Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 413 [Taihu Lake Seal]

What Kong Huahua is referring to is naturally Li Nianbai. Apart from eating, this guy is also doing nothing. If I hadn't supervised him every day, he would have been useless even in his practice.

But what makes me a little unbelievable is that his strength has not decreased but increased, and it is getting stronger and stronger. Could it be that this guy is practicing at night?

After pushing open the door, Li Nianbai leaned back against the sofa, with his feet resting on the tea table. The sofa was full of odds and ends. He was holding a large bag of plain potato chips, staring at the TV On the big screen, on the TV screen is the sheep and sheep cartoon that is very popular at the moment.

Kong Huahua and I looked at each other, and we both saw a trace of contempt in each other's eyes. What is this guy trying to do?

Since the restoration of order in Jiuhuang City, he has completely sunk into this kind of life. Looking at this appearance, he is still very comfortable. When he saw me coming out, he stretched out his other hand reluctantly, grabbed the remote control and lightly With a light press, the TV turned off, and then asked Kong Huahua:

"Why are you looking for him in such a hurry? Could it be that you found some interesting place again?"

After finishing speaking, his eyes became bright, and he walked to the two of us, smiling and looking at Kong Huahua.

"Yes, it's fun to find, you go with us."

I grinned, and winked at Kong Huahua, who stretched out her hand and swipe down between the two of us, a cyan crack appeared, she moved quickly, grabbed both of our shoulders with both hands, firmly Hold it firmly, and then jump into this space crack.

When I opened my eyes, I was already on the surface of the lake, and a gust of air flowed from Konghuahua's feet, supporting her and preventing us from falling.

Li Nianbai squeezed the sword formula and pointed it in the direction of Jiuhuang City. After a moment, there was a loud sound of piercing in the distance. In the blink of an eye, an ebony sword appeared under Li Nianbai's feet. The potato chips were handed over.

I pinched the Fa Jue and cast the technique of riding the clouds and riding the fog. After standing still, I ignored him and swept around. I saw Kong Ling'er standing on the water not far away. Kong Ling'er noticed us, but she He didn't leave that area, but waved at us.

When I arrived at the area where she was, I realized that the water below was a bit different. There were many places in this area that were bubbling, as if it was the beginning of boiling. I lowered the white clouds and reached out to fish the water. The water was cold, and he immediately withdrew his hand.

"This place is the only weird place in the entire Taihu Lake. After the last bubbling, I was attacked by those emissaries. Now it's bubbling again. Will there be another devil coming out of here?"

Kong Ling'er frowned slightly, her red lips were slightly pursed, and there was a little panic in her eyes. The last time she and Kong Huahua cruised on the Taihu Lake, she happened to be in this area, and at that time the magic envoy of the Maha World Coming out from inside, if they didn't fully recover their strength, she probably wouldn't be able to escape, and the two sisters would probably perish here.

"I'll go down and have a look, you two sisters keep an eye on what's going on around you."

After I ordered a few words, the white clouds under my feet dispersed, and a light blue spirit pattern appeared on the body. This body of water virtue was condensed in the Wangchuan River. Like one body, one can even clearly feel the power of water contained in it.

The water element spirit pattern has replaced the official seal of the city god. In addition to swimming freely in the water like a fish, it can also breathe freely. Originally, after diving for three meters, the sight of the bottom of the water became very weak, but after a while, both There is a coolness in the eyes, and one can see clearly.

At the bottom of the lake, there is a huge circular array, above which there are spider web-like cracks, and it is these cracks that continuously emit bubbles. The initial bubbles are still small, but after a while, these bubbles are getting bigger and bigger. big.

When I walked into the circular array, I immediately felt an extremely cold feeling.

There is no mud around the circular array, but long, raised cement. I was slightly startled, and I went up a little bit with my toes, and looked down again, the situation was very different, gossip!This is the gossip seal!

The disc in the middle is a picture of Taiji, the raised "one" around it represents yang, and "one one" represents yin, and then three such symbols are combined in parallel according to the changes of yin and yang in nature to form eight different forms. It's gossip.

Each hexagram represents a certain thing.

Qian represents heaven, Kun represents earth, Zhen represents thunder, Xun represents wind, Kan represents water, Li represents fire, Gen represents mountains, and Dui represents Ze.

The combination of gossip and eight trigrams can be transformed into 64 hexagrams, which can deduce some things and suppress them.

This channel is sealed with gossip because it is all-encompassing, but at this moment, there are already many cracks in the Tai Chi diagram, especially the black Yin-Yang fish in Tai Chi, which seems to have been severely cut open with a sharp knife. And based on this crack, small cracks of different sizes also cracked around it.

At this moment, the crack grew a little more at a speed that could be discerned by the naked eye, and a trace of black mist escaped.

Demonic energy, no, there really is another demon who intends to come from the world over there, and the seal must be repaired immediately.

I went downstream again, pressing one hand on the Tai Chi, and the power of hunting ghosts in my whole body rushed into my arm, but the Dao pattern did not condense in the palm of my hand, but spread to the surrounding cracks through the Tai Chi diagram, The original cracks have been covered by a pale golden halo at this moment, the magic energy has stopped escaping, and the bubbles are weak.

These golden halos began to become substantive slowly, but the speed was abnormally slow. If this continued, I would not be able to last long at all. Fortunately, I have cultivated the body of water virtue, except for being able to move freely in the bottom of the water , and can also gather the power of water, if nothing unexpected happens, it should be able to completely repair these cracks.

Time passed by one minute and one second. On the east side where the gossip is, it seems that something is coming towards me at a very fast speed. Because I can't be too distracted, I can only sense that something is coming in front of me, and it still comes. Those who are not good.

The scene on the surface of the lake is quite different. On the surface of the lake in the east, huge waves are set off. The waves are several feet high and dozens of feet across. Looking below, it is a giant vortex.

"Evil spirit, water demon?"

Li Nianbai threw the bag of potato chips in his hand to the side, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled coldly.

"Nianbai, this monster has a strong demonic aura, and even made such a big noise, it is estimated that this monster's body will sneak attack Zhong Yuan, you go down to protect the law."

Kong Huahua's face was stern, and her delicate body shook slightly. Three silver-white fox tails stood upright behind her tail, her nails became extremely sharp, and her ears became longer. Apart from the changes in her body, Kong Ling'er also retreated just like her. The fox has not concealed his evil spirit at all. The fox who has been practicing for more than 300 years has a strong evil spirit.

"Be careful, you two. If you are no match, you can use the space crack to escape. Don't bother me and Zhong Yuan."

After Li Nianbai finished speaking, his body sank and he rushed into the water with his sword.

As soon as the Dao pattern in the palm emerges, it immediately pours into the Eight Diagrams Taiji below him. Most of the cracks have been almost repaired. Not far away suddenly stands a white figure, the gauze skirt on his body is in the water flow Floating, the jet-black long hair flowed with the water waves, and only a pale face could be seen. She was a girl with an exquisite figure, but she felt a powerful demonic aura from her body.

She suddenly raised her arm, a blue light flickered in her palm, and a blue water blade condensed out of her palm, heading straight for me.

The water blade shuttled through the lake at an exceptionally fast speed, and there was no resistance at all. I had to raise the other palm. The water blade shot out.

The two water blades collided one after another, turning into an invisible force and dissipating.

The girl stretched out her hand towards my surroundings, and water plants suddenly began to entangle themselves from the mud around the gossip, and they entwined towards my body very spiritually, at a very fast speed, almost in the blink of an eye. Hold my body, and pull me away from the gossip.

Although I can move freely in the water, but I am not very proficient in this kind of technique, I was torn apart immediately, lost the restoration of the Dao pattern, and the seal that was about to be healed started to crack again.

Oops, this monster actually prevented me from repairing the crack, and she was separated by a distance that I didn't want, obviously because she was afraid of the power of gossip, could this monster be in collusion with those demons in the Great World of Maha?

Just when I was about to break free from these aquatic plants, a glaring golden light suddenly swam down from above and spun around me, causing the aquatic plants on my body to fall down one after another. After I escaped from the trap, I glanced above and saw that Li Nianbai had already come downstream , and it was his ebony sword that helped me out.

Li Nianbai is exercising the skill of controlling the sword, driving the ebony sword to save me from the siege.

I made a good posture from him, and then landed on the Taiji diagram again, and slapped it hard with the palm of my hand, and the dao pattern began to mend again.

When the water demon saw Li Mubai, her beautiful face was stunned for a moment, and then her arms swayed slightly. Like a water elf, blue water jets condensed from her body. Compared with it, it is particularly conspicuous. There are three blue water streams, and they change a little bit. At first, they still linger around the water demon, but after the eyes of the water demon turned into crystal blue, these three streams spurted out. Go straight to Li Nianbai.

Li Nianbai's eyes shone brightly, he pointed his sword a little, and the ebony sword swept towards the blue water rushing away.

In the water, the light of the ebony sword was not as dazzling as before, and it quickly cut on the water flow, but it couldn't hurt it at all, and was even entangled by one of the blue water flows. Seeing this scene Only then did Li Nianbai's face turn serious.

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