Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 377 [Green Radish]

Qingluo was taken aback for a moment, looked down at her waist, saw the exposed black token, and showed a hint of annoyance on her face, but quickly regained her composure, stretched out her hand to wrap it, coughed a few times and said :

"Ghost messengers also want to earn some extra money, let alone we are acquaintances?"


I looked at her carefully, her face was still pretty, but I had never seen her before.

Qingluo smiled mischievously, stretched out a finger and shook it, and said:

"Your Majesty Zhong Yuan really forgets things a lot. Yonghe City, in front of the City God Temple, you are the one who summoned me. Although you are full of ghosts now, your aura and voice cannot be changed. As soon as you and Zhong Kui come in, I found you."

"You... You weren't a ninth-rank ghost ghost back then, why now..."

I was stunned, but I remember this incident. At that time, a carp demon was causing trouble, a child drowned and died, and his soul was trapped. It was I who summoned the ghost messenger, and it was the first female ghost messenger I had ever seen, Ge Yu It's the second one. It gave me the impression that these female ghosts are very powerful.

"Can't people be promoted? I'm an eighth-rank patrolling ghost officer now, but I'm assigned to patrol in the secluded forest. Poor, I naturally came out to find some means of earning money. Now it is no different than before. You have to do a certain amount of merit to be promoted. Just relying on your own strength is nothing. You don’t know, the land price in Fengdu ghost town is simply It’s beyond imagination, I’m currently renting a house, and I’m taking you wherever you want, all you need to do is pay [-] million Ming coins.”

Qingluo rubbed her hands together, stared at me with anticipation, as if I was rich.

"[-] million coins, um, well, I'll give you [-] million."

At the beginning, I was indeed taken aback, [-] million, what kind of international joke is this?But later, when I thought of the ghost coins, I felt much more relaxed. I took out five ghost coins from the Vulcan Ring and handed them to her. , I glanced at the pattern on the coin, and frowned.

This is the face of the Jade Emperor. Although the image on the coin is much older and has a beard, I can still recognize it from the eyes and facial features.

In my memory, I have the impression of the Jade Emperor. After Huang Tian abdicated, it was the Jade Emperor who took charge of the fairy world and re-appointed the gods.

Qingluo put away the coins with a smile, her smile became even sweeter, and the corners of her mouth curled up and said:

"Lord Zhong Yuan, what are you going to do next?"

I picked up the list in my hand, handed it to her, and said, "Ghost face flower, Yin flag ginseng, black qi, Zhi Luo fruit, where are these things sold? What's the price?"

Qing Luo's big eyes stared, after thinking for a while, her eyes lit up, and she said:

"These things are sold in the largest pharmacy in Fengdu Ghost City. They are all genuine products, but the prices are relatively expensive. There are also many small pharmacies around the area. The things are different from genuine and fake, and the prices are lower. But these things are not considered It’s very rare, and the price is only about tens of thousands a catty, and I don’t know too well, only ghost doctors understand these things.”

I was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and continued: "Could it be that you ghosts get sick too?"

Qingluo looked at me with a strange look and said:

"Of course I won't be sick, but the symptoms are much more serious than the illness. For example, our yin body is damaged, we are injured by yang qi, there are signs of soul dispersion, and we can't absorb yin qi. There are many, many. It's just that the soul will fly away, and it will never be reborn."

"So that's it, okay, take me to the biggest pharmacy in Fengdu Ghost Town, I want to buy the stuff here."

I nodded solemnly. These things are basically drugs, and it shouldn't be difficult to get them.

Qingluo nodded, and led us towards the city with vigorous steps.

Walking along the main street, there are many shops around, but there are also many stalls. When we arrived in front of the largest pharmacy in the ghost town, I was a little surprised. There were many ghosts walking in and out of it, and the wind was billowing, and there was a large plaque on it, with a few big characters flying and phoenix dancing on it.

“Great halal pharmacy!”

Walking into the pharmacy, there is a large stone pillar in the middle, surrounded by square counters, and counters in three directions around it, behind which are rows of tall cabinets, which are constantly opening and closing, and strange-shaped medicines fly out of it .

The counter around the stone pillar in the middle looks like a shop selling western medicine. The ghosts inside are all female ghosts, wearing white robes, expressionless and sinister.

I handed the list to Qing Luo, and Yin Si and I followed behind her.

Although there is a cloak to cover my aura, it is unavoidable when I speak, so it is best to keep my words to a minimum, because there are so many ghosts here, they might be exposed, I just need to pay the money.

Half a day later, the Vulcan ring space is full of medicinal materials, most of the listed materials have been purchased, and only a few have not been found.

I found Grandpa and You Yue and asked them to help search, but they found nothing.

"The remaining Zhiluo fruit can only be found in the deep forest, and now there are very few ghost merchants going to the deep forest, so we don't have this thing in our shop, not only in our shop, but in the entire Fengdu ghost town, even in the Halal Plaza. Pharmacies probably don’t have any.”

In a small pharmacy on the edge of the city, Grandpa took back the list from the shopkeeper, and hurried over to the place we had agreed upon in disappointment.

Naturally, Qingluo and I did not find this Zhiluo fruit. Seeing that Grandpa and Youyue found nothing, I sighed. This Zhiluo fruit is circled in the list. There are dozens of medicinal materials in it, only a few key points It was marked, and the rest were found, but Zhiluoguo was not.

"When I was a nine-rank ghost officer before, I saw this Zhiluo fruit. It is a purple fruit. According to legend, it is a medicine that can heal the wounds of the primordial spirit. Our yin body has recovered from the damage. As long as we take this fruit, It will be able to recover, and even if it is not damaged, it will be able to condense its soul body more."

Qingluo smashed her mouth, grinned and said, her eyes were full of longing, but after a while, deep fear flowed out again:

"It's just that this Zhiluo fruit grows in the depths of the secluded forest, where there are many ghosts and beasts, even if a third-rank ghost messenger enters the depths of the secluded forest, they will not be able to escape unscathed."

"Zhong Yuan, don't look at me like that, I won't go with you, I'm still busy."

Seeing me staring at him, You Yue immediately waved her hands, shook her head, turned around and ran away.

"Zhong Yuan, I'll go with you."

Grandpa walked up to me, stroked his white beard, and said.

"Grandpa, you still stay in Fengdu Ghost Town, I will definitely be able to do it, and there is one more thing I want to tell you."

Grandpa is in a Yin body now, unlike in the past, many abilities should not be able to be used. I don't want him to take risks. Hearing my words, Yin Si and Qing Luo stepped aside consciously.

"I plan to go to the Mountain and Sea Realm, go there to find the Wushen Mountain, and then take the five-color mud inside to recast Zhong Haotian's body. Grandpa, you still have a chance to return the sun."

Looking at the familiar grandpa, I have had this idea for a long time.

When Grandpa heard this, he was only taken aback for a moment at first, but soon shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly: "I have no plans to return to Yang, but Haotian, he is still young, I am sorry for him. Be soft-hearted, spare Gu Qingqiu that female ghost, otherwise he will still be the same as you now, if you have a way, then help him, let Haotian return to the sun, I have done what I should do, and I will go to reincarnate."

"Grandpa, is there no one in the world for your favor?"

I squeezed my fists, I know Grandpa's character very well, and things that have been decided will not be changed easily. It can be seen when he made up his mind to leave the two seniors of Lan Ling and Luo Duohan. Nothing will change.

Grandpa smiled, his face was wrinkled, but he was very kind. His smile gradually subsided, and he said solemnly: "Ashes return to ashes, ashes return to ashes, so what if it returns to the sun? Everything still cannot escape the cycle of fate."

"Do I need to talk to my parents about this?"

"No need, don't forget what I said with you back then, even if you are a relative, death is death."

Grandpa stretched out his hand, froze in mid-air, and let it go after a while.

"Grandpa, you really don't have to go with me. You should know the young man with me. He is a divine beast, so even if I go to the secluded forest and meet those ghost beasts, I won't be troubled."

This time, I really didn't plan to go to Youlin with my grandfather.

"Okay, be careful."

Grandpa nodded, and then left here with a heavy heart.

"Qingluo, are you going to the secluded forest with us?"

When we were about to set off, I looked at Qingluo who was following behind us. I just asked casually about this eighth-rank ghost messenger. She is only an eighth-rank ghost messenger. Retired.

"Okay, but, this..."

Qing Luo stretched out her light white fingers, twisted them, and smiled.

"How many?"

I stared at this woman speechlessly. It's been so long since I've dealt with ghosts, and it's the first time I've seen someone who loves money so much.

"One billion ghost coins, to you, it shouldn't be much."

Qingluo blinked, there was only Mingbi in her eyes, without any fear.

"Okay, but you are not afraid of the ghosts there? I heard that there are ghosts at the level of ghost kings. These ghosts are extremely ferocious. If they can be wiped out, the ancestors would have done it a long time ago. You have to think about it, I won't be able to do it wholeheartedly. to keep you safe."

I took out the last ten Mingcoins from the Vulcan Ring, and handed them to Qingluo. I guess this girl has done the math. After purchasing these medicinal materials, there are only ten Mingcoins left.

"I've thought it through, I won't regret it, let's go."

After Qingluo took the coins, she smiled and led me to the gate of the city.

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