Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 314 [Ambush the Devil]

We chose a fairly suitable terrain, where one side is densely forested, and the other side is a grassland. There are a few scattered trees growing on this grassland, and the sky is not covered, which can properly attract the two devils. Pay attention, and through the woods is a cliff, and under the cliff is the vast ocean. Even if I lose the enemy, I can escape into the sea smoothly. When I get to the sea, it will not be so easy for them to catch me.

"Zhu Rong, you are lurking on the big tree next to you, and attack according to the situation. You must use your best ability to achieve a one-hit kill. Even if you can't achieve a one-hit kill, you have to trap the opponent, understand? .”

I stared at Zhu Rong, who was looking around at the environment, feeling a little suspenseful. I didn't know how strong his fighting power was.

Zhu Rong was still smiling. After seeing the big tree next to him clearly, he tiptoed and reached the big tree in an instant. Holding the real blue fire cauldron with one hand, he stared at me and said, "Don't worry, if there are no accidents, I should be able to kill this demon, don't worry, even if there is an accident, with my strength, I won't let him escape."

To achieve a one-hit kill, there is no doubt about a powerful attack, so one of the remaining three Yin Thunder Orbs will definitely be used up, but the opponent has a mirror that can turn back the attack, which is a problem. There is a way to destroy this mirror, or make it no longer effective.

It is estimated that the former is more difficult. After all, this treasure mirror is his personal possession. It is definitely not so easy for me to destroy it. He will not even reveal it easily, and he will only use it when he encounters a fatal threat.

That being the case, it made it impossible for him to use the precious mirror, or it was too late to use the precious mirror.

In addition to the Thunder Orb, there are also two bone-penetrating nails that can be used. I pulled out my Demon Demon Sword and directly opened the fourth rune formation, the Demon Demon Sword Formation. It took some time to arrange the sword formation, but the sword The array will also increase in power as one's realm improves.

The Fumo Sword was thrown out by me and sank into the grass. With the movement of the Jue, emerald green runes flashed on the sword body. After a slight flash, the Fumo Sword was already wrapped in these emerald green runes. Immediately afterwards, the sword body trembled slightly, and as I stretched out my hand a little, the demon-subduing sword made a buzzing sound, splitting out a sword body with exactly the same handle, and the number continued to increase until twelve demon-subduing swords formed a circle I let go of the sword formation.

This sword formation is too obvious, the devil will not be fooled, but fortunately the color of the sword body is very similar to the surrounding grass, so let's cover it up and cover up the sword formation.

"The universe in the palm of your hand, the dao pattern is condensed, and the cover-up talisman! Edict!"

Five golden dao patterns emerged from the palm of the hand, changing rapidly in the palm of the hand, and turned into a golden talisman in an instant. With a throw of the hand, the golden talisman flew out and flew to the sky above the sword formation. Suddenly, it suddenly fell apart, and the demon-subduing sword that was standing on the grass began to gradually disappear, even the breath disappeared, but I could sense the existence of the sword formation and manipulate it.

I walked into the sword formation, dug a hole, and then took out the Yin Thunder Orb from the Vulcan Ring, and buried it carefully in the soil.

After doing all this, I picked up a small piece of dry branch from the big tree next to me, then took out the clothes I usually wear from the ring, wrapped the dead branch and placed it in the place where the Thunder Orb was buried. Above, because the Thunder Orb needs magic energy to detonate, in addition to needing a substitute, this promotion also needs to help me detonate the Thunder Orb.

"The dao pattern in the palm, the dao talisman is condensed, the substitute talisman! Edict!"

This time, ten golden Dao patterns appeared before stopping. Unexpectedly, this substitute talisman consumed Dao patterns so much, which was twice as much as the cover talisman.

Stretching out his hand to pat the dead branch, the golden light flickered immediately, the talisman fell down, the dead branch began to change, the dead branch and clothes were surrounded by golden light, and began to change shape, within a few breaths, it turned into A person exactly like me was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

I was very curious, I stretched out my hand and pinched the double's face, and I still had a real feeling. I arranged the double and meditated cross-legged. In the process, the Yin Thunder Orb will definitely be detonated, and the coverage of the Yin Thunder Orb happens to be within the sword formation, and will not affect these Fumo Swords. He can escape safely, even if he escapes, he will be seriously injured, so how can he resist my last trump card?

Thinking of this, my mood immediately improved a lot.

But thinking of the conversation between the two demons before, there are demon soldiers guarding all the places that come out of the spirit world, so what about Jiang He, cousin and the others?I don't have to worry about Li Nianbai and Kong Huahua, because even if Li Nianbai faces one of the five demon envoys, he will not lose, and even if Kong Huahua loses, he can escape with the technique of space.

I hope they are all safe and sound. My cousin's strength has increased significantly, and he has also been given a heavy treasure. In addition, his eyes are both yin and yang. He should be able to escape when he encounters the devil. The envoy of the five demons The black mountain among them is already in my hands, and now I meet two more, so there will be only two in the end, I just hope that these two will not meet Jiang He.

I stood up not far from the sword formation, holding the Demon Subduing Sword tightly in my hand, holding my breath and concentrating.

After a while, a black cloud floated over this area. Standing in the black cloud was the Red Devil. The Red Devil glanced down with a look of joy on his face.

"Hmph, this kid, it's no wonder you haven't been seen. You used to hide here to recover from your injuries. Now it's getting dark. I'll sneak attack from a high altitude and see how you can escape!"

The Red Devil spoke to himself, because of the night, the black cloud was not eye-catching, and he was full of confidence, and he also knew that I was injured by Lu Ji before, which also made him relax his guard, so that he did not Notified Lu Ji, and under the cover of the black cloud, he quietly flew away to where the double was, and when he was only a few feet away from the double, the black cloud suddenly flashed, and the right arm of the red devil's palm was already surrounded by black light. These black lights submerged into the arm, and the entire arm doubled in size in an instant, and black scales grew on the arm.

Clenching his fist, he punched the substitute's head hard at Tianling Gai. This fist carried a buzzing sound, like lightning. From the shot to hitting the substitute, it was just a split second, lightning and flint.


The whole substitute exploded directly, turning into wooden debris and scattered, while the Red Devil landed firmly in the sword array. Seeing that the substitute was blown up by him, there was no blood and flesh flying as imagined, and he was stunned.

"No, I've been ambushed!"

The Red Devil reacted quickly and wanted to run away. A huge roar came from under his feet, and countless purple energies swept towards him in an instant.

"The Bone of the True Demon!"

Almost at this moment, he summoned his own True Demon Bone, a huge skeleton appeared behind him, and rushed towards his body. However, the berserk energy exploded on him, and there was a scream.

A figure in the purple light twisted his body desperately, and the bone of the real devil was blown into bone fragments only after holding on for a while. It seems that he did not return to his master's sea of ​​energy in time, and was completely destroyed .

The explosion of the Thunder Orb was very loud. Lu Ji, who was patrolling in another part of the deserted island, heard the explosion and rushed towards us immediately.

The energy gradually dissipated, but the Red Devil was not blown to pieces, but the worn Taoist robes on his body disappeared, his body was bloody and bloody, and he couldn't see his original face clearly. He was still holding a precious mirror in his hand, no, it was no longer a precious mirror , because the mirror has been completely shattered, it seems that this mirror is not as powerful as I imagined, the power of the detonated thunder ball has spread, it is impossible for the mirror to reflect all the attacks, so the red devil chose to protect himself The important part, but because the power of the Thunder Orb was too strong, the mirror shattered, and he survived.

However, how could I let go of this golden opportunity?Immediately pinch the Yin Jue in his hand, and immediately activate the demon-subduing sword formation.

A criss-cross pattern of emerald sword lights cut towards the middle one after another, and in an instant, the entire body was cut to pieces, and a red phantom emerged from the pile of pieces of meat, flying away into the sky.

At this time, a large blue net fell from the sky, just in time to catch the red devil envoy.

The red figure was struggling inside, and the breath was getting weaker and weaker. I breathed a sigh of relief and pinched the magic formula again. Twelve emerald green sword lights slashed fiercely, and the big blue net was also within the attack range. .


A frightened and angry child's voice came from afar.


Stretching out his hand, the blue fire net and the red devil envoy inside were smashed to pieces by more than a dozen powerful sword lights at the same time, leaving no shards.

The aura of the Red Devil Messenger has completely disappeared!


Several emerald green light blades in the air slashed down towards my direction, fast and fierce, I used the lightness technique to dodge, and the original direction was immediately cut into a deep ravine, the mud splashed, the light blade's The power is too powerful.

As soon as I stood still, countless green vines suddenly emerged from under my feet, winding towards my body, I immediately retreated into the sword formation, and drove the sword formation to strangle these vines.

These vines are not ordinary vines, they are taupe in color, but with triangular red spikes growing on them, wriggling like giant pythons.

A petite figure landed on the opposite side of me, staring at me in shock and anger, and said viciously: "You actually killed the Red Devil, even his soul!"

"Can't kill? He killed my grandfather back then, so he should have expected his consequences today! If you dare to hurt my relatives, Zhong Yuan, you are destined to be beaten to death by me!"

He looked coldly at the female devil in front of him. Although this female devil looked like a six or seven-year-old doll, she was extremely fierce and could not be merciless.

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