Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 326 [Bitter Bamboo Temple]

When going up the mountain, I saw a huge archway halfway up the mountain. This archway is also very simple, and even has a somewhat weathered appearance. As long as you go up through the archway, you can reach the Kuzhu Temple. The Buddhist archway is also similar to The place where the mountain gate is located is one of the landmark buildings of Kuzhu Temple.

Above the archway are blue stone brick steps, next to tall trees.

This archway is several meters high, except for the blue stone piers below, the rest of the material is made of special golden nanmu on Putuo Island. There are many exquisite and small Buddhas carved on the archway. In addition, There were dense scriptures engraved on the periphery of the Buddha's head, and the special atmosphere of Buddhism came from above. Qingyang stopped walking a few feet away from the Buddhist archway, and looked at the archway with a slight frown.

The little fox in my arms also moved restlessly, its little fluffy head kept burrowing into my arms.

Seeing us stop, Wukong stared at the Buddha archway, showing a hint of surprise, and said:

"It's no wonder that if monsters want to pass by this Buddhist archway, they will definitely show their original shape. This archway is blessed by the magic power of eminent monks. All ghosts and ghosts who want to pass by from here will be beaten by the Vajra Buddha on the Buddhist archway. "

"Could it be that the Vajra Buddha you are talking about is the sculpture on this archway? There are hundreds of these Buddhas. Could it be that each one is blessed by the power of Buddhism?"

I stared at the archway in amazement, looking at the lifelike Buddhas of different sizes on it, and counting them carefully, there are quite a few. If it is true that every Buddha can appear, as Elder Wukong said, then it is inevitable. It's too scary, because I found that these Buddhas are carved according to certain rules. If all of them come out, they will form a large formation.

Obviously, a lot of effort has been spent on the carving on this amulet.

"Well, yes, there are a total of [-] Buddhas, and each Buddha has blessed the power of Buddhism. These phantom images appear according to the strength of ghosts and ghosts. The more powerful ghosts, monsters, and Buddhas that appear There will be more and more, one hundred and eight Buddhas will appear together, join hands, even the thousand-year-old demon will not be able to walk through here easily, but this Buddha archway will not cause any harm to ordinary people, but it can make people feel calm and reduce Killing, resentment and other negative emotions in my heart, but this little demon fox has been injured, so I will do a little trick to let you pass, she can't stand any trouble."

Wukong began to take off the monk's robe on his body. The yellowish monk's robe was caught in his hand, and he began to chant mantras. The yellowish monk's robe was thrown out and hung in the sky. Getting bigger and bigger, the monk's robe fell from the air like a big quilt, covering the entire Buddhist archway.

I hugged the little fox and hurried over, Qingyang also stepped forward and followed closely, we were far away, Wukong put away his monk robe and rushed over.

Unexpectedly, the extradition monk's strength is so advanced, and an ordinary monk's robe can become so powerful in his hands.

"Master Wukong, if the monsters also use your method, wouldn't it be easy to come here?"

Seeing Wu Kong coming up after redressing, I asked casually.

Wukong shook his head and said with a smile: "No, ordinary covering objects can't cover the Buddhist archway at all. I used some Buddhist secret techniques to temporarily cover the Buddhist power on the archway."

I nodded. I thought that if it was me, even if I could cover the Buddhist archway with the monk's robe on Wukong's body, it might not be able to resist the power of the Buddhist gate inside.

We walked for a while, and saw monks in twos and threes coming down from the top. These monks were all wearing gray cloth monk clothes, some were holding two large buckets, and some were carrying hoes on their shoulders. They seemed to be working down the mountain. Let’s go up When they were walking, they all showed vigilance, but after seeing the Wukong extradition monk, they saluted one after another, and then went about their business.

Soon, we arrived outside the Kuzhu Temple. The Kuzhu Temple is surrounded by red and white walls. There are two statues of Buddha at the entrance of the temple, and there are many purple bamboos.

This is the first time I have seen this kind of strange bamboo. The bamboo is about the same size as the green bamboo we often see, but the bamboo body is dark purple, and even the bamboo leaves are lavender. These bamboos rustle when blown by the wind. The crackling sound, accompanied by a faint fragrance, makes people intoxicated.

"Junior Brother Huiyang, go in. Now Putuo Island has been sealed off. Without the permission of the abbot, you can't leave without permission. Nanhai City is not peaceful anymore. Even if you want to leave the island, you have to wait until the wind blows." Just do it."

A very helpless voice sounded from the gate.

"Brother, I know that I'm locked up, and I'm able to protect myself when I go out. I'm still practicing the third level of the Great Sun Fumo Sutra. Ordinary demons and ghosts are no match for me at all. I just want to go out and find Brother Zhong Yuan and the others." , I don’t know how they are doing now, I heard that Jiuhuang City has been reduced to a deserted city, many people must have died, I represent our monks from Kuzhu Temple to save those dead souls, why can’t I?”

A crisp child's voice rang out, it was Huiyang's voice, I glanced at Ning Qingyang next to him, his body shook slightly, his face beamed with joy, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, as if he was going to rush over, but seeing me He stopped walking, took a deep breath, and then returned to his usual appearance, standing next to me as if nothing had happened.

"Junior Brother Huiyang, the host has ordered you to come over, and it's useless for you to tell me these things. You have to go to the host yourself. Senior brother still has a lot to do, so don't come here to make things difficult for senior brother. Be obedient. If you are obedient, Brother Wukong may come back in a few days and bring you candy."

The previous monk began to comfort Huiyang.

We walked over, and Huiyang seemed to have grown a lot taller than what we saw a few months ago. He was wearing a light yellow monk's robe, with a string of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck, and a big glove on one hand. It seemed a little out of place, but opposite Huiyang was a tall monk who was reaching out and touching his bald head.

"Hui Yang!"

I opened my mouth to call out, and when I saw Huiyang again, I had a special feeling. Maybe it was because I stayed for a while before and fought against the evil spirits of the kingdom of the dead, so I had a lot of good feelings in my heart.

Huiyang turned his head, saw me, immediately rubbed his eyes, and ran over yelling, originally he wanted to throw himself into my arms, but when he saw the little fox in my arms, he had to hug me tightly waist, said in surprise and surprise:

"Brother Zhong Yuan, you are finally here. I thought you would never come to see me again."

"Fate will always meet."

I patted his bare head with one hand and said with a smile.

When Ning Qingyang saw Huiyang, he couldn't restrain his emotions, so he stretched out his palm and touched it gently. Huiyang noticed it, and immediately shrank back to me, looking at Ning Qingyang with vigilance. , rushed to me and said:

"Brother Zhong Yuan, who are these people? Senior Brother Wukong brought you here."

Before I could speak, Wukong next to him said, "Junior Brother Huiyang, first take some of the benefactors to the guest room, and the poor monk will inform the abbot, benefactor Zhong Yuan, don't worry, I will take the monks and doctors from our Kuzhu Temple to the guest room. came."

After finishing speaking, Wukong went inside and disappeared for a long time. The tall monk standing at the door nodded and smiled at us, then stared at Huiyang and said:

"Why are you still standing there, Junior Brother? Isn't Brother Zhong Yuan, whom you think about day and night, has arrived, and why don't you take him in?"

"Brother Zhong Yuan, hurry up and follow me."

Huiyang pursed his lips, glared at the tall senior brother, and then pulled me inside.

After entering the gate, there is a relatively large flat inside, which should be called a martial arts field. There are many monks practicing here. Not far from us, there are many wooden stakes that are as high as one person. Many monks sit on these wooden stakes. The older ones are about five or sixty years old, while the younger ones are about the same as Huiyang.

"Brother Zhong Yuan, why aren't Zhong Li, Jiang He, and Nian Bai here? You weren't with them? And who are they?"

Huiyang led me forward while turning his head to stare at Chen Shaoyang and Ning Qingyang.

"They are my friends. Nian Bai and Jiang He and his elder brothers have separated from me. We haven't found them yet. We went to the spirit world."

I smiled and said.

"Ah? The spirit world? I want to go too. In our Kuzhu Temple, there is a strange person from the spirit world. Even my master respects him, but he rarely appears, so I don't mention him. By the way, Why does this brother feel so familiar? It seems that I have met him before, but his appearance is a bit wrong, but his height is not wrong to me."

Huiyang pointed at Ning Qingyang and said.

Ning Qingyang's body shook slightly, his chest heaved violently, and his eyes were shining with crystals. I reached out and pressed his shoulder, and Ning Qingyang gradually recovered his restless mood, staring at him with a smile on his lips. Huiyang.

"Sure enough, it should be an eminent monk from Wuliang Temple in the spiritual world."

I took the words and spoke slowly.

Huiyang shook his head, a little thought appeared on his small face, and after a moment of stunned, he said: "He is from the Wuliang Temple in the spiritual world, but he is not a high-ranking monk, or he is not a monk, and he has long hair. Well, the whole person is both righteous and evil, I only met him once."

I was stunned, not only me, even Chen Shaoyang was stunned, I think Ning Qingyang could no longer hear our conversation, because now he has completely focused on Huiyang.

When I got to the guest room, I put the little fox on the bed, and Huiyang lay down beside the bed very interestedly, teasing the little fox.

The guest room here is also elegant, except for the basic furniture, there is no extra thing, clean and elegant, after Chen Shaoyang came in, he poured tea on his own initiative.

After a while, there were footsteps outside the door, and the guest room door was gently pushed open.

Three monks appeared in front of us, the one on the left was the extradited monk Wukong, and the one on the right was Hui Yi who had met him once before. The monk in the middle looked very young, wearing a red and yellow Kasaya, with nine ring scars on its smooth head, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, staring at us with a smile on his face.

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