Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 230 [Teng Qing]

Except for the effect of the evil talisman on the wall behind me, the evil talisman on the other walls did not respond at all.

However, this secret room has existed for too long, causing the chiseled runes on the wall to lose their energy. I am a little worried, why is the whole secret room filled with such evil-suppressing talismans?And the surface of the coffin is also engraved with similar runes. Can the dozens of runes I activated have an effect on this evil thing?


The ice layer shattered, and a cyan figure sat up, his whole body was enveloped by a layer of soft cyan light, but as soon as he sat up, the sixteen evil-suppressing talismans rushed towards his body frantically, I didn't see the evil thing resisting, but the evil talisman kept sinking into his body, and he didn't resist.

"Since you let me out, why do you still use such low-level runes to attack me? You should know that these have no effect on me at all."

A slightly hoarse voice came, which seemed very dull, and even a little inarticulate, but I managed to hear it clearly.

The other party is a man, and he is very familiar with the person who sealed him.

More importantly, these evil spirit talismans didn't work on him at all, no, even if they didn't work, why did they have to engrave so many?Is it not to prevent this sealed evil thing from coming out, but to have another purpose?

The energy contained in these evil spirit talismans behind me gradually dissipated, and the cyan figure sitting in the ice coffin suddenly stood up, before he had time to see his face clearly, he tiptoed and stepped across the pool, Suddenly, my neck tightened, and his cold voice came out:

"You're not Yuan'er, who are you?"

The man opposite was very tall, far different from ordinary people, his whole body was covered by a layer of blue light, and the blue light covered his face.

I was strangled and couldn't speak at all, but luckily I was able to move my hands.

"The Dao pattern in the palm transforms the universe, with my order, all the evil spirits will retreat!"

The power of hunting ghosts poured into the palm of my hand, I felt my palm was cut several times by the knife, and the blood spattered out, but the five golden Dao patterns combined together turned into a golden rune printed on the blue light all over the body. Winding around the man.

Because he was carrying me, my palm directly passed through the hazy blue light on his face and printed on his forehead.

He let out a cry of pain, let go of my hand, and his whole body was blown away by the power of the Dao pattern in his palm, and fell into the pool of water behind him, splashing a large amount of water.

I fell to the ground, gasping for breath. Although it seemed to be a light pinch just now, I felt that I had used a lot of strength. He didn't even really see me clearly, so how could he know that I wasn't him? The person in the mouth?

Shaking my head, I got up and started to find my way. I don't want to die here.

I lowered my head and glanced at my palm, the five marks were split open, I grinned in pain, and clenched my fist, hoping to stop the blood.


The sound of water splashes sounded again, and I instinctively stepped back. The blue figure came out of the pool, and the blue light all over his body had disappeared. With a slight shake of his body, his wet body suddenly became dry and refreshed. At this time, I saw the true face of this evil thing clearly.

He is tall and tall, wearing a blue robe all over his body. His facial features are like sculptures, very three-dimensional, especially the tall nose, deep eye sockets, long hair and shawl, but the hair on his ears has been tied into two The little braid, and then the little braid was pulled back and tied into a knot. There was a faint golden talisman on his forehead, which was flashing. I took a closer look, and this talisman was exactly the one I attacked him with. runes.

"If you come here again, don't blame me for being rude. You also know very well that I let you go. How can you treat your own savior like this?"

Holding the demon-subduing sword in my hand, I pointed at this man, and spoke with a trembling voice.

He stared at me, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at me in surprise, then fell on my tightly clenched fist, and took a step forward. He didn't stop until I issued this warning.

"You... are you?"

The man's eyes were fiery, and his face showed the color of memory, but the more he recalled, the more painful he was. Finally, he covered his head with his hands and knelt down.

"I'm Zhong Yuan, who are you? Why are you in this place? Is it someone from the Luo family who locked you up here?"

I opened my mouth and asked, there didn't seem to be any evil in this person, and he didn't look like that kind of heinous devil. Except that he was slightly taller than us, there was nothing weird about him, but just now I attacked him with five lines It's strange that he seems to be fine, as soon as the five dao patterns come out, not to mention demons, even normal people will be smashed by my palm lines, because the power condensed by the dao lines is very powerful, Otherwise, my body would not be able to bear it and split.

"Zhong Yuan? Are you Zhong Yuan? Aren't you... the Luo family?"

The man looked at me a little strangely, he let go of his hands, stood up slowly, and walked towards me slowly.

"You'd better not come near me, otherwise, I won't be rude."

I feel that my hand holding the Demon Demon Sword has started to tremble. This person is of unknown origin, sealed in an ice coffin, and he is still safe after being hit by me. Even the King of Giant Mouth will be seriously injured by my palm , which means that this person is stronger than the giant mouth king.

"I... I'm Teng... Teng... Teng Qing, you really don't know me? Why do I feel that you are so familiar, and I can't remember the Dao pattern just now."

He stopped, staring at me with slightly blue eyes, his expression was serious and painful.

"Teng... Teng Qing?!"

I looked at him with my mouth wide open, and then took a closer look at the surrounding environment, and I was suddenly puzzled.

Huiyang said a legend before that the ancestor of the Ice Corpse Clan was named Teng, but later he sealed himself under the ice abyss and waited for his master to come. Could it be Teng?But this is not a vast ice abyss, and it doesn't seem to be sealed by itself.

"I only remember that my name is Teng Qing. I have been in the ice coffin for many years. Every time I wake up, I sleep at the bottom of the pool. After repeating this, my memory is blurred. Do you know me? What is this place? Are you Yuan'er's descendant?"

Teng Qing shook his head and said.

"Yuer? Who is Yuaner?"

I asked again.

"Yuan'er is the person who sealed me. His real name is Luo Yuan'er. It seems that you are not Yuan'er's descendant. Then how did you get in?"

Teng Qing looked at me strangely, his eyes were full of doubts, he still walked towards me, I put away the demon sword, the opponent's mood has stabilized, and he should not attack me at will.

"Sure enough, it's from the Luo family. Luo Yuaner, I don't know who it is, but I know the descendants of the Luo family. You can leave here with me and find out what you want to know, but you have to make sure you won't hurt the Luo family. Descendants."

I smiled slightly and said, if my cousin and the others know that I have brought such a powerful combat force, they will definitely be very excited.

"Of course not. I was sealed here voluntarily. The method you used just now is very familiar. It's impossible. You can't be him. Otherwise, how could you be so weak?"

Teng Qing walked up to me, and suddenly grabbed my hand. I was still clenching my fist, and then let go, and the palm of my hand was stained with blood.

"Aside from me, is there anyone else who can use the dao pattern in the palm? Impossible, why have I never seen it before? I am weak now, but it does not mean that I will not be strong in the future. Can you let me go?" I'm afraid my hand will be broken by you!"

Beads of sweat were already dripping from my forehead, he just pinched my wrist lightly, and I immediately felt caught by a steel clamp, as long as he moved, my whole arm would be broken.

"Sorry for hurting you."

Teng Qing looked a little numb, and then quickly let go of my hand, and then began to look at the surrounding environment, and finally sat on the stone bed without moving.

After a long time, water bubbles suddenly appeared in the pool, and my heart tightened. Could it be that besides Teng Qing, there are other people sealed at the bottom of the pool?

There was a sound of water, and a head popped out, but it quickly sank again.


I was slightly startled, and just as I stood up and walked a few steps, the wound on my body opened again.

"Then... that... Teng Qing, can you do me a favor, help me fish a person out of this pool."

I glanced at Teng Qing who was in a daze, and asked for help, although I wasn't sure if he would help me.

"Cousin? What is cousin? Who is he?"

Teng Qing walked up to me and asked curiously.

"Don't ask me so much, he is my relative, the person who has blood with me, the wound on my body has opened again, you help me save people."

I spoke anxiously, is Teng Qing out of his mind?

He nodded, walked to the shore, swept his eyes into the pool, then jumped down, and disappeared soon.

After a while, the water splashed, and the whole body of my cousin was lifted up by Teng Qing, and then he put it on the bank. My cousin was soaked through, and there was a big hole in his back, which had begun to rot because he was soaked in water.

"Cousin, wake up, wake up!"

I helped my cousin up and patted his pale cheeks. My cousin blinked a few times and opened his eyes. He was extremely weak.

"Why are you here? Could it be that you were defeated in the battle with the Giant Nose King?"

Seeing him wake up, I breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he wakes up, things will be much easier to handle, and I can also understand where he is uncomfortable besides the injury on his back.

"We have successfully wiped out the Giant Nose King. Both Luo Yue'er and I were injured, but mine was a skin trauma. Jiang He will heal me and I'll be fine. I came here just to look for you. Now you It's fine, who is this person? Ghost hunter?"

The cousin frowned, stared at Teng Qing, and spoke.

"I'm Teng Qing. I've been sealed here for many years. Can you take me out to meet people from the Luo family? I want to see if Yuan'er is still there. She would come to accompany me before, but many years have passed. She never came again, I want to go out to find out about the situation, maybe it will help me restore my memory a lot."

Teng Qing looked at us with a blank expression. Although the whole person looked natural, there was a weirdness everywhere.

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