Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 283 [Yellow Eyed Corpse]

These tombs are of different sizes, piled up in a disorderly manner, and weeds are growing everywhere, and some of the weeds on the tombs have even completely covered up the tombs. Bing didn't set up a tombstone. It seems that Li Nianbai didn't add anything to what he said. This is a mass grave. It is a good treatment to bury people in the soil and pile up graves. How could there be a tombstone?

However, some graves have been completely cracked, revealing the dark coffins inside. In addition, some coffins have been opened, and the inside is full of bones. In such places, only those wild dogs will dig the coffins. Come out and eat the carrion inside.

At this moment, there was a whining dog barking not far away, as if something was stuck in his throat.


The sound of bones breaking suddenly came, and several of us looked to the far left at the same time. There were relatively few graves there, and there were no weeds. Among them was a man in gray linen with his back facing I, my body kept shaking, very weird!

"Strange, why are there still people here? We are already in the depths of the Mijiang Mountains, and there are many wild animals here. Even if there are hunters, they dare not come in rashly."

Jiang He said strangely, as if talking to himself, but he didn't dare to rush forward.

"This is definitely not a living person! Look at the difference between the barren grave over there and the surrounding ones."

I opened my mouth in a deep voice, the uneasiness in my heart has not dissipated for a long time, I think this uneasiness should be the man in gray in the distance, he gave me a familiar aura, this aura is corpse!I've smelled it on Gu An'an!

The sound of chewing came over unhurriedly, as if tasting some delicious food, the sound was amplified infinitely, filling my ears, and the barking sound of the dog disappeared. Could this person be eating the dog?

The reason why I asked them to observe this barren tomb by themselves is because it is indeed a bit unusual. This barren tomb does not grow a blade of grass, and the soil is black, which reminds me of a land of evil spirits. The canopy of the tree covered it, so it was difficult to think of a zombie. This gray-clothed man was probably a zombie.

I had already pulled out the Demon Demon Sword and was ready to fight. At this time, the man in gray grabbed something in his hand and threw it behind him suddenly. I was about to be hit, and after dodging, a strong smell of blood entered my nose.

Slap!The dust splashed, and my face seemed to be covered with something sticky. When I reached out to touch it, it turned out to be blood. When I looked at the thing that was thrown, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

This must be a dog corpse, but it has been disembowelled, the internal organs inside have flowed out, and the dog's head is gone.

"Little ancestor, step back, he is a zombie! You must ensure your own safety. If I am no match for you, you go away immediately! Even if I am a self-destructing golden core, I will support him!"

Yan Mingzi decisively unpacked himself, took out a talisman with one hand, and held the Peach God Sword in the other hand, leaping forward, his toes hovering a foot above the ground, like a big bird He rushed towards the gray-clothed man.

The man in gray stood up and turned around. His facial features were fairly straight, his mouth was full of blood, but his eyeballs were yellowish green, and his face was full of ferocity. Black corpse aura emerged from his whole body, with one mouth and two sharp fangs. The teeth appeared, and besides that, he was holding a dog's head in his hand. Seeing Yan Mingzi rushing towards him, he threw the dog's head vigorously, and went straight to Yan Mingzi.

Yan Mingzi tiptoed on a pile of barren graves, swung the peach sword in his hand vigorously, a cyan sword light gushed out from the sword, and directly chopped the dog's head into pieces.

At first, I wondered why he dared to fight zombies in close quarters instead of using secret techniques from a distance. It turned out that Yan Mingzi was also very proficient in swordsmanship, and a ray of sword light directly shattered the ferocious dog's head.

The yellow-eyed zombie was not afraid at all. It let out a dull roar like a beast, bent its knees slightly, stretched its arms forward, and then jumped up. This jump was several feet away, and the nails on its hands were black. From a distance, it looks like two black blades are slashing towards Yan Mingzi's neck.

"Interesting, it turned out to be a yellow-eyed corpse!"

The cousin smiled strangely.

"Evil Corpse? Could it be that this yellow-eyed zombie has no intelligence and can only kill by instinct? That's great."

I breathed a sigh of relief. The corpse is a zombie that evolved from an ordinary corpse in the Yinsha Land. Generally, the corpse is stored for too long, and the remaining things in the brain have long since disappeared. Even if it becomes a zombie, the spirit born The intelligence is not very high, and there are even only some killing instincts, let alone using any tricks to deal with us.

"Great? Even so, this yellow-eyed zombie is not low-level and can be active nearby, and his body is hard to hurt with ordinary swords. This kind of zombie is extremely powerful. Yan Mingzi is going to be terrible. We Let's hurry up and let Yan Mingzi hold this zombie, so we can get out of here safely."

The cousin who was possessed by Montenegro said.

"He is our companion now, so we won't abandon him. Besides, when this zombie's intelligence gradually becomes enlightened, then he will no longer stay in the dark land, but will run back into the human world kill."

I glared at him and said coldly.

"Wouldn't it be better like this? If he goes to human society, he will definitely attract the high-level departments of human society. In this way, you have tasks to take on and can make a lot of money. Why not do it?"

He grinned, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"If I were that kind of person, I would already be rich by now. If you don't want to help, just stay here obediently."

I coldly glanced at the Black Mountain Devil, and my eyes fell on Yan Mingzi again. He had already fought against the yellow-eyed zombie. Sword lights stood on the zombie, but sparks splashed out. The Peach Sword couldn't hurt it. Seeing this zombie, but this yellow-eyed zombie seemed to be enraged, breathing corpse gas from his mouth, he jumped and grabbed Yan Mingzi's chest.

Yan Mingzi's movement skills are good, and the zombie's movements are a bit stiff, so he can completely dodge it.

The corners of Li Nianbai's mouth curled up slightly, he raised the ebony sword in his hand, and held a yellow talisman in the other hand, and then the yellow talisman slapped on the ebony sword, the ebony sword was surrounded by flames, he threw his hand, The ebony sword turned into a flame and went straight to the yellow-eyed zombie, attacking from behind, the flame pierced into the back of the yellow-eyed zombie, halfway into it, the flame began to burn.


Huangyansha let out a cry of pain, stomped his feet, flew up, and came straight to Li Nianbai.

"Return to the sheath!"

Li Nianbai stretched out his hand to touch the back of the yellow-eyed corpse, the buzzing sound shook the sky, and the ebony sword inserted into the back turned back again.

The body of this zombie is almost indestructible and can withstand attacks of a certain intensity. Even if its head is cut off, it can still continue to move. If it is really going to be destroyed, there will be no leftovers. It turns out that only fire can be used to burn him, but ordinary flames are not enough, so I started to communicate with Zhu Rong, the ring spirit of Vulcan Ring:

"Old man, can my Promise Purple Flame burn down yellow-eyed zombies?"

"Well, it should be possible. Your Wuji Ziyan has undergone a mutation, which is far stronger than the real Wuji Ziyan."

Zhu Rong's voice sounded.

"Zhong Yuan, are you in trouble? You also encountered zombies? Do you want me to help? The yellow-eyed zombies are one level lower than me, and I can deal with them."

Gu An'an's voice sounded without any emotion.

"No need, a yellow-eyed zombie, I don't need you to act, and I can't expose your existence now."

After I finished speaking, I cut off the connection with Vulcan ring. Li Nianbai grabbed the ebony sword that flew back and started fighting with Huangyansha corpse. He and Yan Mingzi are both masters of swordsmanship. He also used a strange body technique to dodge, the yellow-eyed zombie was hit by many swords, even the flesh was cut open, but no blood flowed out.

He rolled his eyes, stared at Kong Huahua, and immediately jumped up and jumped towards Kong Huahua.

"Dare to do something to my aunt? Do you want to die again?!"

Originally, Kong Huahua was just planning to watch, but who knew that the yellow-eyed zombie would attack him, and immediately let out a roar, and a snow-white fox tail behind the pink dress lashed towards the yellow-eyed zombie in the air like lightning.


The white fox tail directly knocked the yellow-eyed corpse to the ground, Kong Huahua put away her tail very satisfied, and showed me a smug smile.

This innocuous attack couldn't do anything to him at all, but instead aroused his ferocity. In the scene just now, I found that he seemed to be slowly getting better, because he didn't just attack Yan Mingzi and Li Nianbai blindly. Shift the target, and find the weakest-looking Kong Huahua to do it.

If this continues, he will find that he can't do anything to us at all, so he will run away. A yellow-eyed zombie wants to run away very fast, with a jump of several feet, and he doesn't know how tired he is at all.

After he got up from the ground, he cast his eyes in the direction of me, opened his mouth, and two sharp teeth appeared, with a cold glow, if he was bitten by these teeth, his neck would have to be bitten off .

I took out the True Blue Fire Cauldron from my pocket, the True Blue Fire plus the mutated Promise Purple Flame, to see how he can resist it!

Thinking of this, a flame of purple gold has burst out from the palm of my hand. This flame has submerged into the true blue fire cauldron, and merged with the blue flame in the fire cauldron to rise up.

Three-color flame!

Feeling the high temperature coming from the flame, the cousin who was possessed by the Black Mountain Demon frowned and retreated quietly. After a certain distance, he began to re-examine the extremely powerful flame power.

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