Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 409 [Surrender]


Ning Qingyang lowered his tone a little, and there was a hint of reprimand on his face, but it was more helpless.

"Uncle Qingyang, I don't blame him anymore. What else do you blame him for? I'm the one involved in this matter."

Huiyang clenched his fists and mustered up the courage to speak. This was the first time he strongly opposed Ning Qingyang.

He is such a child with a pure personality. As long as anyone treats him well, he will treat others well. His purpose is very pure. No one wants to have trouble with people who treat him well.

Ning Qingyang was stunned when she saw Huiyang talk back.

"Okay, don't quarrel, I have a feeling with Kong Huahua, I will go there in person, and I will contact Kong Huahua when I see Canglang and the others."

I reached out and pressed down, and said.

"No, the other party has three demon messengers and many evil spirits."

Li Nianbai put down the chopsticks in his hand, shook his head with a determined face.

"So what? Could it be that I was killed by the other party as soon as I met him?"

I grinned at Li Nianbai and said, even if the other party joins hands, it is impossible to kill me in one go.

"Okay, since you are so determined, take me with you, and I will enter your Vulcan ring space."

Li Nianbai thought for a while, and felt that his words were right, so he said quietly.

"You are crazy. There is no life in the Vulcan ring space, only the infinite power of fire, and there is no air, and you will only die if you enter."

I rolled my eyes at him and said coldly.

"You can control the power of the fire element inside, don't worry, with my current cultivation base, as long as I take a deep breath, it's not a problem to stay in the Vulcan ring for a while."

Li Nianbai licked the grease stains on his lips, and said proudly.

"Me too, count me in."

Ning Qingyang, who had been stunned for a long time, came back to his senses, closed his eyes, and said slowly, these words seemed to have made a lot of determination.

We all know the rift between their seniors, but for Huiyang, Ning Qingyang actually compromised.

"Uncle Qingyang, if you don't want to, you don't have to go."

Knowing his embarrassment, Huiyang walked up to Ning Qingyang, tugged at the corner of his clothes, and spoke lightly.

"Don't worry, uncle won't make things difficult for him."

Ning Qingyang patted Huiyang on the head and said in a deep voice.

"Luo Yue'er and I are helping you in the air. I think we are hidden in the ghost fog above Jiuhuang City. It must be able to cover our figure, and they will not be able to detect our existence."

Wu Huang'er smiled lightly, and put her hands on her shoulders, very confident.

Luo Yue'er didn't have any opinion, it was her tacit consent.

I, Li Nianbai, and Ning Qingyang are the three of us who fight against the three demon envoys. I can deal with Wei Wuya directly. It is completely capable of surpassing me, and it is more than enough to deal with a demon messenger, especially when I heard that other people's swords combined to kill a demon messenger. When Li Nianbai kills one, he can also come to help. Ning Qingyang is also capable of killing a demon messenger. The magician, although it takes a little longer, is not a problem.

Wei Wuya just wanted me to go there alone, and the three demon messengers joined forces to deal with me.

At that time, I can still contact Kong Huahua. Together with Kong Linger, she and Kong Ling'er can lead a person here, and she has a lot of combat power. If she brings her cousin and Lianxiang, the confidence will be even greater.

"Okay, it's decided like this. When I contact Kong Huahua, you and Kong Ling'er will lead my cousin and Miss Lianxiang respectively. By the way, Miss Lianxiang, how is your injury?"

I glanced at Lian Xiang who was wearing an apron around her waist. She is an elder-level figure with a body of wood virtue. If my cousin doesn't have the Seven-Star Soul-Suppressing Sword and Tai Chi Diagram, he probably won't be her opponent.

Lianxiang smiled gently, blinked and said, "With Jiang He's treatment, it's almost healed."

"Well, that's fine, that's it, it's decided, remember to inform my cousin when the time comes, we are leaving now, Ning Qingyang, Nianbai, come in."

I took a deep breath, stretched out my hand, and stretched it out, a red vortex lingered above the Vulcan ring, Li Nianbai wiped his lips, strode up to me, took a deep breath, and plunged his hand into the vortex, The whole person also disappeared. Ning Qingyang touched Huiyang's head, and also pressed his hand into the Vulcan ring, and the whole person disappeared.

There is no air in the Vulcan ring space, so they cannot stay in it for a long time.

After discussing this action with everyone again, Wu Huang'er and Luo Yue'er walked to the balcony one after another, each showing their magical powers, went straight to the big tree, and left the Huangtian Pavilion through the top of the big tree. Also won't let the other party notice.

I left the Huangtian Pavilion directly from the gate of the community. I didn't go far when I saw a girl in a white dress standing there. It seemed that she had been waiting for me for a while. After I walked in, I found this girl. It's not ghosts, but people, no, no outsiders will enter Jiuhuang City except the people from Huangtian Pavilion.

"Zhong Yuan, I've been waiting for you for a long time, so don't look at me so surprised, I'm Xin'er Demon Envoy, and I know you want to know about those two wolf monsters."

The girl in the white skirt spoke with a slight smile, and I moved closer to her.

"You are quite courageous, and you dare to come to see me alone."

I said coldly, but I didn't do anything. She must have something to do when she met me alone, and this matter should be considered relatively important to me.

Xin'er pursed her lips and smiled, rolled her eyes slightly, looked around, and then said softly: "Actually, I only want to make a deal with you. You can guarantee that I will leave Jiuhuang City with a healthy body. Then there will be a way for you to successfully rescue the two wolf demons, I don’t know if this deal is worthwhile.”

I looked at her for a while, and she looked calm, with intelligent light shining in her eyes, staring at me quietly, it was difficult to see her emotional fluctuations, I thought for a while, and said: "What is your purpose? I You can’t just believe it so foolishly.”

"My purpose is already very clear. I want to leave here, leave Jiuhuang City, and live in this primitive world. When I was not a magician, I heard some seniors talk about the beautiful life here. , when I arrived in this world and saw the blue sky and green trees, I had already decided on this matter. If you don’t believe me, I can swear, you should know, even if the oath comes to us, it will never be easy Promise, because the cause and effect are very serious, which will damage the future practice."

Xin'er's beautiful eyes turned, seeing that I was still half-believing, she suddenly bit her own fingers, stretched out her arms and raised them, and said slowly:

"If what I just said is half a lie, I will surely lose my soul when I cross the catastrophe."

The blood beads on her fingertips suddenly rolled up and turned into crooked runes in the void, and disappeared after a while.

"Okay, now let's talk about their situation."

Seeing her make such a poisonous oath, I was relieved and asked.

Xin'er nodded, pursed her lips, stared at me and said, "In fact, I have done so many things, most of them are due to the personal grievances of Demon Envoy Wuya. Nearby, don't act rashly, it is the Wuya Demon Envoy who wants to take back the Blood Soul Sect and kill you, so we entered the Nine Desolation City."

"Take back the Blood Soul Sect and kill me? How ridiculous!"

I sneered.

Seeing that I was so angry, Xin'er continued: "Actually, he doesn't count as taking back the Blood Soul Sect, he just wants to get Wei Xiaoqing, the current head of the Blood Soul Sect. If he gets Wei Xiaoqing, then the Blood Soul Sect is undoubtedly in his pocket. "

"Want to get Xiaoqing? That's even more impossible. Now that you have made up your mind, you will never return to the Great World of Maha. Can you tell me about the news there?"

I coughed a few times and asked.

Xin'er nodded, but she didn't hide anything, and said slowly: "Although as a demon envoy, you should be very clear about the situation, I think the issue you are most concerned about is the top ten true demons in the Maha world. , I can tell you clearly that besides the demons, the rest of the true demons should have had many accidents. All I know is that it is related to the sealed Styx, and the awakening of the Styx is also inseparable from the disappearance of these true demons. , or in other words, the reason why Styx's seal was broken was also because of these devils."

I was slightly startled, something really happened in this great world of Maha, otherwise, how could only the devil send a demon envoy to chase me down?Except for my mother Zi Luo who came here because of practicing special skills, the rest of the true demons are actually related to the broken seal of Styx.

"Many temples of true demons have problems, because the Maha world is also very dangerous, and many demon envoys have fallen, so they have exposed their feet. At least three temples of real demons have no guards from real demons. , and was immediately occupied by the devil's own subordinates."

Xin'er looked at me nervously, stopped, and I stared at her and asked: "How is the Great Demon Hall?"

"The Good Demon Palace has always been very mysterious. This is a very mysterious place, because their demon messengers have never been seen to come out, and the demons have sent some of their own men to harass the Holy Demon Palace, but those men are all There will be no return, so you can rest assured."

She stared at me with a faint smile, as if she could see my heart clearly.

"Okay, now let's talk about the wolf demon that was captured by you, did you torture him?"

I looked at this woman squarely again, and tried to keep my face as calm as possible. I didn't want her to see through my whole heart.

After looking at me for a moment, she said:

"There is no execution. The thousand-year-old demon wolf was injured by the Yin Leizhu before. Wei Wuya used a little trick to make him helpless. The other one is shallow, so it is not a problem, but this time Wei Wuya If you want to go alone, I want to hunt and kill you, you have to be careful, I also said, I promise to let them go, but I will not be responsible for whether you can retreat completely under the cooperation of the two demon messengers Yes, Wei Wuya has the Gorefiend Scythe in his hand."

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