Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 400 [Little Silver]

Jin Linglong's face was very solemn, fine beads of sweat had already appeared on the tip of her nose, and the green light on her body became extremely dim.

At this time, the giant tree transformed by the mountain ghost scepter stopped growing, but it was still more than ten feet away from the place where the vines intertwined. Judging by her appearance, she should be planning to let the giant tree rush to the top, or let the giant tree reach the top These vines cling to giant trees.

After Jin Linglong hesitated for a moment, she opened her mouth and sprayed, and a burst of green breath spewed out on the giant tree. The giant tree surged again, and soon broke through the places where the green vines were intertwined high above the sky, and even broke through the void. The ghost fog above, absorbing the sunlight outside.

After doing all this, Jin Linglong looked haggard, leaning on the big tree, panting heavily.


I smiled slightly, walked over, and approached this big tree. The bark was rough to the touch, almost like the real thing, and this big tree contained a very powerful force of nature. Of course, I would not really I think this giant tree is a real giant tree, but it's just a mountain ghost stick.

"This is the super-large magic circle I set up. It couldn't be successful at first, but fortunately Jiang He assisted me to barely complete it. However, it took a lot of my energy to let this giant tree absorb the sunlight outside. Now I want to Relying on this giant tree to restore your own strength, you can tell Jiang He to rest assured."

After Jin Linglong finished speaking, she suddenly stretched out her palm, and lightly pressed against the giant tree. A faint light glowed from the place where her palm was pressed, and spread around. Jin Linglong stepped forward, and suddenly disappeared into the tree. among.

I have seen this method before. At that time, Wu Ru used this method to pull me into the tree to avoid being caught by the Black Mountain devil.

Sure enough, this mountain ghost stick is equivalent to the eyes of the formation, which can continuously provide power to the surrounding vines.

I left this vibrant tree, and then walked to the gate of the community, and only the only gate was not covered with pain. I reached out and tapped lightly on the stone carving of Diting.

The stone carving's eyeballs moved slightly, making a creaking sound, and then turned into a thin blue-eyed youth again.

"Go and rest well, I can come here."

Although Yin Si seldom spoke, he followed me all the way from the Nether Blood Sea and helped me a lot. I have completely regarded him as a good partner.

"I'll continue to wander around in Jiuhuang City. There are many evil spirits here, and I like to devour these evil spirits. In addition to increasing my strength, I can also hone it."

Yin Si glanced at the direction of the residential building and shook his head.

"But now besides these evil spirits, there are demon envoys and monsters in Jiuhuang City. I don't worry about it."

Jiuhuang City is very chaotic now, especially those monsters, who are more difficult to deal with than these evil spirits. Of course, there are good and evil among monsters, and I asked Huiyang, it seems that there are no monsters to make things difficult for Huangtian Pavilion.

"Don't worry, I will be careful, and I can change form."

Yin Si smiled lightly, jumped forward, turned into a little black cat again, and ran out quickly after giving me a soft meow.

Glancing at the sky, it is now completely surrounded by vines. It is really unimaginable to engrave talismans on them.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't think of a reason. I went to the ground of this giant tree again, and looked up. This giant tree is estimated to be more than [-] meters long. It takes several adult men to drive it away hand in hand. Maybe I can keep it. I followed the big tree and climbed all the way up. When I climbed to half the distance, I could see the whole community clearly.

This place belongs to the sphere of influence of Huangtian Pavilion. Although they are all residential buildings, these buildings are completely abandoned, especially our one, which has seven floors in total, and each floor has two residents. Therefore, we Although there are many people in Huangtian Pavilion, it can still guarantee that one person has one room. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that one person has one building.

I pinched Fajue with both hands, and a thick white cloud appeared under my feet, supporting me to rise up slowly, and finally reached the top, I reached out and touched the emerald green vine, it was very strong, when I reached the top, I Only then did I realize that the surrounding vines were all entwined on this big tree, and submerged into the trunk of the big tree. I knocked, and many vines on the trunk split open, revealing a hollow that was as tall as a person, and the sunlight It poured down and I got out.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and when I looked down, there were indeed black clouds billowing not far below, and I felt a chilling feeling, most of Jiuhuang City was shrouded in this ghost cloud.

Only this big tree broke through the ghost fog and rose more than ten meters.

The situation in Jiuhuang City is not optimistic, and it is not known whether Wei Wuya has reached an alliance with several ghost hunters of the Qi family. The sun was dazzling, and I went down the big tree. The vines are back together again.

I stretched out my palm and started to cast the dao pattern in the palm. A faint golden light flowed, and there were more and more golden dao patterns. Finally, the center of my palm began to crack, and the crack spread up little by little, reaching the arm.

The Dao pattern in his hand is getting brighter and brighter, and the power of hunting ghosts has decreased sharply:

"The Dao pattern in the palm, transforming the universe, Liu Ding Liu Jia, the power of a god general, no monsters invade, ghosts cannot enter, Liu Ding Liu Jia talisman, guarded by six gates! Order!"

I feel that these six Ding Liujia God General Talismans have consumed all five of my rings of faith. The magic talisman in my palm is about a foot long and glowing golden. After rising to a certain height, it suddenly flashed slightly and turned into six almost identical talismans, and then flew away from all directions. When the talisman reached the barrier formed by the vines, it had already turned into a height of Zhang Xu, and faintly entered it.

I slowly withdrew my palm, and there was only so much I could do. There are six Dingjia gods guarding here, and they are integrated with the barrier. They can use the power in the barrier to attack and recover.

I walked to the gate again, and found a familiar figure standing there. Seeing me appear, he was slightly taken aback, and walked towards me with a limp.

"Cang Lang!"

He actually came to look for me, and I hurried out, his face was a little swollen, and he could clearly see the mark of a slap.

"Zhong Yuan, it's been a long time. I didn't expect to see you again. Your strength has grown to this point. You can actually compete with my master."

Cang Lang smiled in embarrassment, the previous hostility in his eyes had disappeared, only a trace of gloom and envy.

"This is nothing, you can do it in the future, I believe you, by the way, how was your master injured last time?"

Although the target of Yin Leizhu was not Ning Qingyuan last time, we were very close, and he was also affected, second only to me.

Cang Lang smiled again, sighed, and said:

"At least it looks very embarrassed on the outside. Although I have been with him for a while, the master's character looks violent, but he is actually very forbearing. He knows that I have evil intentions and wants to take away his demon pill. Maybe it's just pretending. Not necessarily, I am here this time to see Huiyang, to see if he is injured, but I want to have your protection, even if I am sad, it will be fine."

I nodded and said, "Huiyang was just a little frightened and not injured. By the way, where do you live now? If you are free, I will take Huiyang to see your master. Also, don't you Act rashly, your master is a thousand-year-old monster, no matter how bad it is, there are still ways to suppress the box."

"I understand. We live in the Lihua Hotel on Wangfu Street. As long as you go there, I will come to pick you up."

After Cang Lang finished speaking, he tilted his head slightly and looked inside. There was a trace of longing in his eyes, even a little anxiety, but his eyes were gentle.

"Cang Lang, what are you looking at?"

I asked.

Cang Lang blushed, and said in a low voice: "Xiaoyin, I want to see Xiaoyin."

"Little Silver? You mean the silver wolf next to Shui'er? Did it also come to Jiuhuang City?"

I was slightly taken aback, I just arrived yesterday, and I saw very few people at that time, so I didn't know that Xiaoyin was also here. When I left the Snowy Land, Xiaoyin was about to go through the disaster of thunder and punishment. Now Even Yuan Qing turned into a human form, let alone Xiao Yin.

"Well, it's her, Zhong Yuan, can you call her out for me, I want to talk to her."

Cang Lang coughed a few times, feeling a little embarrassed.

"No problem, hey, she came out."

I was turning around and planning to go to the residential building, but I found that two girls had already come down, one of them was dressed in light yellow, and the other was wearing long silver skirts.

Xiaoyin is much taller than Houtu, with average features, slightly thicker eyebrows, but phoenix eyes, which contain evil spirits, she walks very steadily, her gaze is level, her sharp eyes are like knives towards Cang Lang.

"Just now I sensed a strong energy fluctuation, it seems that you have completed what you should do."

Hou Tu stepped forward, glanced at the emerald void above his head, and said with a slight smile.

"Well, are you planning to leave now? Don't you stay for a few more days?"

Seeing a big bag on her waist, I squeezed my fist.

"No, if my strength improves by one point sooner, I will help you by one point. After I leave, Xiao Yin will be taken care of by you. Xiao Yin, you must listen to Zhong Yuan, you know."

Houtu turned around, looked at the girl in the silver skirt beside him, and said in a gentle tone.

"I have succeeded in transforming, and I can take care of myself completely, so don't let Zhong Yuan take care of me."

Xiaoyin glanced at her master helplessly. She was extremely depressed for a long time. Her master wanted to go to practice alone and didn't call her. She was unhappy at first, but now she had to hand her over to someone else. take care of.

"You're only in shape, and you haven't learned many principles of being a human being. If it weren't for this ghost town, you would have caused a catastrophe. It's getting late, so I'll be leaving first, Zhong Yuan, take care."

Houtu came up in a few steps, suddenly opened his arms and hugged me, then let go, and went to the distance without hesitation, without looking back.

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