Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 380 [White Haired Ghost Monkey]

"There are dozens of Zhiluo fruits on this tree! I can even smell the fragrance of this spiritual fruit, and my mouth is watering..."

Qingluo stood by the pool, with her hands on her chest, her gaze became a little dull.

Eating one of these zhiluo fruits can condense the soul body, which is of great benefit to her. I coughed a few times, and then she looked away and looked at me with embarrassment.

In addition to us reaching the waterfall, these green-haired ghost monkeys also swam into the pool, and their strange calls became louder and louder.

All of a sudden, in the middle of the pool, the water was tumbling, and a ghost monkey with a size of a person's height jumped out of the pool. It just stepped on the water, and its body was not green, but white, and its facial features were different from those of humans. Nothing, just a peach-shaped face, black and white pupils, just looking at us coldly.

Seeing the ghost monkey's anthropomorphic expression, I was slightly startled. This white-haired ghost monkey is much stronger than the other ghost monkeys, and from the appearance, it looks like a monster, but its body is full of ghosts. With a strong ghostly aura, I think it should be a monkey that has cultivated and opened up its spiritual wisdom after death.

At this time, there was a strange squeaking sound from around, and the monkeys in the pool roared at the white-haired ghost, and at the same time, their green eyes were staring at us.

The white-haired ghost monkey on the water nodded, with a savage look in its eyes, it suddenly opened its mouth and said:

"Please also leave here quickly."

The voice is a bit old, and the speech is very authentic, it is the national language of Huaxia.

"This time, I came here to pick Zhiluo fruit, and when I get it, I will leave naturally."

I didn't hide it, I told the truth.

"Impossible. If you want to pick the Zhi Luo fruit, you must get Mr. Fan's approval, or take his token, otherwise, I will not let you get close to the Zhi Luo tree."

The white-haired ghost monkey had a clear stand, and it was not as anxious as the rest of the ghost monkeys, and spoke very calmly.

"Master Fan? Who is this? Ghost messenger? Qingluo, do you know this so-called Master Fan?"

I turned around curiously, and asked Qingluo, Qingluo knew Fengdu Ghost City like the back of her hand, and I think she should also know about Master Fan.

But what surprised me was that Qing Luo thought for a while, shook her head, and said: "I know all about the ghost messengers of the fifth grade, the first grade, and the first grade in the underworld. There is indeed a person named Fan Si A fifth-rank ghost, but I think it is impossible, and the strength of this ghost monkey is definitely not only fifth-rank, nor will it be inferior to a fifth-rank ghost."

"It's Lord Fan Yi Ghost King!"

The white-haired ghost monkey's voice was a little louder, very resonant.

ghost king? !

I was shocked slightly!He stared at the white-haired ghost monkey dumbfounded. This Fan Yi turned out to be at the level of a ghost king, that is, a powerhouse at the same level as Zhong Kui and the blood patriarch.

"We are not sent by Fan Yi Ghost King, so can't we accommodate?"

I think this white-haired ghost monkey should be the ghost beast of the ghost king, a very powerful ghost beast, and I don't want to provoke a ghost king, and I can only see if the other party can accommodate it. If not, I can only grab it by force.

"These Zhiluo fruits are spiritual fruits, so there can be no exceptions. I was also ordered to stay here, so please leave here."

The white-haired ghost monkey lost its good temper and said in a cold voice.

"Oh? What if we insist on snatching it?"

Yin Si strode forward, staring at the white-haired ghost monkey with both eyes, the huge aura covered the white-haired ghost monkey, the ghost monkey's expression froze, and suddenly it bared its teeth, showing its fangs, and roared at Yin Si, A circle of white sound waves spewed out from his mouth, and came straight to Yin Si. Yin Si did not show any weakness, and opened his mouth as well, and a thick black sound wave rolled out. The two collided, and a piercing sound sounded. Cover your ears.

The bone of the real demon behind him seemed to be indifferent, as if it was immune to the sound wave, but Qing Luo's delicate body did take several steps back before stopping, the light on the body was flickering, and it took a while to recover come over.

I took this opportunity to perform the technique of soaring clouds, and a white cloud appeared under my feet, dragging me straight to Zhiluoguo on the waterfall, and said loudly at the same time:

"Yin Si, delay this white-haired ghost monkey, and deal with these little ghost monkeys with the bones of the real devil!"

Seeing me soaring into the sky, the white-haired ghost monkey was shocked and said: "You are not a ghost, you are a human being! Don't even try to take Zhiluoguo away!"

After finishing speaking, the white-haired ghost monkey stretched out his hand to grab the water pool, and the water splashed and condensed into a huge water stick. The black runes on the stick rolled up and gathered in the middle, and slammed hard in the direction where I was.

Numerous stick shadows emerged from the void, and the huge pressure enveloped me. I only had one feeling, as if I was going to be smashed into meat paste by these stick shadows.

This white-haired ghost monkey is estimated to have at least the strength of a second-grade ghost. I immediately activated the third rune circle, grabbed the sword with one hand, and swung at these stick shadows with force. A red light glowed on the sword, and a ten-point Yu Zhang's sword dragon appeared, opened his mouth and sprayed out, and dense sword energy shot towards these stick shadows.


The stick shadow collided with the sword energy, and immediately exploded, and the huge energy rolled around, and many ghost monkeys in the pool below did not enter the pool, and these energy fell on the water, immediately blasting balls of water.

Yin Si tipped his toes, and went straight to the white-haired ghost monkey. Black mist swirled under his feet, and his movements were extremely elegant.

The long eyebrows of the white-haired ghost monkey trembled, but it didn't care about Yin Si. With a little tiptoe, it flew up with the spray of water. The face of the huge giant monkey also became extremely ferocious and terrifying, and the water stick in its hand also became huge. This one, jumped directly on top of the red dragon, held the giant stick with both hands, and slammed it down extremely fiercely.


With a loud noise, the sword dragon was directly crushed by the giant stick, turning into a dense mass of sword energy and shooting towards me, among the many sword energy mixed with this giant stick that still has a strong lingering power.

"Oops! Heigang Zhenzhong!"

This is definitely a sure-fire blow. I was terrified. I wanted to dodge, but it was too late. I had to open my mouth to spit out the real black clock, and the five layers of defense were instantly activated.


When this stick fell, the three layers of shields were directly shattered, and the fourth layer of shields was in danger, full of cracks. The stick hit the real clock, so there was a huge bell, and the loud sound was heard far away. When I went out, I was dizzy from the shock.

At this moment, Yin Si had come to me, and suddenly he opened his mouth and bit the air.

I saw a huge beast head appearing on the top of the white-haired ghost monkey. This beast head is very weird. Its eyes are like copper bells, big and piercing, and it has a pair of black horns. Its mouth is open, revealing The sharp canine teeth bit the white-haired ghost monkey's head like this.

Seeing this, the white-haired ghost monkey immediately raised the water stick in its hand, and went straight to the beast's head.

An unbelievable scene appeared in front of me, the huge animal head actually bit the water stick, the black light on the water stick scattered and turned into clear water splashes, and at the same time, the animal head disappeared.

Yin Si stepped on the air with his toes, and rushed towards the white-haired ghost monkey again, with thick black flames overflowing from his body.

The white-haired ghost monkey bombarded Yin Si with both fists, densely packed white fist shadows filled the void, and there was an explosion sound in the air.

Without hesitation, I rode up the clouds again and went straight to Zhiluoguo.

The white-haired ghost monkey looked at me in shock and anger, shook its body, and the long white hair on its body stood up instantly, turning into a sharp white silk thread, and shot towards me.


The fourth shield on my body was shattered, and these needle-like white hairs had been shot at my last shield. To my surprise, when shot at the innermost shield, these white hairs The hairs flicked open one after another.

And with the help of this power, I reached the center of the waterfall, stretched out the Vulcan ring with one hand, and a crimson vortex emerged, and waved the demon sword with the other hand, and I peeled off the crimson fruits one by one. These fruits all fell into the Vulcan Ring.

Most of the white fur on the white-haired ghost monkey's body has shot out, and it has been completely fighting with Yin Si, one white and one black, flashing non-stop in the pool, and there are explosions from time to time.

And the green-haired ghost monkeys below also surfaced at this moment, opened their mouths and sprayed at the real devil's bone and green radish on the bank, and countless blue water arrows shot out from the mouths of these ghost monkeys.

After these water arrows sprayed out, the strange cold dispersed, and the places near the edge of the pool began to condense into ice. One water arrow is not very good, but if there are hundreds of water arrows, the scene will be spectacular, Qingluo is so scared that she forgets moved.

True Demon Bone still looked expressionless. He looked coldly at the incoming water arrows, opened his mouth and sprayed out purple-gold magic fire, which turned into a sea of ​​flames and swept away into the pool. The temperature of these fire waves is extremely high, because the golden flame is transformed by my natal fire, and finally merged into the purple magic fire. The two flames add up, and the power is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

These water arrows were quickly evaporated, and even the ghost monkeys in the pool who hadn't dived into the water were burned to ashes by the magic fire.


There was another loud noise, and the white shadow flew upside down and landed on the shore. The white light gradually subsided, and the white-haired ghost monkey was punched by Yin Si, but the ferocity remained undiminished. Beating his chest, he raised his head to the sky and roared loudly.

The roar was like billowing muffled thunder going into the distance.

I landed on the shore, put away the bone of the real devil, and at the same time I put away the real clock of Heigang. Although this white-haired ghost monkey is fierce, it is not our opponent at all, but it is doing what it is doing now. What?

"I think we're in serious trouble this time!"

Yin Si's face turned pale, and he said in a low voice.

"What's the trouble? This white-haired ghost monkey is no match for you and Zhong Yuan at all."

Qingluo stood up and asked in puzzlement.

"He's sending a message. He should be looking for help. If my prediction is correct, he should be telling Fan Yi the ghost king! Qingluo, you enter the Vulcan ring space. Later, there will be a stronger fierce battle."

I stretched out my hand, and there was a faint red glow on the ring, and a crimson vortex emerged. At the same time, my heart became extremely gloomy, a ghost king, can I deal with it?

(Third watch, although it has been more than a few minutes, Wu Ti is really exhausted.)

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