Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 179 [Joint Battle Elders]

In the depths of the woods, a figure stopped and walked, roughly coming towards me. I was already holding the golden bone hand and the demon sword in my hand. Li Nianbai had already helped me hide my luggage quietly. Clothes that smell of blood are left behind.

I sneaked into the water, not far from the shore, and it only took a few seconds to climb up the shore, and I could raise my head at any time to see the scene in the forest.

"Damn it, it obviously landed in this area, did it go far? Impossible, falling from such a high place, even if there is a big tree blocking it, you will be seriously injured. How could you go so far with injuries? Is this What kind of secret technique did the kid use to support his body and escape?"

The tenth elder walked slowly, with a gloomy face, looking around at the same time, and finally his eyes fell on the bank of the small river not far away, sniffed his nose, and immediately walked forward with a sneer, but just a few steps away, the surrounding people Suddenly there was a sound from the tree.


Several wooden spears flew out from the canopy of the big tree, and went straight to the tenth elder. The tenth elder's face changed slightly, and he snorted coldly. The black bow on the back was taken off, one hand was pulled back, two fingers were pinched, and a black arrow appeared in his hand, he dodged these spears from the canopy very calmly, with both hands He stared coldly at the surrounding trees.

After a while, wooden spears were inserted around him, these spears were made by Li Nianbai temporarily.


Suddenly, the arrow in his hand was aimed at the crown of a big tree. This big tree had so many branches and leaves that even if a person hid inside, he couldn't detect it. But he let go of the big tree and let go of it. The black arrow shot out through the air, and when it shot out, there was a faint trace of white air flow from the tip of the arrow, and there was a loud explosion in the air.

This arrow is very different from the two arrows he shot at me before, and its power is at least several times that of the previous one.


There was a crisp sound, and the black arrow passed through the crown of the tree and landed on a big tree next to it. Most of the body of the arrow had sunk into the tree, but there seemed to be a trace of blood on the body of the arrow.

The tenth elder grinned, but the smile froze quickly. A gust of extremely cold wind blew over, and a layer of ice began to condense on his back, which spread rapidly at a speed recognizable by the naked eye. Yuan Qing was behind him The wings fluttered non-stop, and traces of ice crystal powder spilled out from under the wings, blowing towards the ten elders along with the cold wind.

"Looking for death! Chiba Blood Palm!"

A layer of bloody flames appeared on the tenth elder's body, and the frost began to dissipate in the blood flames. The tenth elder turned around with a ferocious face, and slapped Yuan Qing fiercely with his palm. The palm was extremely bright red, as if burning red The soldering iron hit Yuan Qing directly.

"Out of body! Cut!"

Li Nianbai's cold snort came from the canopy of the tree, and then there was a loud sound through the air. A black light came straight to the back of the tenth elder. The tenth elder didn't even want to withdraw his hand, turned around and pulled out a black arrow again. On the bowstring, and then let go, a black arrow turned into a black light and shot out, hitting the ebony sword, the two collided, and immediately burst out some sparks, the black arrow snapped, and the black arrows around the ebony sword The light also scattered and fell to the ground.

I quietly crawled out of the water and took a look at the tenth elder. The tenth elder carried a quiver on his back, and there were more than ten black arrows in it.

"Sword of Subduing Demons, the second rune array is activated, and the sword of Subduing Demons is shining!"

I raised the Demon Subduing Sword and slashed at the Tenth Elder. The crescent-like Qi of the Demon Subduing Sword flew out from the sword, like a crescent moon, and slashed fiercely towards his back. The Tenth Elder felt it. Danger on the back, turned around immediately, but the light of the Fumo sword followed, and in a hurry, he slapped forward with one hand, the red light on the palm was bright, and a red palm print faintly flew out, matching the The Fumo sword slashed together and exploded like fireworks.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I tapped my toes, used the Seven Star Step, and fought out with the sword.

Yuan Qing was slapped away by that palm, flapping her wings feebly, and finally landed on my shoulder.

It's too scary that so many serial ambushes have left the ten elders unscathed.

Li Nianbai jumped down from the tree, stretched out his hand to grab the ebony sword, the ebony sword bounced a few times on the ground, returned to his hand, and joined the battle group at the same time.

However, his arm was scratched by the previous black arrow, and a lot of blood flowed out.

"Okay, so there are helpers, but you two little dolls want to deal with me, hmph, it's too overwhelming."

The ten elders calmly resisted the demon-subduing sword in my hand, but after Li Nianbai joined, his pressure suddenly doubled. Li Nianbai's swordsmanship is very good, and every stroke contains sword light, although the swordsmanship is very good , but after using it for a long time, you can see its jerkyness.

Qianye Blood Palm is indeed a powerful secret method of the Blood Soul Sect, it is extremely hot, like a heat wave sweeping towards us.

"Zhong Yuan, push away, look at me!"

Li Nianbai tipped his toes and slid back. When I heard his words, I immediately moved away. Li Nianbai gritted his teeth and threw the ebony sword in the air. It seems that this step is somewhat similar to my seven-star step, and the ebony sword in the air seems to match his step, swipe non-stop, the speed is getting faster and faster, and finally five groups of faint lights flashed.

"The universe of all things, the soul of the seven stars, the thunder of the stars, are for my use, as urgent as a law!"

The Jue in Li Nianbai's hand suddenly stopped, his five fingers were slightly bent, his palm was facing upwards, and as soon as the incantation sounded, he slammed down hard on the ten elders.

At this time, the seven bright lights in the sky suddenly flashed, a layer of starlight poured down, covering the ten elders, and then clusters of star clusters that were as big as fists and shone with tears fell from above.

The tenth elder was also obviously stunned. He moved and felt that his steps had become very slow. He drew out the arrow, stared at the seven clusters of stars in the sky, pulled the bowstring, and the black arrow shot out.


Before the seven clusters of starlight fell, they were pierced by the black arrow, blasting clusters of starlight in the air, and the ebony sword returned to its original shape and fell to the ground.

Although the seven-star formation was broken, the star god thunder still fell, and he hid in a panic, his shoulders and back were injured by the god thunder, and his face was scorched black.

"Oops, Grandpa Wuchang... No, Brother Wuchang's unique secret technique has not been cultivated well, so Starlight can't completely fix this guy, and my star god thunder is too weak, not even one-thousandth of his power."

Li Nianbai's expression was not very good, most of his mana was consumed, and there was a look of remorse on his face.

There are many strong people in the Demon Catch Sect, and even his mother and grandfather are also powerful people with unfathomable strength, but he is so ambitious and has learned too many things, too complicated, so he is not proficient in these things, but only understands a little It's just fur.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the ten elders, staring at Li Nianbai, stepped on the ground with his toes, jumped up, his whole body was once again covered by a layer of black blood flames, like a huge firebird hovering down from the sky, When it was about to fall, the tenth elder suddenly raised his right hand, which was completely covered by a layer of flames, emitting an astonishingly high temperature. This Qianye Blood Palm has reached such a level.

I gritted my teeth, speeded up and ran towards the ten elders, Li Nianbai was already in danger, he had saved me with the sword control technique before, it must have consumed a lot of mana, and now he drove the ebony sword to kill the ten elders across the air , and using this star secret technique again, the mana in my body is probably going to be exhausted, so I rushed towards the tenth elder at the fastest speed.

Facing the tenth elder's ferocious palm, Li Nianbai seemed unable to move, as if shocked by the tenth elder's astonishing momentum, he gritted his teeth, snorted, and muttered:

"Ksitigarbha's golden body, protect my real body, the golden body is indestructible, Grandpa Qingming, borrow the law!"

As soon as the incantation sounded, the ten elders pressed the palms of the bright red flames on Li Nianbai's chest, suddenly a sutra overflowed and collapsed suddenly, a golden film of light suddenly formed around Li Nianbai's body, protecting him tightly, The tenth elder snorted, his palms numb slightly, he felt a tingling pain in his palms, a powerful counter-shock force actually shook him away, he stepped back a few steps, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, he looked shocked With Li Nianbai.

"It's so amazing that you force out everything the elders bestowed on me one after another!"

Li Nianbai gritted his teeth, the golden light turned into a sutra once again and sank into his chest.

Qingming, Grandpa Qingming borrowed the law?Could it be the ancestor?Huh?No, why is Patriarch a grandfather?Grandpa borrowed the law?Grandpa can borrow the law?How powerful should it be, is it a god or a fairy?

By the way, Li Nianbai is a person from another dimension, these, or what they have in that dimension.

Although I was a little confused, but at this time I was already close to the tenth elder, and the sharp sword light pierced out. I have already decided that it is time to open the third rune formation above the demon sword. My last ghost hunting All the power poured into the Demon Subduing Sword, and he let out a soft drink:

"Sword of Subduing Demons, the third rune formation is activated, the Sword of Slaughter!"

The originally silver-white sword light suddenly turned bright red, exuding a strong bloody aura. I stabbed out with a fierce sword, as if everything in my body had been sucked away, and all the strength in my body dissipated. I couldn't support it. fell to the ground.

This bloody sword energy seemed to turn into a pale blood-colored dragon in the air, fiercely passed through the back of the ten elders, and came out through the body. The blood-colored dragon rushed a long way, and even hit a big tree directly. It was broken directly, and then it slowly dissipated.

"Is it finally over!"

Seeing the ten elders suddenly kneel down, I muttered to myself, Li Nianbai staggered towards me and helped me up, with a look of panic on his small face.

"It's not over yet. The Tenth Elder is still alive. He's really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. He's still alive!"

Seeing that the tenth elder suddenly raised his head again, he stood up slowly.

But this time it was different from before, his whole body turned blood red, and even his figure became blurred. Seeing this appearance, Li Nianbai and I looked at each other, and exclaimed in unison:

"Blood Guard!"

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