Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 385 [Heavy Chapter Ghost City]

"Well, yes."

I nodded, Fan Yi smiled slightly, turned around and walked into the rattan house, I shook my drowsy head, and followed him closely with the Fumo Sword, while the earth element spirit patterns on my body gradually disappeared into the skin.

After I came in, I sat directly at the table and stared at the exquisite incense burner above it. There were still a few ghost incense sticks in the incense burner, emitting bursts of Yin Qi.

Fan Yi sat down opposite me and stared at me for a long time, until I felt a little uncomfortable, then he slowly looked away, with a hint of joy, and seemed to be talking to himself:

"It's too similar, no, they are exactly the same, even their personalities are similar."

"You still have not answered my question."

I coughed a few times, reached out and took out an unburned ghost incense in the incense burner in front of me, and looked up at Fan Yi.

Fan Yi pursed his lips, narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, his eyes drifted away, and his whole body fell into memories. It took him a while to sort out his thoughts, and then he said slowly:

"When I recovered the mystery of the womb, I was already a first-grade ghost messenger. In fact, I didn't use Yan Jun. I knew him from the beginning, and he was willing to help me. How can I use it? These are just those ghosts. It’s just a rumor, so what you heard is that I used Yan Jun. Now think about it, Yan Jun is the most advanced Yin God in the ghost world, how could he be used by me? You said it before, no, it was Huang Tian who said, As long as I make a certain contribution in the mortal world, I will be able to restore the mystery of the womb and return to the fairy world, but what I didn't expect is that the fairy world has long since changed hands, and you have been reincarnated long ago, and the Jade Emperor at that time saw you... As a ghost, I also wanted to achieve a positive result, and I was furious immediately, so I was punished by thunder, and I almost lost my mind."

"Then you used the blood river's regenerated blood pool to recover? So you owe him a favor, right?"

I put down the ghost incense in my hand, this kind of incense is very suitable for ghosts to improve their strength, I must get some, the Qingxin incense that Li Nianbai gave me is running out.

"Well, yes, but he doesn't have my spirit card, so he can't control me. Afterwards, I helped him do a lot of things, which paid off the karma. I went to look for you afterwards, but I found nothing, and I didn't want to There is no connection with Fengdu Ghost City, so I went to the depths of this dark forest, and I was the one who controlled these ghosts and ominous spirits, so that they only operated in the depths of the dark forest. Did you really kill Xuehe? Your forbidden spirit talisman Who helped you uncover it? You can’t use your ghost-hunting power, you can’t break free from the vines, let alone kill Blood River, has the mystery in your womb been solved?”

Fan Yi's eyes were full of surprises. In his impression, maybe only I could break free from the forbidden spirit talisman by using the secret technique of the fairy world.

"Not yet, after drinking the real water given by Sihuang, my memory is slowly recovering. As for how I got out of trouble, there is no need to talk about it. Blood River is indeed dead. If you have nothing else to do, I will leave here , back to Fengdu Ghost City."

Staying here now is not an option, if the crisis is over, then leave as soon as possible.

"If there is anything in the future, I can help, just come here to find me, although you are not Huangtian now, but I am not Qiyao, but we can still be the same as before."

Fan Yi nodded and looked at me expectantly.

"Since you said that, I really need your help. I have a friend who is also a ghost, but his Yin body is damaged. I think your ghost incense is very useful, and after you left, Styx came back again. Take out a few more to restore your own strength, I want to ask you for some to help my friend recover."

I pointed to the residual incense in the incense burner, and smiled.

"Well, I still have a lot of ghost incense here, you take them all."

This time, Fan Yi did not go to the cabinet next to the bed, but to a certain wall, all of which were woven with rattan. Following his touch, the rattan suddenly wriggled, and a two-foot-long wooden The box was picked up, and Fan Yi reached out to pick up the wooden box.

The wooden box was placed on the table, and when it was opened, there were bundles of green ghost incense sticks inside. These ghost incense sticks were neat and compact, and it looked like there were hundreds of them.

"Give it all to me?"

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, a little unbelievable, when I got here, besides getting Zhiluo fruit, I also killed the blood ancestor, and now I got this kind of treasure.

"Well, it's all for you. At my current state, unless it's other ghost kings, those ominous spirits in the ghost world, ghosts and beasts can't hurt me, so there's no need to keep these, I don't need them anymore, you want them?" Be careful, although Blood River is eliminated, he is only a fragment of Styx, the real Styx is much stronger than Blood River."

Fan Yi pushed the wooden box over, and I put it directly into the Vulcan ring space, and then said again:

"Don't worry, I will definitely grow up faster, and I will never let him come out to do evil again. Even if I risk my life, I will kill him. Even if I can't, I will die with him."

"I believe you will be able to succeed. If Styx returns to the ghost world, he must pass through the secluded forest. There are my eyes and ears in the secluded forest. I will deal with him with all my strength."

Fan Yi also smiled, speaking very firmly.

"Okay, the time is almost up, I have to leave here first, otherwise Yin Si won't be able to wait for me at the place agreed with me, and he will definitely report to Zhong Kui and the others. It will be really bad then."

Knowing that Fan Yi has no malicious intentions, I want to leave here in a hurry, otherwise it will be bad when the ancestors lead a large number of errands to rush over.

"I asked Bai Mao to take you out of the forest."

Fan Yi stood up, took out a green leaf in his hand, and began to mutter words. It seemed that this green leaf was used by him to contact the ghosts in the forest.

I didn't refuse. Now my ghost hunting power is seriously exhausted. If I didn't have the devil energy to resist the surrounding Yin energy, I would have died long ago.

After hearing Fan Yi's order, Bai Mao stared at me dumbfounded. When he took me away, he was still extremely depressed. He didn't understand why Mr. Fan not only failed to hold me accountable, but sent me out instead.

Although he was depressed, he didn't dare to disobey his master's order. He sent me to the Wangxiang Terrace before returning to the secluded forest.

When I got here, I didn't have any worries, and went straight to the ghost town of Fengdu.

Entering the ghost city again, but was stopped by these ghost messengers, and there were almost no ghosts and ghost messengers coming in and out at the gate of the city.

"Brother ghost messenger, why didn't you let me in? Did something happen inside?"

Two meters away from the guardian ghost, I asked.

The thin ghost messenger said: "The city is hunting down the remnants of Xuehe's subordinates. Master Zhong Kui has given orders. Without his orders for a short time, we cannot let them go."

"If there is a token."

I quickly took out Zhong Kui's token, and passed it over. The ghost inspected it carefully, and then returned the token very respectfully, and made way for a passage.

The city seemed very quiet, most of the shops were closed, and teams of ghost messengers patrolled the streets.

I patted the ring, and a crimson vortex emerged, and Qing Luo got out of it. After seeing the surrounding scene, after a moment of surprise, she said with great joy:

"Lord Zhong Yuan, I knew you would be able to escape."

"Stop talking nonsense, now Fengdu Ghost City is all about arresting those rebel ghost agents under Xuehe's subordinates, I want to find Yin Si now, let's leave now."

I glanced at the distance. I told Yin Si that we met at a tea shed on the southwest side, and I don't know if this tea shed is closed.

"There will be a period later."

Qingluo grinned, turned around and turned into a cloudy wind and went to the distance, while I went straight to the tea shed. When I arrived at the destination, the tea shed was closed, but there was a dark shadow standing there.

"Zhong Yuan, you have finally escaped back. If you don't come again, I will go to Zhong Kui and personally lead the ghost messenger to Youlin to rescue you!"

The black shadow was of course Yin Si, he had been waiting here for a while, and when he saw him, surprise appeared on his sickly face, and he trotted over.

"I didn't escape, but was sent back by that white-haired ghost monkey. Let's meet Zhong Kui's mansion once, talk to him, and then leave here."

I patted him on the shoulder, Yin Si nodded, jumped up, turned into a little black cat and climbed onto my shoulder again, then rushed to Zhong Kui's mansion.

Zhong Kui's mansion is in the central building of the ghost town. There are many ghost gods living here, and all of them are of high status, including Yan Jun and the ghost judge. All of them live here. Even if I have Zhong Kui's token, I cannot enter There are activities in this palace-like building, but there are special ghost messengers who took me directly to Zhong Kui's mansion.

In front of the mansion is a vermilion gate, inlaid with copper nails, but there are no guards in front of the gate. I passed many mansions along the way, all of which had guards, but Zhong Kui’s mansion did not. I stretched out my hand and grabbed the copper ring on the door. He knocked heavily on the door.

After a while, the door opened slowly, and the person who opened the door was a ghost in a silver and white robe and two iconic braids. Seeing his appearance clearly, I was stunned and said:

"You Yue?"

You Yue grinned at the corner of her mouth, and pulled her hands to the sides vigorously, the door opened wide, and said cheerfully:

"Unexpectedly, Zhong Yuan, you can come back here safe and sound, Zhiluoguo got it."

"Of course, even Blood River was killed by me."

I gave him a blank look, and strode in. You Yue stood there in a daze, forgot to close the door, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and strode towards me.

"Zhong Yuan, is what you said true or false?"

You Yue looked at me in disbelief, her expression was no longer the smile it was before, but admiration.

"What are you doing lying to you? In the future, if I have anything to do, I will call you directly. Although I am not good enough to summon a second-grade ghost messenger, you can give me your token."

I stopped, stared at You Yue, and stretched out my palm.

You Yue's face darkened, she pursed her mouth, and said, "I... I'm usually very busy."

"Are you busy? The whole ghost town is busy arresting the rebel ghost messengers, and you still stay here leisurely, you say you are busy? You don't have to give it to me, anyway, I can use the mark of Mingyin Pei to control you, I originally planned to give you a small gift, but it seems that there is no need for this."

I shrugged, grabbed a handful of ghost incense from the Vulcan ring space, and waved it in front of You Yue.

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