Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 449 [Leaving the Mountain and Sea Realm]

Li Nianbai Yujian's flight is not high, and it flew over the Cangmang River. After half a day, we were far away from Wushen Mountain, so we found a place to rest, and continued on our way when we were full. The first time I didn't meet Fei Dun, but I performed the technique of soaring clouds.

Although the evil energy and resentment on the demon pill he swallowed has been refined by me, but the essence of this demon pill is very thick, and it is not possible to completely refine it into my own essence in a short time.

One day later, we arrived at the seaside of the East China Sea, which was the same as before, without any changes. We camped not far from Stonehenge, waiting for our cousins.

On the beach, you can also see the two giant stone guards at the entrance of Stonehenge.

"This is the seaside, we still have to be careful, this is the range of the shark race."

Dongzhu sat on the beach, facing the sea, with a vigilant face.

"Don't worry, we're on the beach, and these mermaids are not like you. Even if they are blessed by the Sea God as adults, they won't be able to walk on land, and Houtu and they should be arriving soon."

Li Nianbai stuffed a blue fruit in his mouth and said with a smile.

In the middle of the night, I opened my eyes and looked towards the sky. A group of faintly twinkling stars roared towards us from afar, and two figures faintly appeared in the starlight.

This is naturally Houtu and my cousin who rushed over. I was about to call out, when suddenly the waves rolled in the sea next to me, and there was a whistling sound from the depths of the sea.

Dongzhu stood up suddenly, squeezed his fist and said: "My second uncle still refuses to let go, and now he is sending mermaid warriors to chase me down. This is the sea, and there are many strange beasts in the deep sea. One family can drive these strange beasts to attack us."

"It doesn't matter, as long as we enter Stonehenge, we can leave here!"

Seeing the starlight getting closer, I smiled. It might take some time for these mermaid warriors to rush over.

At this time, the starlight shrank slightly, and the figures of Hou Tu and his cousin appeared.

Houtu's aura is even stronger than before. My cousin has condensed the seventh ring of faith, went to the sacred place of the witch clan, and got such a big romance.

Seemingly seeing through my thoughts, Houtu walked up to me, said with a slight smile, "Zhongli actually condensed into the seventh ring of faith when he was rushing back, that's why we were late, let's go, the five-color mud has already When I got it, there seemed to be some changes in the depths of the sea."

"Just walk over like this swaggeringly?"

The distance from Stonehenge was getting closer and closer, the two guards stood there motionless, but they gave people an invisible coercion, Houtu led us, and even planned to walk over like this.

"Don't worry, I made this giant stone guard. Its defensive power can be compared to that of a real great witch. It is responsible for guarding this place. Of course, I have a way to prevent them from attacking us."

After Houtu finished speaking, he stretched out his hands separately, densely packed with traces of the Wu clan, and these traces began to form together, turning into two magical existences, then shook his hands, and went to the stone carvings respectively .

Wuwen submerged in the stone carving, and a faint yellow glow immediately appeared. She grinned mischievously and said, "Let's go quickly."

I nodded in astonishment, and followed closely, but it was Dongzhu, who stood at the entrance, glanced at the roaring sea in the distance, with rosy eyes, and my cousin leaned in front of her with his hands outstretched.

Li Nianbai glared at his cousin, and then pulled Dong Zhu to rush over to where we were. The cousin withdrew his hand, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said to himself, sullenly:

"It's almost ready to be strung into a necklace!"

When I reached the entrance of the two realms again, I held Houtu's hand tightly and stepped forward.

I was a little dizzy in my head. After waiting for the situation, I grabbed Houtu and pushed towards the stone gate in front of me. Get out of here.

There is no boulder guard at the exit here, and we have returned to the original world.

I thought for a while, and then said: "Cousin, you and Nianbai bring Dongzhu back to the Huangtian Pavilion. I want to go to the underworld with my queen to see if Senior Wuchang has any suitable materials."

"Well, okay, you have to be careful, the blood has been sent back to the Great World of Maha, and Styx may reach the underworld at any time."

The cousin nodded and said.

After they had left, I pressed the brand mark on my chest with one hand, and said in my mouth: "Mingming Qiankun, hell, follow my call, Youyue, come out!"

A gust of wind hangs around, blowing the earthy yellow long skirt to sway, and a white figure staggers in the wind, but when it comes out, it lies on the ground, motionless. I walked over and found that it was You Yue.

You Yue raised her head, and said in an extremely weak voice, "It's a good thing you summoned me, otherwise, I would have died there."

Seeing his soul body gathering and dispersing, my heart trembled slightly, and I immediately took out three ghost incense sticks from the Vulcan ring space and lit them in front of him. After he took a few sips, he recovered a lot, I said : "Did something happen to the underworld?"

You Yue took a deep breath of ghost incense before she nodded and said, "Actually, it's not an accident, it's just that I was ambushed. You should be very aware of the forest outside our Fengdu ghost city."

"Well, what's the matter? You went to the depths of the ghost forest?"

I was a little taken aback, could it be that You Yue was injured by Fan Yi Ghost King?Probably not, You Yue is now a second-rank ghost agent anyway, if Fan Yi really wants to make a move, I'm afraid he will be dead long ago, Fan Yi has recovered a lot of mysteries in the womb, and has already comprehended some fairy arts.

"It's not really deep in the ghost forest. I just went to the Wangxiang Terrace and discovered a big secret."

You Yue sat up, sucking in big mouthfuls of ghost incense, these ghost incense can make up for the loss of Yin Qi, You Yue's complexion already looks much better, at least her body won't dissipate.

Those living near Wangxiang Terrace are naturally ghosts after death. These ghosts are very complicated, but most of them cannot be reincarnated because they have no understanding of cause and effect. live near the station.

"Secret? What big secret?"

I asked.

You Yue swallowed her saliva, her face became a little panicked, and she said: "Most of the ghosts are around here, but I found the traces of the devils, there are many devils lurking here, and I was caught Those demons wounded, there are quite a few of them, I discovered their secret, and they wanted to beat me to death, and fortunately you summoned me in time, so I was able to escape."

"The devil? You are now a second-rank ghost, and your strength is only stronger than those demon messengers. Even if you have a large number, you will have no problem escaping. Is there something wrong?"

My face has turned gloomy. I don't know when these demons hid there. Wangxiang Terrace is not very far from Fengdu Ghost City. If these demons infiltrate into the ghost town, one can imagine what will happen.

In fact, I am not worried about this problem, I am worried about Styx, could this be a conspiracy by Styx?Occupy the underworld and declare war on the Nether Blood Sea?

You Yue gave a wry smile, and slowly said: "Yes, those demon messengers are indeed not my opponents. I am sure to win against one, but two, three, four."

"Have you found the top ten true demons?"

My heart sank, and I continued to ask.

You Yue thought for a while, frowned, and said: "Ten True Demons? This is not true. With the ability of the Ten True Demons, do you think I can still talk to you now?"

"You recover first, this time I'm going to visit the Nether Blood Sea, and I will send you back to Fengdu Ghost City safely."

These few sticks of ghost incense have been exhausted, so I took some more sticks and put them on the ground for You Yue to recover.

Houtu never spoke from the beginning to the end, but I could see the worry in her eyes, and I felt a little pain in my heart, so I reached out and hugged her into my arms, she smiled slightly, leaning her head on my chest, without saying a word.

It is already late at night, You Yue's body has completely recovered, he coughed a few times and said: "We can set off."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and stroked the ground, a black vortex emerged, and the yin energy overflowed in the vortex, bottomless.

I grabbed Houtu's hand and jumped down from it. Immediately, a feeling of weightlessness enveloped me. After a while, a red light appeared below me.

It seemed that we had arrived at Huangquan Road, when the wind blew in front of us, You Yue appeared in front of us and led us forward.

We have been here before on Huangquan Road, although we have begun to feel a little embarrassed, this time we did not deliberately hide the aura of life on our bodies, but exuded a unique coercion, these ghosts and ghosts did not dare to approach us at all.

Coupled with the fact that You Yue, a second-rank errand, led the way, there were no unnecessary changes along the way.

When we arrived at Naihe Bridge, before we went up, a gloomy gaze shot towards us. The wrinkled old lady leaned on a cane in one hand and stared at us with Wangsun soup in the other hand, no, it was staring at Houtu.

"Mrs. Chuan, long time no see. I just want to ask you something to pass through the Naihe Bridge."

I pulled the back soil and walked up with a smile.

Granny Chuan withdrew her gloomy gaze and said angrily, "It's you again, what are you looking for?"

"Is there anything wrong with the ghost passing through the Naihe bridge? Or, is there anyone who doesn't drink Wanghun soup?"

I asked.

Grandma Chuan rolled her cloudy eyes slightly, looked at me very strangely, and said: "Those ghosts who drank Wanghun soup were sent to reincarnate immediately. Naturally, the cause and effect have not been resolved, and they cannot be reincarnated, so they will not drink Wanghun soup, and the old body will naturally let them pass."

You Yue next to me heard the words, stared at me with shame on her face, and said, "Let me ask, Mrs. Chuan, did any abnormal ghosts enter during this period of time?"

Grandma Chuan put down the bowl in her hand and began to think. After a while, her cloudy eyes changed, and she said, "There are really some abnormal ghosts coming in, how do you know?"

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