Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 397 [Report]

"Patriarch Qi, you have a gathering of evil spirits in this place, and you even have a black cat. How elegant!"

Xin'er put away the guqin and smiled mockingly.

She understood very well that generally weaker wandering ghosts are afraid of black cats and black dogs and other livestock that have the ability to ward off evil, because many of these livestock are derived from ancient spirit birds, although they have degenerated seriously and lost a lot stuff, but some still have some special talents.

Hearing this, Qi Rou looked around, but found nothing. Immediately, a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said coldly:

"Black cat? Impossible! Jiuhuang City has long lost its vitality. Where did the black cat come from? Even if someone breaks into Jiuhuang City, we will suck up their energy and turn them into ghosts. They are not allowed to leave Jiuhuang City. Although cats have the ability to ward off evil spirits, it is impossible for cats to enter Jiuhuang City, don't forget, we have the ghosts of ghost hunters here, even if they come in, we have ways to deal with them."

Xin'er looked at Qi Rou with a sneer, and at the same time her face became extremely serious. Is this black cat a monster?If it is really a monster, how deep should it be?Even the ghost hunters and evil ghosts of the Qi family can't feel it!

"Since you are so stubborn, it's hard for me to say anything. In order to prevent any accidents, how about a few of you come with me? I can't decide this matter."

Xin'er narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at the ghosts of the three ghost hunters from the Qi family, she spoke coldly.

"Are you afraid that you demons will fail? Brother, let's go!"

Qi Jianfeng said with a slightly ferocious face, the evil spirits transformed by the ghost hunters are far more than other ordinary ghosts, otherwise no ghost hunters will go to the underworld after death, and they must take on the responsibility of ghosts.

Qi Shitou thought for a while, looked at Qi Rou, saw Qi Rou nodded, Qi Shitou agreed to the matter.


After inhaling these ghost incense sticks and a few Zhi Luo fruits, my injuries have completely healed, and my soul is a little more solid than before.

The yin and yang fish in my cousin's eyes have gradually disappeared, turning into black and white pupils again, and then he stretched out his hand and waved towards the void, and the seven copper coins in the air fell into his hand again, with his hands clasped, a red rope passed through , and tied in the middle of the neck.

My soul submerged into my physical body, and after a while, I slowly opened my eyes. Now my mind is extremely clear, not as groggy as before.

"How do you feel now? What's wrong with you? The wound on your soul has healed. I think you're fine. If there's nothing wrong with you, I'm going to bed. I have to go back to my hometown early tomorrow morning."

My cousin stood up, let out a sigh of relief, and walked straight to my bed, then took off the clothes on his body, and threw himself on it.

I looked at him contemptuously, smiled and said:

"Zhongli, you shouldn't be afraid of this, I'll tell you to go back to your hometown tomorrow, so you won't go back to Jiuhuang City."

The cousin's closed eyes slowly opened, and said:

"Of course not. Who said I'm afraid of the two of them? It's just that we haven't known each other for a long time, and we need to cultivate a brotherhood. Do you think I'm the kind of person who is afraid? Well, I know what you're going to say, you can shut up , I want to rest, if the two of them come to me, they will say that I am asleep."

After speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Looking at the wound on my cousin's face, I can only sigh. Wu Huang'er has a strong personality, and she is also a proud disciple of the Demon Catch Sect. She is extremely pampered. Is there anything she wants that she can't get? , Luo Yueer is a snow mountain girl, she has a very cold personality, and she is not a mortal body. If I really want to let my cousin choose, I may be partial to Wu Huanger, because Wu Huanger has half Ice Phoenix blood , generally speaking, he is still a person who can always reproduce for our Zhong family.

Of course, my thoughts are a bit extreme, but this is also an indisputable fact. Ideas belong to ideas. No matter which one my cousin chooses, I will support it.

Seeing that my cousin was already snoring slightly, I didn't bother him anymore, but walked out of the room.

There was basically no one in the living room, but there were still a few huge candles lit on the coffee table, and the ticking clock sounded from the living room. I glanced at the watch, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and remembered that Huiyang was still there. I don't feel good about resisting these invading evil spirits outside.

In this case, then I will go down and set up a magic circle to completely resist these evil spirits and allow this little guy to sleep peacefully.

If I hadn't brought him out, I guess Huiyang wouldn't have suffered like this, and he's still staying in Kuzhu Temple.

I trotted all the way down the stairs, and after I came out, the outside looked even more gloomy. Although the ghosts were kept out of the community, the gloomy wind was still irresistible.

When I got closer, I realized that these ghosts were unusual, and there were so many of them that I was dumbfounded.

There are hundreds of them, all of them are transformed by the citizens of Jiuhuang City who have died in vain. They are already real evil spirits. Dare to really get close, so he had to growl outside unwillingly.

"It seems that your injury has completely recovered."

Seeing me coming out, Ning Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief, Huiyang also stared at me, but still put his palms together, and the sound of scriptures in his mouth did not stop.

"By the way, Xiaoqing is gone? And how is Jiang He's injury?"

I asked.

"Of course Wei Xiaoqing rushed back to the Blood Soul Sect. The devilish energy in Jiang He's body was expelled by Jin Linglong, and with the help of Zhiluoguo's power, he should have recovered. Today is the turn of the two of us to guard the gate of the community."

Ning Qingyang glanced at the evil spirit not far away, looked away, and said slowly.

"You take Huiyang back to rest, I'll just come here."

I stretched out my palm, and the golden lines on my palm gleamed. I planned to set up a small magic circle here so that these evil spirits could not get close.

But before I could condense into a spiritual talisman, there was a dull roar from outside. This roar was quite majestic, but I couldn't tell what kind of beast it was from, but it was a little familiar.

Next, a scene that surprised me a little bit appeared. The densely packed evil spirits that had gathered together fled away one after another as if they had encountered a formidable enemy, and finally disappeared.

With the help of the light above the prayer flags, I saw a small figure outside, it was a little black cat.

"Yin Si?!"

When I saw this kitten, I called out.

Hearing my voice, the little black cat uttered a soft meow, then ran towards me, a black light emerged from its body, and when it reached my side, it had completely turned into a green-eyed boy in black.

"Zhong Yuan, something is wrong."

Yin Si's face was quite gloomy, and after glancing at Huiyang and Ning Qingyang, he said to me.

"Did you find something when you were inspecting Jiuhuang City?"

I patted his thin shoulder and asked.

Yin Si nodded and said:

"Those devils came from the Great World of Maha. There are six of them in total. One of them is out of the city now, and the other one is going directly to communicate with those evil spirits, and there is a tendency to form an alliance. By the way, I saw that the six There is a red-haired demon envoy among the demon envoys, the one who hurt you with the blood demon sickle, seems to have a deep grudge with you, and the other envoys are called Wuya envoys, do you know him?"

"Wuya Demon Envoy? Wuya? Could it be Wei Wuya?!"

I was slightly startled. After the last time the Blood Soul Sect was disbanded, I didn't find Wei Wuya's whereabouts. And when I saw him, he was also red-haired. Now he is called Wuya Demon Envoy. Could it be that Wei Wuya has already gone? The great world of Maha, and has been transformed and reborn in the pool of demons?

"Do you know Wei Wuya?"

Ning Qingyang next to him interrupted.

"Well, of course I do. This guy wanted to kill me very early on. Back then he and Wei Xiaoqing were my mother's direct disciples, and they were highly valued by the Black Mountain devil back then. Black Mountain wanted to bring Xiaoqing and him into Morocco He turned into a demon in the big world, and this person was the tenth elder of the Blood Soul Sect back then, with vicious thoughts, not only my enemy, but also the enemy of an old classmate of mine, my zombie classmate was killed by him The family is ruined, I promised her that I will avenge her!"

I squeezed my fists, and my heart felt as if there was a terrifying wave, when did this Wei Wuya become so powerful?He actually became the devil's subordinate, and turned into a devil's messenger.

But why is it that only demons send emissaries to chase me down?Why didn't the rest of the true demons move at all?Or, were they caught up in other things in the Great World of Maha?

"He said that another demon envoy left the city. Could it be after going to the seal of Taihu Lake? I remember that Kong Ling'er was attacked by the demon boss when he was patrolling around Taihu Lake. Could there be demon bosses outside Jiuhuang City? ?”

Ning Qingyang's complexion was not very good-looking, and he couldn't help getting closer to Huiyang.

"Probably not. I heard what they said. The demon envoy who left the city went out to meet a demon envoy named Jin Mo and Master Jiusha."

Yin Si shook his head. When he was outside, he turned into a little black cat, but he could hear the conversations of these devils clearly.

"Jiu Sha? Impossible, he has obtained part of the sea of ​​blood, and he hasn't rushed to the Great World of Maha yet, what is he trying to do?"

I was stunned again, I really couldn't think about it, Jiusha abandoned the high-grade magic weapon Black Flame Demon Tower and wanted to escape, but now he is still stagnant in the human world, how is it possible?It's really unreasonable, or, he really doesn't want to merge with the demon body again?

Yin Si said again:

"Okay, I won't tell you any more. You'd better settle the matter in Jiuhuang City as soon as possible. Lord Dizang asked me to accompany you to the mountain and sea world. Now you all go to rest and discuss countermeasures tomorrow. I'm here Come guard, these evil spirits dare not get close."

After finishing speaking, Yin Si turned his back and let out another roar from his mouth. The body was surrounded by black light, and soon turned into the main body of Di Ting, but there were two horns on his head, which looked very mighty. Xu Zhiju saw that it shrank its hind legs and squatted up. There was a faint black light flowing above its body. After the black light subsided, it instantly turned into a black statue standing beside the guard room.

Huiyang stopped chanting sutras, walked to the statue curiously, reached out and touched it, with a pure smile on his face, and said:

"It's good now, I don't want to get up in the middle of the night, hehe."

When we returned to the residential building, Ning Qingyang finally couldn't help asking: "Zhong Yuan, what did Ning Qingyuan say to you? Also, what did Ning Qingyuan say to Huiyang?"

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