Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 370 [9 Sha] Part 2

The crimson land didn't have any heat when stepped on, but a dark force came from the ground, and there was a faint smell of blood radiating around.

Occasionally, there will be a few mounds in this area, and there is nothing else. There is a golden temple not far away, but the outline can only be barely seen. I think this is the legendary Ksitigarbha Temple, and it is not known whether Senior White and Dizang are in the temple.

On the other side is the Nether Blood Sea, and the red bloody evil spirit lingers above the blood sea.

Although it is far away from the Ksitigarbha Temple, as long as you use the technique of soaring clouds, you can reach it in a short time.

Thinking of this, he immediately slammed Fajue, thick white clouds formed under his feet, and he went straight to the temple of Ksitigarbha.

Flying in mid-air, there was a cloud of magic coming towards me from another direction. The speed was abnormally fast. Bai Hong followed closely behind.

"Zhong Yuan, stop him!"

A familiar voice came out from the white rainbow, and it recognized me at a glance, but after listening carefully, it turned out to be Bai Wuchang who I had seen in the Monster Catch Sect that day.

"The fifth rune circle is opened, and all ten directions will be destroyed!"

Holding the Devil-subduing Sword tightly with both hands, the golden runes on the sword body flowed and sank into it one after another. A faint golden glow appeared faintly on the body of the sword. Void blamed himself very much, and when it resurfaced again, it emerged from Zhang Xu's distance in front of him.

The figure in the magic cloud flashed and disappeared, and the golden thread was split into two from the middle, splitting the magic cloud, the power of this golden thread was still extremely powerful, and it went straight to Bai Wuchang behind, I was shocked , Shouting: "Be careful!"

The white rainbow flickered and went to the other side, avoiding the gold wire's attack.

There was a wave in the space in front of me, and an unusually handsome face appeared in front of me, separated by a foot, he grinned and said:

"Boy, let's meet again, and I, Jiusha, will borrow your body."

After finishing speaking, the whole figure emerged and came straight to my door.

I felt a powerful demonic energy engulfing me, he leaned against me, and kept drilling into my body.

"If you want to possess me, don't even think about it, Mingyin Pei, protect yourself!"

The yin pendant on the chest is shining, protecting my body, and the nine evil spirits cannot get into my body.

"Maha No Face Palm!"

I slapped forward with my other hand, and went straight to his forehead. The palm of my hand was polished and shining, and turned into nothingness. Nine evil spirits were startled, and I quickly stepped back and struck out with a palm.


I slammed my palms against him, and I took a few steps back, almost stepping in the air, the white clouds under my feet suddenly became thinner, and I immediately fell down.

How could this Nine Demons give up?Persimmons also know how to pinch softly. I just stepped on the ground when Jiusha bullied me and grabbed my Tianling Gai with his palm.

"Zhong Yuan, get out of the way!"

Hearing Bai Wuchang's voice, I tapped my toes and swiped to the side. After a few flashes, I jumped to the distance, sat down cross-legged, thrust the Demon-subduing Sword in my hand forward, and displayed the Demon-subduing sword array.

Although it seems that this series of movements is quite complicated, it is actually just a matter of breathing.

Just as I was leaving, a thunderball roared from behind Jiusha, and it exploded fiercely behind Jiusha. The thunderball shattered, and countless arcs scattered, covering Jiusha. Jiusha's face became extremely ferocious, The body also became faintly visible, but in the next second, Jiusha's body shook, and countless black mist emerged, and these arcs disappeared one after another.

"Zhong Yuan, don't force me. Although I'm just a little distracted, I'm not something you can deal with right now."

Jiu Sha turned his head suddenly, looked at Bai Wuchang who fell beside me, then looked at me with sharp eyes, and said fiercely.

"I really don't see a trace of a soul, even if your body comes in person, I won't be afraid!"

Bai Wuchang put his hands on his shoulders and looked at Jiusha coldly.

"Oh? That's right, Bai Wuchang is here in the Nether Blood Sea, your strength is more or less suppressed, and this time you come to the underworld, do you think I didn't bring anything?"

Jiu Sha smiled, and immediately opened his mouth to spray, the magic mist rolled in his mouth, there was a black pagoda faintly inside, this pagoda surged against the wind, it reached the top of our heads in an instant, and then fell down, at this moment, I Having set up the demon-subduing sword array, he immediately stretched out his hand to point towards the void.

The sword lights crisscrossed, and the emerald sword energy slashed fiercely at the black pagoda, but the strange thing was that these demon-subduing sword lights couldn't hurt the pagoda at all, and instead were blown away.

"Don't waste your efforts, this is the pagoda bestowed on me by my body, you can't break through it at all, hehe, let you taste the power of the Black Flame Demon Pagoda!"

Jiu Sha stretched his hand down a little bit, and the black tower changed again, falling down fiercely, covering us in an instant, and my eyes became pitch black, surrounded by billowing demonic energy.

Bai Wuchang was surrounded by electric arcs, looked around blankly, suddenly stretched out his hand and slashed forward, the electric arcs emerged between his arms, turned into a silver knife formed by intertwined silver and white electric arcs, and slashed away fiercely , but just after flying a few feet away, it collided with the pitch-black tower and suddenly shattered.

The body of the tower lighted up slightly, showing crimson flame marks, and the originally pitch-black magic tower instantly became bright red.

"Oops, besides trapping people, this Black Flame Demon Tower can also attack people inside."

Bai Wuchang's originally calm face finally showed a trace of panic, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Haha, let you enjoy the temperature inside, don't be burned to ashes, haha..."

Nine evil spirits' arrogant voice came from outside.

I put away the demon-subduing sword array, stood up, and said to Bai Wuchang: "Senior Bai, what is going on? Jiusha came here alone to collect blood?"

Bai Wuchang shook his head, and said, "He came with the Blood Patriarch, but the Blood Patriarch is now trapped by Zhong Kui. Originally, I planned to kill the Nine Demons and rush back to help. Although this kind of treasure cannot be compared with my Tai Chi diagram, it is definitely much stronger than the Seven Star Soul Suppressing Sword and the Demon Subduing Sword in your hand."

"Don't worry, Senior White, if it's fire, it won't hurt me, but how we get out of trouble is a problem."

I raised the Vulcan ring in my hand, no matter how many flames there are, I can use this Vulcan ring to absorb the power of flames and forge a body of fire virtue.

"Well, that's good, since you said it, I'll try to break through the Black Flame Demon Tower, and I'll leave the surroundings to you."

Bai Wuchang smiled slightly, put his hands together in the middle, and slowly closed his eyes. The electric arcs around him began to change. The silver arcs seemed to be stained with a layer of starlight, becoming mysterious, and his aura also It was completely different from before. Suddenly, stars shone above his head, and a dharma figure wearing a long robe and surrounded by star arc protection emerged.

Star Dharma, this Bai Wuchang actually cultivated the star Dharma, so powerful!

I was overjoyed, and looked around in a blink of an eye. At this time, the flame spirit patterns around the tower began to flicker, and finally joined together, and dark red fireballs the size of a fist fell from the sky, shooting towards us densely.

The space at the bottom of the tower is very small, and it is impossible to escape. These fireballs are very hot. Even if they can be defended for a while, they will not be able to last for a long time.

I jumped up and flew above the stars, and raised the Vulcan ring in my hand. This is the first time I have used this treasure, and I don't know if it will work.

"The god of fire, Zhu Rong, devours all fires in the world, and is as urgent as a law!"

I clenched my fist and raised it up, the flames of the whole body emerged, and the Vulcan ring on the fist even burst out a scarlet flame. After a little rolling, the scarlet flame turned into a man about ten feet tall.

This man has a resolute face, a burly figure, fiery red hair, a fiery red beard, and even his eyes are red, burning like flames. The most special thing is that there is a red flame python wrapped around his neck. There is a horn growing on the python's forehead.

Although the whole figure is illusory and fuzzy, once it comes out, it is extremely dangerous. Seeing the fireball falling from the sky, the Vulcan Zhu Rong phantom opened his mouth and sucked it in. The fireballs fell into his mouth one after another. Gradually clear up.

And the light of the stars below became more and more dazzling, until I could barely open my eyes, and the electric arc around the dharma smashed these fireballs into pieces.

"Zhong Yuan, take away your supernatural powers, and watch me break this black flame tower! You protect my body! It's best to put me in your Vulcan ring, and yourself, it's best to defend yourself! Black Flame After the magic tower burst, the aftermath was also very powerful."

Xingchen Faxiang opened his eyes, and a loud voice sounded.

My heart froze, I obediently withdrew my supernatural powers, landed on the ground, put his body into the Vulcan ring space, and then opened my mouth to spray, the real clock of Heigang appeared above my head, and with my best ability, opened the first Five layers of protection, silver light all over my body, layers of shields wrapped me, once again condensed water, earth, and fire several body armors on my body, and then said:

"I'm ready to break open the Black Flame Demon Tower!"

Faxiang stepped on the ground with both feet, looked up at the top of the tower, jumped up, turned one hand into a fist, and punched out fiercely:


The sound was like muffled thunder, rolling out, and my ears were faintly numb from the shock.


The surrounding tower body is full of cracks, and countless pieces of black crimson flames fall towards me. These unknown materials wrapped in crimson flames are the tower body of this black flame demon tower, hitting the protective light on my body. The hood shook violently. This pagoda is huge, and the falling flame ball almost annihilated me.

It wasn't until there was the last piece of the black gang real bell that these flame balls disappeared. I swayed and left the area. With a sweep of my eyes, the Jiusha disappeared.

(The third is more likely around 12.)

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