Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 440 [God's Blessing]

"It's here, it's Sea God, finally here! You guys don't talk! Although you are not members of the Sea Clan, you must respect Sea God."

Dongzhu's face was overjoyed, and at the same time, he looked into the distance solemnly, reminding him.

These blue water droplets quickly condensed ten feet away from us, and quickly condensed into shape.

An indescribable feeling spread from my heart, this feeling is very strange, these blue water drops give people a very weird feeling, I am not talking about these blue water drops are transforming into a human form, Rather, these blue water droplets give people a feeling of incomparable majesty, this is the power contained in the so-called Sea God.

Gods, the gods produced by the general land are formed by the belief of the believers. The stronger the belief, the more powerful the gods will be. It stands to reason that the gods are formed by the wishes of the people, and it is generally difficult to generate self-awareness. But this god is different, it's like cultivating for many years, and then adding faith, such as the City God of Yonghe City.

But this sea god is much more powerful than the city god. Although I couldn't see what the opponent's body was, thinking of this, I looked over to my cousin, who also looked at me meaningfully, and then took off his glasses. His eyes turned into chaos and looked towards Seagod.

Poseidon smiled slightly, and countless blue rays of light suddenly appeared above his body, his cousin groaned and took several steps back, his eyes had turned into black and white, and looked at Poseidon in shock.

"Young man, your behavior is very rude, don't do it next time."

A gentle voice sounded faintly, and Sea God's eyes fell on Dong Zhu, and he continued to speak: "Little girl, why is the coming-of-age ceremony held here? Even if it is not possible, it can be in any corner of the sea."

Dongzhu's face became ugly again when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he slowly said: "Now I can't even go back to the shark race, not only the deep sea, I think when you came, you also noticed the shark Those chasing soldiers of the human race, I have nowhere to go now, so please ask Lord Sea God to bless me and let me leave here."

"I also know about your mermaid race. No one can control the change of dynasty. I watched you grow up. You are a good boy. I wish you blessings. As long as you are in a place with water, you can be endless." With the help of my power, no matter where you are, as long as there is water, the power will always be with you, I will give you the highest glory and blessing of the Sea God, your power is too weak, I allow you to summon the power of the water element to fight..."

Sea God clasped his palms together, a blue light shone in his palms, and a miraculous scene appeared.

Xuan'ao's powerful spirit patterns flew out from the palm, and the salty sea water smell escaped. These spirit patterns fell to the East Pearl little by little, while we were blocked by a layer of stronger force, unable to get closer .

After about a quarter of an hour, the light in Poseidon's hand dimmed, and the furnaces around Dongzhu also went out one after another. The slight difference from before was that her blue fish tail had disappeared, and her waist had turned into a blue dress. She stood up and tried to walk a few steps, but she couldn't walk steadily at all, and fell to the side. Fortunately, Li Nianbai was very close, and he held her up. Did not fall.

Dongzhu was both surprised and happy, and tried hard to stand firm, but found that he was not quite used to it yet.

"Okay, practice a lot and you will be able to walk freely. Also, remember that when you walk on land, your feet must not touch the water, otherwise they will turn into fish tails. If you want to turn them into human legs again, you need to control them yourself. There are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with, so I left first."

Poseidon looked at Dongzhu with a smile and nodded in satisfaction. His huge body instantly turned into countless blue water droplets, and shot towards the East China Sea again. It disappeared completely before our eyes in a few breaths. The coercion also disappeared at the same time.

"It's so powerful, my yin and yang eyes can't see through her real body!"

The cousin looked at the direction where the sea god disappeared with lingering fear, patted his chest and said out of breath.

I glanced at him, and explained: "She already has divinity in her body, and she has divine light to protect her body. Unless it is a god stronger than her, otherwise it is impossible to see through her body. Appear."

When the cousin heard the words, he nodded suddenly.

With the help of Li Nianbai, Dongzhu was finally able to barely move around on the raft, but he had to sit down and rest after a few minutes. After repeated practice like this, he gradually became familiar with it.

The pursuers of the Merman race never caught up again, and they don't know whether they were eaten by the ferocious pig or have fled back to the deep sea.

Now that Wushen Mountain is getting closer and closer, the river water has become bitingly cold. If it weren't for the river water flowing, it would have condensed into ice.

"Now we have entered the territory of Wushen Mountain. Although there is still a certain distance from the real Wushen Mountain, we can no longer take this waterway, because when we get near Wushen Mountain, even if it is a waterway, there will be witches guarding it. It's safer."

After Dongzhu checked the fish under the raft, she spoke slowly. At the same time, she also took out a small blue shell and threw it into the river.

"Well, anyway, I also want to see if I can contact Houtu here."

I nodded.

"Houtu? Are you talking about the ancestral witches of the Wu Clan? This Wushen Mountain is transformed by the bodies of eleven ancestral witches. Houtu is not in it. I guess you won't be able to find it if you go there."

Dongzhu stared at me in surprise, then explained with a slight smile.

It seems that this little girl knows quite a lot, even this.

"Let's go to shore, but Dongzhu, you should be used to walking by now. With your current ability, if you live on land for too long without contact with water, you will probably suffer a lot."

Li Nianbai rubbed his head, frowning, and opened his mouth in thought.

Dongzhu glared at her, and said angrily: "Do you want me to stay here? To get rid of me? You promised to protect me at the beginning, otherwise how could I give you the glass water? I am now in It's not safe here, even if I have held a coming-of-age ceremony, they will only send stronger fighters over."

"Nian Bai is just worried about you, not that he doesn't want you to be with us."

The cousin looked at the woman speechlessly, and said calmly.

"Worry about me? You only need to worry about my safety. Although I am a princess of the merman tribe, I can still take care of some trivial matters in life. Although I need water for a while, I have already collected a lot!"

Dongzhu pursed his lips, stretched out his hand and waved towards the river, and the blue shell was received in his hand. Compared with before, the color of the shell seemed to be deeper, and the weight was also heavy.

"Okay, let's go. Now that we have reached the boundary of Wushen Mountain, we should proceed carefully."

After pushing the raft away from the shore, I was the first to jump off the raft and reach the shore.

The three of them also came down at once. After Dongzhu actually stepped on the land, he became extraordinarily novel and cautious, and looked around.

"When you get near the Wushen Mountain, you have to be extra careful, because these witches don't just stay on the Wushen Mountain, but the surrounding areas are also their range of activities. The surrounding hills are the territory of these witches."

After Dongzhu glanced at the surrounding trees, he spoke.

"Of course we know this. Now that we are going to find Yuzhu Mountain, I have a strong feeling that Houtu should cultivate in Yuzhu Mountain now."

Through these tall trees, there is a straight and steep mountain not far away. This mountain reaches straight into the sky like a jade pillar. Most of the mountain is covered by clouds and mist. The whole mountain is as if made of ice, and there is no green on it.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Li Nianbai began to urge him.

"No, you can't go. There are powerful beasts on Yuzhu Mountain that are similar to the level of gods. With my ability, I don't know if I can deceive them. If you add you, it will be difficult. Let's do it. Meet near Wushen Mountain. I will give the ring to my cousin. I have a connection with Zhu Rong in the Vulcan ring. At that time, Houtu and I will take the initiative to meet you. If we leave this time, maybe you will get a lot of opportunities .”

I smiled at them, there are also many treasures near Wushen Mountain.

"Be careful yourself, by the way, what exactly is that strange beast on Yuzhu Mountain? Its strength is comparable to that of a god!"

The cousin said with lingering fear, because of the Sea God's matter, he still hasn't recovered yet.

"Tuhui, this kind of strange beast originally followed Lu Wu, but Lu Wu is no longer in this interface, but Tuli is still there. I don't know how many are left now. Anyway, it is very difficult."

After thinking about it carefully, a group of strange beasts that resembled goats but with four horns appeared in his mind. These strange beasts were Tuli.

When Dongzhu heard this, her big eyes widened, and she said in disbelief, "Tuwei?! I heard from my father that it is much more powerful than a beast. Are you sure you can deal with it?"

"I don't know if I can deal with it, but Houtu's aura is on Yuzhu Mountain, and I have to meet her. It's getting late, and the sky will be dark when I reach Yuzhu Mountain. "

After greeting a few people, I used the Dao pattern in my palm to condense an invisibility talisman. With my current ability, as long as I don't use big secret techniques, this invisibility method cannot be broken.

Although I don't understand how Houtu avoided these strands of soil, she is indeed at the top of Yuzhu Mountain, and there is a special feeling between me and her.

After being invisible, there was less trouble, and I went straight to the foot of Yuzhu Mountain.

It used to be some distance away from this mountain, but now that we got closer, we realized that this mountain is extremely huge, covered with white snow, and covered in white snow, it is very beautiful.

As soon as I got close to this mountain, the surrounding cold wind suddenly swept in. Before I could react, my back felt cold, and an extremely dangerous feeling lingered in my heart.

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