Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 266 [Promise True Magic Art]

"Oh? If that's the case, let's go into the room and talk."

I pursed my lips and went to my father's room with ease, only to hear a sigh from behind, followed by the sound of footsteps.

This room has not been lived in for a long time, but when Jiang He came back, Tang Shu had already cleaned it thoroughly, I found a chair and sat down, and then a gust of fragrant wind blew past my face, Zi Luo sat by the bed, Looking at me with a smile, my father closed the door, then took out a yellow talisman from his pocket, and said in a low voice: "Forbidden!"

I felt a faint energy fluctuation emanating from the yellow talisman, and with this fluctuation, it spread throughout the room.

"What is this for?"

I glanced at my father who turned around, and I didn't understand why he sealed the room with a talisman. Is there any important information that can't be leaked out?

"Of course it is confidential, because the next thing cannot be known to others, especially not to Montenegro."

Zi Luo smiled slightly, her eyes were warm, and there seemed to be such a hint of kindness.

"Wei Qiang, help me take out my box. I have something to hand over to Yuan Er. That kid Li Nianbai is not very reliable. For Yuan Er's safety, some things have to be handed over to him in advance."

Zi Luo stood up, pointed to the big wardrobe next to her, and opened her mouth softly. Her father walked over, pulled out a red suitcase from it, and dragged it to us. Zi Luo took a deep breath and squatted down. Come down, twisting the password skillfully.


With a soft sound, she slowly opened it. There were a lot of things inside, but they were all bottles and jars, and there were even some illegible books. She took out a sandalwood box from it. The box was not very big. A palm can hold it. There is a yellow talisman attached to the box. Zi Luo carefully uncovered the yellow talisman. Seeing her being so careful, I approached her a little closer. After she peeled off the yellow talisman, I opened the box. There are five beads that are a bit bigger than marbles inside, but these beads are purple, and there seems to be mist spreading inside, and there are cracks of different sizes on the surface of the beads. I was about to reach out and take one out to have a look. But the box was covered.

Seeing my displeasure, Zi Luo smiled slightly and said, "Yuan'er, these are not fun things, they are things to save your life, they can only be used at critical moments, and they must be sealed with yellow talismans at ordinary times, so as not to be damaged by collisions." When an explosion occurs, if you carry it on your body and the power inside leaks out, then...so, you must listen to me, and you must not use it unless it is absolutely necessary, and don't uncover the yellow talisman at will."

"What kind of treasure is it? Just now I saw the purple mist rolling in the bead, which seems to be somewhat similar to your Promise True Demon Art."

I thought for a while and asked.

She nodded appreciatively, and continued: "Yes, these are Wuji Yin Thunder Beads, which are extremely powerful. Even people of my level will destroy their bodies and souls if they touch them. It is refined from the Wuji True Demon Qi, and it is handed over to you now. If you encounter a powerful enemy, you can sacrifice the Wuji Yin Thunder Orb, and then run for your own life. Even if these Yin Thunder Orbs are touched by the Black Mountain Demon, It hurts a lot."

"Oh, is there any other good baby."

I glanced at the box and grinned. I didn't expect her to be quite wealthy. There are so many treasures. It's so scary to take out any of them. Seeing this bead, I think it should be a one-time consumable. It is extremely powerful. It's a pity that if you use one, you will lose one. Zi Luo is at least at the level of Grandma Lan, and she may be even stronger, especially her Wuji True Demon Art. I think Wei Xiaoqing has used this magic art before. Gu Anan, who is a zombie, is no match for the real magic skills.

"Little Yuan!"

My father's voice was a little dull, and he gave me a glare.

"Don't blame the child. Originally, I planned to leave these things to him, but there are some things he can't master. Yuan'er, are you interested in learning Wuji True Demon Art?"

Zi Luo handed me the box and continued to speak.

I was slightly taken aback, but the father next to me shook his head repeatedly and said: "Luo Er, why are you... this is a magic skill, we are ghost hunters!"

Zi Luo pouted, and snorted coldly: "What's wrong with ghost hunters? Ghost hunters are not human? There are no evil skills in the world, and it depends on the person. Could it be that there are no scum in ghost hunters?" Furthermore, the more Dao lines in Yuan'er's palm increase, the greater the damage to the body. Although he has the body of fire virtue, where do you find the power of fire for him? Also, Wuji really The magic art has branches, one is to cultivate the secret method, and the other is to temper the body, so that the son's life will be more secure. No matter what the price is, I will try it. Law needs to care?"

Hearing her words, my face was a little hot, and I even felt a little guilty. From the first time I saw her, I wanted to kill her, and I didn't want to talk to her when I met her afterwards, but her attitude was always the same. Is this maternal love? , have no choice, unconditionally to support their children.

"Luo Er, I will find a way to find more power of Huo Yuan, but if Xiao Yuan cultivates magic skills, I am afraid that the Ghost Hunters Alliance will not let him go easily."

My father pursed his lips and frowned slightly. He didn't know what he was thinking of. The expression he stared at Zi Luo changed and became surprisingly gentle, but he still expressed the worry in his heart, although he didn't mind my learning. What, but the ghost hunter alliance will not let it go, even if some ghost hunter families adopt ghosts, they will be reprimanded by the alliance and even eliminate the ghosts by hand.

I glanced at the two of them, and thought to myself, is it because of this reason that the Ghost Hunter Alliance will make things difficult for Ziluo?Will the ghost hunter be like a big enemy to the Blood Soul Sect?

The corners of Zi Luo's mouth curled up slightly, and he snorted coldly: "You'd better stop mentioning the Ghost Hunters Alliance in front of me. Thinking back then, when the Blood Soul Sect was led by me, which one didn't stick to their duty? Didn't it destroy them? benefit? This is why we used the excuse of magic skills to kill our disciples of the Blood Soul Sect, and now it is as they wished. Most of the disciples in the headquarters of the Blood Soul Sect have been cursed by Black Mountain and have become fierce and cruel. They are very happy, I want to see how long they are happy! You don't have to persuade me, if there are really members of the Ghost Hunter Alliance chasing and killing Yuan'er, I will definitely gather the members of the Blood Soul Sect again, Turn him upside down!"

After saying this, there was a hint of arrogance faintly on Zi Luo's body.

"Well, I saw Xiaoqing perform the Promise True Demon Art. It is indeed very powerful. She can even fight against green-eyed zombies. If I guessed correctly, she should be practicing the real devil art that tempers the body. .”

What Zi Luo said is very correct. Although I am now a body of fire virtue and know how to control fire, I can absorb the power of fire essence, but how can there be any power of fire essence in this kind of place?Moreover, although the power of the fire element in the Vulcan ring is rich, it will be exhausted one day and must be supplemented, but the Wuji True Demon Art is different. It only needs the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to practice, and you can strengthen your own. physical body.

"You guessed right, but Xiaoqing is practicing secret art and tempering the body together. If the two branches practice together, the progress will naturally be slow, but the power is very powerful. If it weren't for this girl's extraordinary aptitude, I would I won’t agree, but with you, there is no need to practice secret arts, and you can directly practice the techniques of tempering the body, which is true magic.”

Zi Luo walked up to me, squeezed my bones, and said.

I nodded, only a little worried, in such a short time, can it be successful, and this is the supreme skill of the devil, I only have the power to hunt ghosts, and I don't have devil energy, so how can I cultivate?

Seemingly aware of my worries, Zi Luo walked over, smiled gently and said:

"Don't worry, I know you are worried about cultivation. It is true that it will not happen overnight to cultivate the magic energy. The exercises of each branch of this chain must also be supplemented by magic energy. Let me not talk about this, let me tell you first. Let’s talk about the truth about magic. True magic is the practice of Wuji True Demon Kungfu to temper the body. The first step is the magic body. Don’t be afraid. Condensing the magic source in the center is very similar to the source of belief of the ghost hunter. It can generate magic energy and provide the practice of true magic skills. The body of fire virtue is even more powerful. The third layer of true demon shadow can strengthen your physical body, and your aura can suppress the enemy. You should be very clear that as long as the opponent's aura is weak, you will have a good chance to defeat the enemy. This Shadow of True Demon is to restrain the enemy and exude a huge aura to overwhelm the enemy. The fourth level of True Demon's Bone can be regarded as reborn, which can make your whole body's muscles and bones change and become stronger. The fifth level Tongmo, Tongmo, as the name suggests, is to control demons lower than your realm, for your use, and even use magic energy to create puppets similar to demon guards and blood guards. It really is to condense one's own true devil's energy to forge one's own true devil's appearance, as long as the condensing is successful, then the seventh layer will be the true devil's appearance."

"So that's the case. Although I don't know what kind of magic power Black Mountain is practicing, but he can create the Black Devil Guard, that's no small matter. What is the seventh level of the real devil's appearance? What's the use?"

Thinking of so many identical black magic guards that appeared when Hei Shan used the black wind demon formation before, his scalp exploded. These black magic guards can also be regarded as demon heads, but they don't feel pain at all, and they will only obey their masters to the death The command.

"The image of a true devil is not formed by every devil. Most of them are ordinary golems. In fact, the image of a true devil is also different from person to person. The more talented the person The more powerful the condensed golem is, the golem is formed by the condensed magic energy, which is connected with the body, can communicate the aura between heaven and earth to deal with the enemy, and can also bless one's own body, making oneself like an ancient demon god , but the sequelae are still quite large.”

Zi Luo didn't hide anything, and told me everything she knew.

My father listened to it, just sighed again and again, but didn't dare to really stop it.

After listening to the narration, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. I already had a general understanding of this Wuji True Demon Art in my heart. The two branches of the art are similar and complement each other. When Wei Xiaoqing was fighting Gu An'an before, a The phantom that came out should be the shadow of the third-level true demon, and the purple flame that emerged from his body should be the infinite purple flame.

"Generally, how long does it take for a person to cultivate the first level of magic source?"

I asked in a deep voice.

Zi Luo rolled her eyes, and said slowly: "I have seen Xiaoqing, the most talented disciple, spend fifteen days in the first level of cultivation, while Wei Wuya took three full months to barely condense the magic power. source."

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