

After finishing speaking, the elder picked up the black curved bow, and at the same time took out a thousand-mile talisman from his bosom, slapped it on his body with a smile, and with one step of his leg, the man turned into an afterimage and chased me.

"Cunning old man!"

Wei Wuya's face was gloomy, and then he turned around and glanced at the raging waves of battle with the other disciples, striding forward, clasped his hands, and immediately turned extremely bright red.


I have already run a certain distance, and now I am at the side of the road, I stopped to see if there is a car leaving from Jiuhuang City, so that I don't have to run, just get in the car and escape, I still don't believe that their speed can catch up to the car.

What I didn't expect was that instead of waiting for the car, I saw an extremely fast figure passing towards me, followed by another sound of breaking through the air. I stepped forward and dodged it. I saw that there was an extra black feather arrow where I was standing. The arrow body was half buried in the soil, and the rest of the feathers were still trembling slightly.

"It was able to catch up with the thousand-mile talisman!"

I was slightly startled, just as I dodged the feathered arrow, the figure got a lot closer, and I could see clearly that it was the tenth elder of the Blood Soul Sect.

No, I can't be caught, listen to their tone, my cousin and the others should not have been caught, I must find them, or, maybe they have already returned to their hometown, if I was caught, the other party would definitely think Find a way to lure my cousin and uncle out, I can't drag them down.

I didn't run away along the road this time, because there is basically no shelter on the road. The opponent has a bow and arrow in his hand. I am a moving target. I can't guarantee that the arrow and arrow can be avoided. , the other party must have used some kind of secret method, the speed is about the same as mine, but this thousand-mile talisman has energy, if the energy dissipates, then this thousand-mile talisman will completely lose its effect, no matter how you input the power of hunting ghosts, it is useless It is of little use, this is also what senior Luo Duohan said before, the thousand-mile talisman is a consumable, if the energy of my thousand-mile talisman dissipates halfway, then I have to be caught obediently, because there is nowhere to hide.

Of course, I also thought that I might meet passers-by or cars on this road, but the speed of the thousand-mile talisman we cast is not slower than the speed of the car, and the opponent is the tenth elder of the Blood Soul Sect, who kills people without blinking an eye, even if there are people If you try to rescue me, you will probably be murdered.

So I decided to run into the surrounding mountains. With the cover of trees, it was a dream to want to shoot me with a bow and arrow. Moreover, the terrain in the mountains was complicated. If he was not careful, he might lose me. There was only a flash in my mind, and I quickly made a decision to run into the mountains.

"Little bastard, don't think so, I have nothing to do with you. Lord Heishan has already said that he must get rid of you, even if the suzerain protects you, but now... hehe!"

Seeing that I had disappeared into the forest, the tenth elder smiled coldly, put away his black bow, and followed closely.

I'm running for my life now, I can't control that much anymore, I'm running through the forest purely by instinct, surrounded by branches and even thorns hitting my face and body, I already feel that my own clothes have been scratched, my face There were bloodstains all over my face, and severe pain came from my body, but I couldn't handle it. There was always a cold gaze behind me, locking me tightly.

I don't know how long I ran, but suddenly my footsteps sank and my figure slowed down. I lowered my head and glanced at the thousand-mile talisman attached to my body.

"Haha, what, why didn't you run away? Oh, why didn't I run away? It turned out that the thousand-mile talisman was broken. Haha, do you want me to do it myself, or do I kill myself?"

The tenth elder stopped ten meters away from me and stared at me with a smile. He took out the black curved bow from behind again, and a little cold light bloomed on the bow. Clamping his fingers behind his back, a black arrow was pulled out, and he continued:

"It seems that you have other abilities. That's great. I'll wait for you to show it. I'd like to ask you how powerful the Zhong family's secret technique is."

I nodded, took a deep breath, and shouted, "Li Nianbai, I'm here!"

It may be that my life is threatened. I made a loud noise, and some birds resting on the branches were startled. The ten elders were obviously bluffed by my so-called ability, and some of them were not relieved. At this moment, I Having pulled out the golden bone hand, the power of hunting ghosts surged away, and then slashed at his position fiercely, shouting:


I didn't care to look at the scene behind me anymore, and continued to run forward, but the speed was much slower. The power of space had played a role, and at least the tenth elder had been stopped, and he couldn't escape for a while.

After running for a long time, I was exhausted and dizzy, the front suddenly became clear, and I ran over happily, but at the end, I was stunned.

It turned out to be a cliff here, but luckily I retracted my feet in time.

The wind on the cliff was very strong, I took a look below, there was a sea of ​​trees, and there was a faint layer of white mist, it looked like a fairyland.

I don't have the strength to run anymore, I hope the ten elders won't chase me here, I fell to the ground, gasping for breath, while recovering my strength, I am also trying to drive the source of faith to let the ghost hunter The power to recover as soon as possible, the more you recover, the more helpful it will be for me.


There was a sound of piercing the air, and a pitch-black feather arrow shot out from the distant woods, heading straight for my chest. In a hurry, I had to move away, but the shoulder was still shot by the feather arrow, and a black shadow walked away slowly. come out.

"It seems that you are in a desperate situation. I wonder why you didn't escape. What secret technique did you use just now, or what treasure did you use? Let me know, maybe I will spare your life."

Elder Ten came out, stared at me coldly, and looked around my body at the same time. He was trapped in space just now, and it took him a lot of effort to get out. Perhaps the power of this space could not be maintained and dissipated by itself, so he was able to come out.

"I want to know, come here!"

I stepped back and waved at him, as long as you come over, then I will die with you!

"Zhong Yuan, do you really think I'm a fool? Or do you think I'm too smart, how could I be so stupid? But you are quite capable, and you were allowed to escape for most of the night, and now I caught you. It’s not bad, well, since you refuse to tell me, I’d better get rid of you, so as not to have long nights and dreams, although your thing is very interested in me, but Lord Montenegro’s orders cannot be disobeyed, so, you die. "

Elder Heishan pulled back with one hand, an arrow was pulled out by him, and then hit the bowstring.

I already felt the coolness in my heart, glanced at the ten elders, made up my mind, and said with a smile:

"Even if I die, I don't want to die by your hands, nor by the hands of the Blood Soul Sect."

After finishing speaking, I turned around and faced the endless cliff behind me, leaped forward, opened my arms, and fell down at a very fast speed. For the first time, I felt flying, although my eyes, nose and mouth were filled with wind, It's hard, but I do feel it, and it's exciting.

I fell very fast. In order to alleviate the psychological fear of being smashed into meat paste, I screamed loudly. Many birds in the woods below were startled by me and flew high.

"Farewell, folks, farewell, the world!"

I closed my eyes and stopped looking down.

And just as I opened my mouth to yell, there was a scream from a big tree in the woods below, as if something had fallen on the ground, a boy in a denim suit with a sword on his back patted the dust on his body, and cursed:

"Which unscrupulous guy is quarreling with me in the middle of the night, I don't know if I'm looking for someone, huh? Why is this voice so familiar, it seems to be Zhong Yuan's voice?"

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