Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 446 [Resentment]

Facing the ice blade shooting down, the black eagle under Wu Xian suddenly fluttered its wings and flew high, a lot of feathers shot out from its body, black light rolled, and there was another dense cracking sound in the air.

The next moment, a light-yellow shadow appeared on the black eagle, Wu Xian's expression changed drastically, and he struck out with both fists, but Houtu dodged it sideways. In just a few breaths, the two exchanged hands, and Houtu's moves were simple and unsophisticated Directly, Wu Xian was forced into danger, and I took this opportunity to go to my cousin and the others.

At this time, when these Wu clansmen saw Wu Xian fighting Houtu, they all stopped and watched the battle from the sidelines, but even so, my cousin did not relax his vigilance until I appeared, and then moved the five black devil puppets closer, and at the same time Opened his mouth and said:

"Zhong Yuan, Nianbai swallowed the demon pill of the alien beast. The alien beast was killed by several of us. The demon pill is extremely powerful. Before we encountered pursuers, Nianbai used his own power to suppress the demon pill. Now I am afraid that it is no longer possible. Restrained."

I walked over, and before I got close to him, I felt a huge demonic aura, which almost covered his original aura. I didn't think much about it, and when I got behind him, I grabbed Li Nianbai's head. The upper blue light was shining, and I grabbed the chubby Nascent Soul from his spiritual sea.

As soon as the Nascent Soul came out, it turned into a foot high, and the original white and fat body was covered with strange green demon patterns at this moment. I was slightly shocked. Before I could recover, this little guy actually He bit me directly, then flew to Li Nianbai's shoulder, and smiled evilly at me.

Two sharp fangs were exposed from the corners of Yuan Ying's mouth, his whole body was full of demonic aura, and a light green bead shone slightly between his brows.

I raised my wrist and saw that it was dripping with blood. Not only did the wound not heal, but it appeared to be festering.

Seeing this scene, I was a little horrified. This demon pill actually changed Li Nianbai's personality drastically. He is a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm. It seems that this demon pill's demon nature is strong, and it is still difficult to control with his current strength. However, if this demon pill is refined, its strength should be improved to a higher level.

It's only been a few days since I left with them, and it's really impressive that they even hunted down such a powerful beast.

"Zhong Yuan, save him quickly!"

Seeing Yuanying's appearance, Dongzhu was startled. This villain looks exactly like Li Nianbai, and I grabbed him out of his spiritual sea again.


Yuanying grinned at me, my blood was still on his mouth.

"Don't wake me up yet?!"

I glared at Yuan Ying, the huge aura enveloped him, Yuan Ying's face changed, and he was about to get into the top of Li Nianbai's head again, I stretched out my hand a little bit forward, this Yuan Ying was pointed down by me, and his body shook When I got to Li Nianbai's side, my left hand was covered with a layer of glow, and I pinched the back of the Nascent Soul's neck again, so that it couldn't bite me.

"let me go!"

Yuan Ying screamed in a milky voice, the voice was very shrill, he kept shaking his limbs, but he couldn't break free from my palm, and his eyes were sometimes sober and sometimes fierce.

I stretched out my right hand and began to murmur words:

"The universe in the palm of your hand, the evolution of the Dao pattern, the fire of the spirit void, the refining of demons, and the edict!"

The golden Dao pattern in the palm condensed, and instantly turned into a simple golden talisman that bit off, and with a flip of the wrist, it lay directly on Yuanying's forehead.

Li Nianbai who was meditating next to him suddenly opened his eyes, covered his head with his hands, and rolled on the ground in pain.

"Haha, you are refining me now, you are refining him. I have merged with him, regardless of each other!"

Nascent Soul stared at me with a ferocious face, and smiled triumphantly, and his voice became abnormally low because of this.

"Hmph, trying to lie to me? There is still a trace of resentment in this demon pill. He is practicing the authentic Taiqing secret art, and is it something that you and other evil spirits can corrode? What I want to refine is only to refine you. His resentment is harmless to him at all."

I opened my mouth with a cold smile.

Yuanying gritted his teeth and looked at me, his eyes rolled, and suddenly he looked at a certain void, stepped on Li Nianbai's head with his toes, and flew away into the distance.

Unexpectedly, this resentment actually planned to kill him. If he left, Nian Bai would not live long. However, the speed of Nascent Soul's flight was far beyond our imagination. I didn't notice it for a while, and let him escape ten feet away.

Seeing that he was about to disappear from our sight, a light blue water polo suddenly appeared in front of Yuan Ying, and Yuan Ying plunged into the water polo without being able to guard against it.


A silver bell-like voice sounded, Dong Zhu slowly withdrew his arm, stared at me nervously and said, "Although I don't know if it's right to imprison this villain like this, but he came out of Nianbai's body, so he must go back , I will leave the rest to you, Zhong Yuan!"

Nascent Soul began to struggle in the water polo, but couldn't break free, and the whole water polo began to shake, as if it would collapse at any moment.

"I know you're not Nianbai, and you don't even try to get out of my confinement! Elemental Warrior, follow my call and come out!"

Seeing that the little Yuanying was about to break through the water polo, Dongzhu raised his hands up, the blue light on his fingertips shone, and the light around the water polo fluctuated. In an instant, the water light emerged, and among the splashes, it turned into three mermaid-bodied elements Warrior, this elemental warrior resisted the water polo with both hands, and after a while, the water polo began to stabilize again.

"Judging from the current appearance, Nianbai should be using Yuanying's power to suppress the demon core, so you can rest assured that my demon refinement talisman hit Yuanying's body, and nothing will happen. Dongzhu, just keep it like this. It was not released until the green demon text on Yuanying's body faded."

After simply instructing Dongzhu a few words, I looked at the battlefield, and there was a scream in the air. Wu Xian fell from the black eagle, hit the ground heavily, and directly smashed a big hole. The soldier had already leaned over, intending to pull Wu Xian up from the huge pit.

A light-yellow figure in the air landed steadily beside the huge pit, and a huge coercion spread around. The expressions of these witch warriors changed, and their bodies took several steps back uncontrollably. He looked at the thin girl in front of him in panic.

Before a few people could react, Houtu smiled slightly. The yellow light behind his body shot up into the sky, and a huge image appeared in the light. This image was exactly the same as Houtu, but it was much larger and covered with a Layers of bright yellow battle armor, twisting a piece of golden soil in her hand, the soil began to change continuously in her hands, and the breath from the prehistoric and ancient times came out from this image.

"The Ancestral Witch of the Later Earth!"

"This is the image of the Houtu ancestor witch, I saw it in the Holy Land!"

"That's right, the only one who can defeat Master Wuxian is Houtu Zuwu. It must be her. You can't be wrong. Have you seen this phantom and the huge aura coming from her? It is our Wushen Mountain. None of the ten adults here!"


Horrified voices came from the mouths of these Wu clansmen. After a while, there was the sound of the stone spear falling to the ground, and then these Wu clansmen began to bow down to Houtu.

Only then did Hou Tu put away the phantom behind him, and said: "You wait to retreat quickly, don't embarrass them!"

The sound was quite powerful, and the crisp sound resounded through the sky, buzzing like thunder.

The mount under the Wu tribe has already understood human nature, and before waiting for the master's order, it galloped away on all fours.

Hou Tu glanced at Wu Xian in the pit lightly, ignored him, and walked towards me instead.

"How is Nian Bai?"

She glanced at Li Nianbai who was sitting cross-legged again, and asked aloud.

Although Li Nianbai didn't roll on the ground like before, but at this moment, his whole body was as if he was fished out of the water, his face was extremely pale, and the evil spirit in his body had weakened a lot. It seemed that the demon refinement talisman had worked.

"The situation has improved. This guy actually devoured the demon core that has been practiced for thousands of years. It should be that when they killed the strange beast, the resentment of the strange beast was attached to the demon core, so it became like this. "

I smiled slightly, took her little hand, and walked towards the water polo.

My cousin waved his hand, and the five black devil puppets turned into palm-sized again. With a flick of his wrist, these puppets disappeared. Seeing this, Zhu Rong and Heishan in the distance returned to the Vulcan ring. My cousin took out the fire God ring, handed it to me and said:

"If you don't come here again, we won't last long, cough cough..."

When I took the Vulcan Ring, my cousin suddenly held his chest and began to cough, his brows were furrowed, and a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

I was startled, so I quickly supported him, reached out and pressed my cousin's chest, and began to check his body.

"Cousin, your internal organs are ruptured, and you are protected by a black puppet, how can you be hit so hard?"

After finishing speaking, I stretched out my palm and started to condense the healing talisman. Now that Jiang He is not here, this is the only way.

"They should have hunted and killed the guardian beast of the current witch clan. This guardian beast is very powerful. It was formed by the illusion of the remnant thoughts of eleven ancestor witches. It is extremely powerful. Zhongli, don't get angry. You are infected with evil thoughts. If you Being angry will affect the mind, and Li Nianbai's situation is like this."

Houtu's eyes suddenly turned golden, and after glancing at his cousin, he spoke.

Cousin nodded, trying to maintain a peaceful state of mind. The emerald healing talisman in my hand had already formed, and I pressed it lightly on his chest, and the emerald talisman turned into countless emerald silk threads and poured into his chest, and the originally pale face gradually changed. Gotta get better.

After half a day of hard work, Houtu began to help his cousin get rid of the evil spirit. Li Nianbai's evil spirit had been completely refined. There is clarity in the eyes.

Under my instruction, Dongzhu withdrew the water polo and the elemental warrior, and Yuanying's body shook, turning into a cyan glow and entering into the spiritual sea in Li Niantian's spiritual cover.

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