Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 438 [Smerman Warrior]

After the water stains on the raft were cleaned, Li Nianbai came up again and began to check our physical condition.

Dongzhu washed us and the raft with the river water, and now he is lying on it wet, and the sun shines down, and he can see the water mist on his clothes steaming.

"It must be that Ao Jiutian was sent by the second uncle! Damn it!"

Dongzhu gritted his teeth and said with a depressed face.

"Okay, now that these colorful birds have exploded their bodies, Ao Jiutian should already know that he is a thousand-year-old alien beast. Although he is not good at fighting, he is still a lot of threat compared to us, not to mention there are chasing monsters. Bing, Nianbai, take good care of them, as long as you persist until noon tomorrow, I will hold a ceremony, in this way, I can display a lot of powerful talents, and maybe I can resist them."

After Dongzhu finished speaking, the blue fish's tail flicked more violently, and the speed of the raft increased a lot in an instant.

"Now...now...speaking...speaking is...difficult."

I tried my best to open and close my mouth, my whole body was numb and I couldn't move my limbs, but my mind was clear.

If we catch more Cai Luoques and use their blood, even real demons will be unable to resist. After all, I am now a five-element holy body, and my body is not weaker than any real demons, not even my strength. Weaker than any true demon.

It's a pity that these colorful sparrows are in the depths of this vast mountain range. The reason why these colorful sparrows appear here is probably because they were raised by that black beast called Ao Jiutian.

"It's difficult to speak, so don't talk, don't worry, Dongzhu and I are fine now, we are not a decoration, after so long, you are hungry, you use your mind to open the Vulcan ring, go get something to eat .”

Li Nianbai patted my shoulder with a smile and said.

When Dongzhu heard about the food, she took out her shells at the same time, and filled them with a lot of things.

The two ate with relish until the evening.

The numbness in my body didn't subside at all. My cousin was lying beside me, but he didn't move at all. Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, it was much more dangerous at night.

But by the next day, the paralyzing effect on my body should disappear, as long as I survive this period of time.

"Nianbai goes to sleep first, I will guard here, and I will replace you in the middle of the night."

Dong Zhu smiled sweetly at Li Nianbai, flicked the fish's tail vigorously, and the raft moved forward quickly.

It was not until the middle of the night when Dongzhu changed positions that he climbed onto the raft tiredly, but not long after he got on the raft, a lot of waves suddenly rolled up in the river behind him. Dongzhu's face changed, and he said in surprise: "Why? Maybe it caught up so quickly?"

"You mean those soldiers from the Merman Clan are catching up?"

Li Nianbai's expression turned cold, he stood up and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, I really didn't expect them to be so fast. This is terrible! What should I do? There are at least [-] mermaid warriors on the other side, and Ao Jiutian, a thousand-year-old monster!"

Dongzhu Xiumei frowned slightly. If it was daytime, after she performed the ceremony, she would be able to run to land at that time. These merman warriors are not capable of setting foot on land. It is impossible now.

Li Nianbai was about to say something when several jets of water suddenly spewed out from the front of the raft, resisting the raft, and the water splashed from behind, and strong merman warriors emerged from the river one by one, and one of the silver armored merman warriors swept away. Glancing at the raft, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice:

"Dongzhu, come back with us. If you resist the order, we won't be able to keep your life. If you go back obediently, maybe your second uncle will spare your life."

"General Haiyun, do you really think I will believe this? I have already left the deep sea, and I will never set foot in the deep sea again. Second uncle still refuses to let me go? My father, emperor and mother have both died in his hands. He What else do you want?!"

Dong Zhu had an extra steel fork in his hand, and stared at Hai Yun with beautiful eyes.

Hai Yun smiled slightly, and said: "If Palace Master Dongzhu is willing to hand over the Crystal Horn, Horn of Storms and the treasures of the Merman Clan, I can consider letting Palace Master die, but Palace Master can no longer appear in the East China Sea. "

"Hmph! Don't think about it, these things were given to me by my father, who said that they could not be handed over to my second uncle no matter what. I know what you want this storm horn for. You want to help those alien beasts on this continent transform into forms. impossible!"

Dongzhu looked at General Haiyun coldly.

General Haiyun was slightly taken aback, thought for a while, and then said: "What's wrong with this? The mermaids can get more resources. If you refuse to compromise obediently, we also have a way to make you hand over these treasures. I can't imagine The Master of Dongzhu Palace even found a helper, and they are still human beings, but these human beings are probably unable to move now. They have been poisoned by the poisonous blood of Cai Luoque, and no one can resolve it. hand to escape?"

"It really is you, where is Ao Jiutian hiding?!"

Dongzhu snorted coldly, raised the trident in his hand, and said angrily.

"Sister Dongzhu, don't be so angry. Don't worry. With me here, they won't do anything to you. As long as you obediently hand over the treasure of the mermaid clan, I will naturally ask them to let you go. You will follow me from now on." , I will take care of you."

Ao Jiutian's evil voice came from a distance, followed by a figure on the shore shaking, Ao Jiutian came riding on the waves.

Although this Ao Jiutian is a black beast, it only has a thousand years of practice. It is much weaker than the black seedling witch beast. The black seedling witch beast has been passed down for thousands of years, but the tragedy is that once this beast When a powerful spiritual intelligence is born, it will be wiped out by the patriarch of the Black Miao clan. At the same time, it will absorb the powerful soul of human beings to grow and evolve. If it is not controlled by humans, this witch beast beetle will definitely be difficult to provoke.

The millennium monster, with Li Nianbai's current strength, should be able to deal with it, and this Ao Jiutian's ability should be much weaker than that of Ning Qingyang and his brothers. This black beast is not good at fighting.

It’s just that I don’t know how powerful the fighters of these merman tribes are, they are probably stronger than Dongzhu. Although Dongzhu is a royal family, and his ability is stronger than ordinary mermen, there are many of these mermen, and there is a general among them.

"Brother, I can come out and help now."

The voice of the little ghost came from the Vulcan ring space, by the way, the little ghost can create the Sumeru space, as long as we are in the space, then we belong to another world, and the Ao Jiutian and the Yuren warriors can't find us at all.

"No, I want to see how powerful these mermaid warriors are."

I communicated with the little ghost with my mind, and the little ghost stopped talking when he heard the words.

"Take care of me? You have such a good mind? Look at my trident!"

Dongzhu stared angrily at Ao Jiutian, who came from riding the waves, raised the trident in his hand, and stabbed at Ao Jiutian, a blue light and shadow suddenly appeared on the trident, this blue light It suddenly shot out towards Ao Jiutian, turning into an incomparably huge phantom of the trident, and stabbed away fiercely.

Ao Jiutian's face darkened, and he said: "Sister Dongzhu, do you really want to fight me? Your current ability can't compete with me, unless you hold a coming-of-age ceremony and get the Sea God's blessing. Now! Hehe!"

As soon as the words fell, Ao Jiutian slapped out a palm, and the huge palm print slapped hard on the phantom of the blue trident. With a loud noise, the trident turned into countless sprays and fell down.

Dongzhu's face darkened, his arm went numb, and the trident in his hand almost fell out.

"Sister Dongzhu, how are you doing?"

Ao Jiutian folded his arms and said with a smile.

"How about it? Give me a sword and try!"

The ebony sword in Li Nianbai's hand was thrown into the air, the golden sword light flashed, and the ebony sword turned into a stream of light and went straight to Ao Jiutian. Above Ao Jiutian's head, he slashed down fiercely.

Ao Jiutian's complexion changed drastically, he opened his mouth and sprayed forward, a sticky emerald light spewed out from his mouth, a emerald green demon pill slammed into the ebony sword fiercely, and even sent the ebony sword flying.

Li Nianbai let out a strange laugh, and with a flick of his fingertips, blue lotus flowers emerged. These green lotuses spun around, and the petals turned into blue sword lights and shot out in all directions, but most of them went straight to Ao Jiutian And go, the other part is going straight to those mermaid warriors.

Seeing this, Dongzhu looked overjoyed, and immediately took out another small and exquisite horn. This horn was very different from the crystal horn. The whole body was made of gold, and the surface was printed with lightning-like patterns. She directed towards the distance Play it hard.

The dull howl sounded very abruptly, and the distance was surrounded by black clouds, lightning and thunder, and strong winds!

"No, Dongzhu Palace mainly uses this storm horn to deal with us, let's dive into the water!"

Hai Yun's face darkened, and he ordered to go down immediately, and dozens of sharks immediately dived into the bottom of the river and came towards the direction of Dongzhu.

Under the pressure of Li Nianbai's sword light, Ao Jiutian couldn't resist and retreated to the shore, the other half of the sword light also fell into the water and exploded, unable to harm these merman warriors.

"No, they are coming!"

Dongzhu pursed her lips. Although she could use the horn of the storm, she couldn't do anything about the opponent hiding in the water.

"All of you come close to me, let me come, Dongzhu, you are responsible for summoning the fish to move the raft."

The little ghost head could not wait to appear on the raft, Dongzhu was slightly taken aback, and nodded, with a flick of the fish's tail, everyone arrived on the raft, Li Nianbai also took this opportunity to put away his ebony sword.

The little devil's face was dignified and he kept drawing forward, countless silver and simple talismans scattered in all directions, and he muttered:

"Fortune Silver Inscription, Sumeru Space, Cohesion!"

With both hands closed, a silvery space appeared, and after a while, the surrounding water tumbling, and these merman warriors surfaced, Haiyun glanced around, and couldn't help but look at each other, originally they were very close to the raft, but they disappeared at this moment .

"General Haiyun, what should we do, they disappeared."

A merman warrior asked.

Hai Yun snorted coldly, and said: "It must be those humans who have used the secret technique of concealing their eyes. The raft should still be around here. We can't let the master of Dongzhu escape. If she holds a coming-of-age ceremony and gets the blessing of the sea god, We may not be her opponents, and now we have nothing to do, let's use our abilities!"

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