Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 224 [Shui'er Talks]

"There are many rooms, they can choose at will, Zhong Yuan, you can live in this one."

Luo Shui'er took me to one of the rooms, glanced at the things in the room, and said with satisfaction.

The room I was standing in was simple in design, but there were many fur decorations, and the inside was very clean, as if it had been cleaned in advance. After I put my luggage away, I found that Luo Shui'er had been in the room. and did not leave.

"Zhong Yuan, I want to talk to you about one thing. I know that you are here mainly to deliver letters, and then to ask Senior Lan for help... Actually, I have already used divination techniques, but I didn't expect that you would It came so fast."

When Luo Shui'er said this, she looked a little embarrassed, found a seat and sat down, looking at me with a smile on her face.

I was stunned for a moment, looking at her face, between the brows, she seemed to know each other, although I had met Luo Shui'er a few times before, but seeing her today, I felt very different, I sat down opposite her, thought for a while, Opened the mouth and said:

"Shui'er, do you want us to stay and protect the Hanxue tree? I said this from the beginning, we will help you overcome difficulties together. After all, I have also eaten Hanxue fruit before, so it is only natural to help now. Yes, so you don't have to worry at all, besides, we are already good friends, if a friend is in trouble, we should help him with all our strength, don't you?"

"Well, I know this, and there is one more important thing, which is about the kingdom of the dead. This time, the eminent monk from Kuzhu Temple took action. I think that even if we can't completely destroy the kingdom of the dead, it is still possible to injure them severely. It's just that I'm not sure if they will join forces with us. As for the complete elimination, we will find a way later. There are already many undeads active in the area around the ice town, and they have even started to attack the town frequently. Some ghost hunters in the ice city Zeng Jin was also hired to drive them away, but the effect was not great, and for some unknown reason, many ghost hunters disappeared."

Speaking of this, Luo Shui'er's eyes showed a trace of doubt, because these undead that appeared on the edge of the town are some of the lowest level of undead. Normally, ghost hunters who accept the task can handle it, but they disappeared strangely .

"These disappeared ghost hunters may have been taken away by ice corpses."

I thought of the scene I personally experienced, combined with the legend that Huiyang told us, and I spoke immediately.

Luo Shui'er glanced at me in surprise, parted her cherry lips slightly, and said, "Legend? I've been in the Snowy Plains for so long and I haven't heard of such a legend. I also know about ice corpses, but they don't seem to be It belongs to the kingdom of the dead, and these ice corpses are not simply transformed by living people. I heard that there are also ice corpses that inherit blood. Memory, the abilities of these ancient ice corpses are on par with our Snow Mountain Girl."

"There is such a legend recorded in the secret book of the Kuzhu Temple. Although the legend is not credible, I have to believe it when it appears in the Kuzhu Temple. After all, the Kuzhu Temple is a big temple. By the way, these ice corpses and those from the King's Kingdom What is the relationship between the undead? Is it hostile? If so, why not unite these ice corpses to deal with the undead in the kingdom of kings."

I smiled and said.

"Although the ice corpse group has always had its own domain, they have always been inseparable from our ghost hunters and the kingdom of the undead. They only attack us when they encounter them occasionally. However, they generally do not attack us intentionally, but they must join hands. , probably impossible."

Luo Shui'er thought for a while, and then spoke slowly.

"Of course I won't deliberately attack you. After all, you are the descendants of the Ice God, and they are the descendants of Teng. Although there was a conflict in the end, it will not be a life-and-death struggle. Do you know where this ice corpse clan is? , although these ordinary ice corpses are ferocious, there are still ancient ice corpses. With the command of this ancient ice corpse, these ordinary ice corpses dare not act recklessly. When the Hanxue fruit is harvested, we will go to the ice corpse How about having a talk with their patriarch? If we can’t agree, I’m free to find another way.”

I smiled mysteriously at Luo Shui'er.

These ancient ice corpses are naturally descendants passed down from generation to generation, not ice corpses transformed by humans.

"Brother Zhong Yuan, don't forget that when we ran for our lives, those ice corpses were with the undead. I'm afraid they have united, otherwise they wouldn't have developed so fast."

The door was pushed open at some point, and little monk Huiyang stood at the door, listening for an unknown how long.

"Is this really the case? If this is the case, our situation will be very bad. It is not only these ghost hunters who should covet Hanxueguo, but also these undead and ice corpses. If they all come to snatch them, I think we are Can't resist."

Luo Shui'er's face turned slightly pale, and she opened her mouth with slightly parted red lips.

"I don't think so. Instead, these undead are afraid of these ice corpses. Didn't you realize that when we escaped from the ghost fog, those undead disappeared for a while? What was the reason? During this period, only ice corpses appeared, not Undead, the last thing you said was the process of our escape, Huiyang, if a ghost hunter who was about to get his hands ran away, wouldn't you go after us? The reason why he and the others came together to chase us was because they didn't want us to escape, Undead It wants to suck away our energy, and if the ice corpse...hehe, it can also confirm your legend."

I smiled and looked at Huiyang, who seemed to understand but half understood. Huiyang pursed his mouth and said: "I will not have prey, people in Buddhism, taboo to kill, although our Kuzhu Temple is very different from other temples."

"By the way, when you were thrown from the ice cart and knocked unconscious, those evil spirits have completely surrounded you. When I found you, you were shrouded in a golden light. If you guessed right, it should be a big day." Let’s get the scriptures of subduing demons, brother Zhong Yuan treats you well, come here.”

He waved at Huiyang, and he walked over obediently.

"Well, yes, people who have practiced the Great Sun Fumo Sutra, even if they fall into a coma, as long as there are evil spirits invading, the Buddha's light will automatically protect the body."

Huiyang looked at me innocently.

"This... this Da Ri Fu Mo Zhen Sutra is the Buddhist technique of your Kuzhu Temple, can it be taught to outsiders, or is there any requirement to practice?"

I looked at Huiyang very seriously. If I practice this Buddhist technique, it will definitely be like a tiger with wings added to me.

"The simplest requirement for practicing this kind of Buddhist technique is to keep the body of a child for the rest of your life, and you must not be contaminated by meat, and you must do good deeds to accumulate virtue. The master has never mentioned whether outsiders can practice. If Brother Zhong Yuan wants to learn, I can teach it to you, of course, in addition to this requirement, you must have a very deep root of wisdom, otherwise you will not be able to comprehend it, the master said that I am talented, I am not boasting."

Huiyang walked up to me, sat on his lap very familiarly, pinched my cheek and spoke.

"Okay, I don't count on this Buddhist practice anymore, just pretend I didn't say it, this time we have to help Sister Luo and the others, you will help, because Sister Luo and the others' enemy is the kingdom of the dead, your senior brother now estimates It is also in the kingdom of the dead."

"Even if Brother Zhong Yuan doesn't say anything, I will help them. Our Kuzhu Temple mainly accumulates merit, because merit is beneficial to our practice. Eliminate these undead and prevent them from harming others. This is accumulating virtue. .”

Huiyang said with a smile.

"With your help, it will be much better. Alright, Zhong Yuan, I'm leaving. Xiaoyin is about to cultivate into a human form. I'm afraid that something will happen at this juncture."

Luo Shui'er stood up, planning to leave here.

"Cultivate human form? How many years has Xiaoyin cultivated? Also, I can hardly feel his evil spirit."

I spoke in a little surprise.

"He has only cultivated for 200 years. It is so easy because he ate the cold snow fruit, but he also has to go through the thunder disaster. If he can't get through it, then..."

Luo Shui'er sighed, feeling unhappy.

"I know a wolf demon who has practiced for 180 years and is still far away from transforming into a human form. However, he has already lost his human body and started a new practice. Little Silver is so lucky to have the opportunity to use his own body to transform into a human form. If he succeeds , how powerful it must be, and let the two of them get to know each other in the future."

I nodded and opened my mouth with a slight smile. I was just talking casually at first, but Luo Shui'er opened her beautiful eyes wide and asked curiously:

"Is that true? That's great. Little Silver has always looked down on the ice wolf in the Snowy Plains. I have also looked for many spouses for her before, but she is not satisfactory. You will really help me in the future. I'm not joking, my little Yin is still a big girl."

"Okay, I will."

I smiled and stared at Luo Shui'er, then watched Luo Shui'er leave.

Little monk Huiyang was playing in my room, while I was practicing ghost hunting with my eyes closed.

I don't know why, but since I was in a coma, I have been cultivating the power of hunting ghosts faster and faster, and the source of faith has also become stronger and stronger. If it wasn't for fear of my current body, my current spirit of hunting ghosts would be more powerful. The power is enough to cast the Dao pattern in the palm twice.

Huiyang was tired from playing, and fell asleep on the bed.

The sun set here before five o'clock. I stood up and moved my body, and suddenly a wolf roar came from afar.

It was Xiaoyin's roar, Huiyang sat up from the boat at once, stared at me and said: "Brother Zhong Yuan, you shouldn't start now."

Just as I was about to answer the call, Jiang He hurriedly pushed the door open and said loudly: "It's no good, someone has already set foot on the lake of ice and fire, and came to the side of the trail, and now Luo Yue'er is fighting."

Little monk Huiyang jumped off the bed, grabbed me and ran outside.

Grandma Lan and Luo Duohan are on the lawn, there is a stone table there, and they are actually playing Go.

"Little Silver has issued a warning, the two seniors still have the leisure to play chess here?"

I stood beside the two of them and asked puzzledly.

"What's the fuss, isn't there your younger generation, do you want us two old guys to make a move?"

Senior Luo Duohan cast a glance at me, then spoke lightly.

"Yes, Zhong Yuan, now that you are here, we two old bones have to breathe a sigh of relief, let's go, Zhong Li has already rushed over."

Grandma Lan held a sunspot in her hand and smiled slightly.

"Jiang He, you stay here with the two old people, Huiyang and I will go and have a look."

While running, Grandma Lan's laughter and Luo Duohan's scolding came from behind. It seemed that he had lost the game, but when did the relationship between the two seniors become so good?Hasn't it always been rivalry before?

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