Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 368 [To the Blood Sea]

After a meal, the blood pattern in the blood patriarch's hand has recovered. Looking at the tumbling sea of ​​blood not far ahead, a smile appeared on his face, and then he flew to another secret place with the two of them. .

After half a day passed, monsters around the sea of ​​blood had already broken through the seal one after another, and many monsters had already reached the coast, flying away in the direction of the temple.

These demons are all suppressed by Dizang. Once they break through the seal, they will naturally seek revenge.


Under the protection of Ge Yu, a first-grade ghost messenger, he passed through the secluded forest, and nothing strange happened again.

The little ghost has successfully captured the bone dagger, and together with his grandfather, he killed the chasing ghost ghost, and Hei Shan and Zhu Rong entered the Vulcan ring space again.

"Xiao Yuan, how are you, Grandpa Man?"

Grandpa walked beside me, staring at me with a smile, the ghostly look on his face was swept away.

"Not so good. A while ago, the villagers of Huai Village were slaughtered by the demon's soul. Although Man Ye saved his life, his vitality was seriously injured. It is estimated that he will not have a long life span."

I didn't hide it. I wanted to tell my grandpa about this, but I never had the chance.

Grandpa frowned, and his face became cloudy and uncertain. I could feel that Grandpa's emotions were very complicated, and the fluctuations were very obvious.

"Senior Zhong, people will always be born, old, sick, and die. Their fate is fixed, and they cannot be forced."

You Yue, who was walking beside her, opened her mouth with a sly look.

"You can't force it? That's unbelievable. My grandpa Man's vitality was seriously injured and his life span was lost. It wasn't like this in the first place. He is a cultivator, and his life expectancy should be longer than that of ordinary people, and Man Ye is not old now. , hehe, this time I came to the underworld, I heard that there are merits and virtues in the underworld, You Yue, don't say you don't know."

I grinned and looked at Youyue. This meritorious fruit can gain lifespan from the judge, and these ghosts need to use meritorious fruits to accumulate to advance to a higher level. Yu also knows, but I am not familiar with her, and You Yue has chatted with her a few times,

You Yue glanced at me angrily, and said: "Zhong Yuan, do you really think that merits are so easy to obtain? In the underworld, only ghost messengers can get them through what they have done. These merits are like Even Yan Jun attaches great importance to a first-grade ghost guard like Ge Yu, so you probably want to force your way in."

"I don't. As the current Patriarch of the Zhong family, if I ask my ancestor for a few meritorious fruits, he won't disagree, right? When the time comes to act coquettishly and act cute, won't he agree?"

I looked at You Yue with a smile, and Ge Yu couldn't help showing a smile on his cold face beside him, but Grandpa said solemnly:

"Yuan'er, stop joking in front of Youyue Guicha, this merit fruit is extremely precious, even if the ancestors had it, they would not give it to you easily."

"I can't get it now, but I can go through the back door."

I smiled at You Yue mysteriously. In fact, I had planned it a long time ago. Even if I can't get it from my ancestors, now that Ksitigarbha and Senior White are in the sea of ​​blood, it should be feasible.

"Come on, who else do you know in the underworld?"

You Yue folded her hands on her shoulders, walked leisurely, squinted at me, and spoke in a playful tone.

"I won't tell you, by the way, what's the recent move of the blood patriarch? Have you interviewed a demon's soul? If you know, tell me their whereabouts. This demon soul came to this hell to obtain the ghost blood sea Styx, who lives in the great world of Maha, broke the seal, and he cannot be allowed to succeed! By the way, why didn’t the ancestor show up?”

Since You Yue's top grade is not low, I think it's better to let him know about this incident. If the ancestor didn't show up, then there must be something important to do and he can't get away, otherwise he must have come in person.

You Yue touched her forehead, finally lowered her hand, and said:

"Zhong Kui went to the Nether Blood Sea. I don't think he will come back for a while. The Blood Patriarch seldom appears, and I have no way of knowing his whereabouts. I'm afraid I can't help you. But since they want to get blood, they must Go to Nether Blood Sea."

"Then there's no need to go to Fengdu Ghost City, you can just take us to the sea of ​​blood."

I thought about it for a while, the devil's split soul came to the underworld one step earlier than me. Although I don't know how he crossed the Naihe Bridge, it is probably already in the Nether Blood Sea. If necessary, it is best to take the He stays here.

"I'm afraid he can't help you with this, because the Nether Blood Sea and our underworld ghost guards can't interfere, and can't enter the area, unless it's Zhong Kui and the others."

Ge Yu, who had been silent by the side and listened to us quietly, suddenly spoke, with a flash of apology in his eyes.

"That's right, Yuan'er, we ghost messengers really can't go to Nether Blood Sea, otherwise we will be punished severely."

Grandpa spoke from the side, with a very dull tone.

"Don't worry, I'll send you to the border, but your grandfather and Ge Yu still have important business to attend, so I can't accompany you. We will part ways here."

You Yue stopped, and there was a crossroad ahead, and if you go forward, you will reach Fengdu Ghost City, and at this moment, he is indeed pointing to the left route.

"Yuan'er, when things are done, I must come to Fengdu Ghost City once. Grandpa didn't even have a good chat with you."

Grandpa stood in front of me and wanted to reach out to touch my head, but because of the difference between humans and ghosts, he put his hand on the little ghost's head and rubbed it gently.

"Well, I will definitely, and Ge Yu, this time, thank you all, if you didn't rush over, it would still take some time for us to clean up these third-rank ghosts."

I nodded, then looked at Ge Yu and thanked him.

"No need to thank me, as long as it is the Zhong family, I will do my best to help, old man, you should be able to rest assured that You Yue escorted him to the Nether Blood Sea area, we are leaving."

Ge Yu glanced in the direction of Fengdu Ghost City, and said softly.

Grandpa nodded, let go of his hand, and turned around. The red figure followed him and began to disappear. Ge Yu tapped his toes, and it turned into a gust of wind and headed towards Fengdu Ghost City.

The little ghost head still returned to the Vulcan ring, and Youyue and I were the only ones left on the road. Youyue went to the direction he pointed, and I followed him closely, and said, "Follow me last time." The ghost messenger should be from the Blood Ancestor Sect, but it never showed up, you must have helped me, thank you."

"Why should I say thank you for such a small matter? At that time, I directly killed that ghost messenger and completely wiped him out. Even the regeneration blood pool couldn't bring him back to life. Of course, the blood patriarch would not let it go. He sent ghost messengers one after another. Of course, in the end Zhong Kui simply asked me to do this job of protecting you. It was thanks to you that I was able to be promoted from a third-rank ghost trainee to a second-rank ghost trainee. Bad, I almost lost my mind a few times, if it wasn't for Ge Yu's help, how could I stand here and talk to you?"

You Yue held the back of her head with her hands, took steps forward with her slender legs, and spoke lightly, as if she was talking about a trivial matter.

I listened to it but gasped. This blood patriarch really paid for it, and wanted to kill me so much. It is reasonable to say that he is a part of Styx, but after so many years, It should have its own independent consciousness, and this soul has such a status in the underworld, why is it so persistent?

Although I drank the real water, my memory has recovered a lot, but Styx is not so strong in my memory, and I also feel deeply guilty about Houtu, and there is still a trace of inexplicable emotional factors in it.

"So, don't talk anymore? Are you moved by me? Don't be too moved, I, You Yue, talk very well."

You Yue put down her hands, shook her head, and the two whips shook.

"Send you a piece of pure heart incense."

I took out a pure heart incense from the Vulcan ring, lit it with a flame, repacked it and swam across the river, and a faint white mist overflowed from the incense head.

There was a flash of light in You Yue's eyes, she stared at Qing Xin Xiang dumbfounded, but sucked in her mouth unceremoniously, and the white mist poured into his mouth one after another.

"Why are you in a hurry? Still use your mouth to suck, pay attention to your image, you are still a second-grade ghost guard now, if you let the ghost guards around see it, won't you laugh at you?"

Seeing that the Qingxin incense in front of me disappeared quickly, I had to take out another one.

"What are you afraid of? This is the place leading to the Nether Blood Sea. There will be no ghosts passing by. This is expressly forbidden."

While inhaling the incense with her nose, You Yue explained.

I estimated the time, and after walking for half a day, we arrived at the area where the Nether Forest and the Nether Blood Sea are separated.

The outside of the forest was red, even the gray sky was reflected red, and the ground was like magma. Seeing this scene, my face instantly darkened.

"Don't worry, this is the special regional style of the Nether Blood Sea region. If you walk straight, you can reach the edge of the Blood Sea. I won't send you off. Remember to come to Fengdu Ghost City after finishing your business."

You Yue waved at me, turned around and left here, I let out a breath of foul air, strode forward, and left this secluded forest.


Above the sea of ​​blood, Bai Wuchang stepped on a cloud of white clouds, looking at the sea of ​​blood below him with a gloomy expression, the sea of ​​blood below seemed to be separated suddenly, a three-pronged handle more than ten feet long, made of blood water The halberd was thrown at him.

Seeing the trident, Bai Wuchang's face was still gloomy, his brows were tightly frowned, he didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't make a move.

Zhong Kui next to him was dealing with a monster with the head of a man and the tail of a fish. When he saw Bai Wuchang, he immediately drew out the sword in his hand, slammed it at the trident, and shouted:

"Devil's Sword!"

The golden light flowed on the sword body, like a golden fire knife, standing fiercely on the trident, smashing the trident instantly.

Bai Wuchang suddenly raised his head, stared into the distance, and said:

"Zhong Kui, don't you think it's too weird, these seals were opened by someone in a very orderly manner, I think there must be someone who wants to plot something, we don't care about these, leave it to Di Ting, let's go after the murderer! "

"Everything is up to you!"

Zhong Kui stepped on the air with his toes, a red cloud lifted him up and flew to Bai Wuchang's side.

Bai Wuchang glanced into the distance, pulled the corner of his mouth, turned into a white rainbow light, and went away through the air, with an incredible speed.

(Today's monthly pass exceeds 5 chapters, so it will be updated tomorrow.)

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