Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 477 [Gathering, True Devil in Purple]

Along the way, we never met those hunting teams composed of fake and real demon puppets, and of course, we didn’t encounter any ghosts from the underworld either. We went all the way to the secluded forest outside Ghost Valley smoothly.

Originally there was a valley here, but it disappeared at this moment, as if it was forcibly erased by someone.

I know that this hole must have been covered up by Fan Yi with secret techniques, but even with my current strength, I can't see the clues, and I can't feel the fluctuations of the magic circle, but Bai Wuchang, with his eyes slightly closed, said: Say something:

"Heaven and earth are boundless, all things are in the universe, Yin and Yang Dharma Eye, open!"

Immediately afterwards, the eyes opened suddenly, and the pupils of the eyes had turned into black and white yin and yang fish, slowly turning.

I took a closer look and found that his yin and yang magic eye was exactly the same as that of his cousin, but he was extremely calm when using it, not as troublesome as his cousin.

Bai Wuchang's eyes gradually regained clarity, he stretched out his hand and pointed at a certain hell on the edge, and said:

"I have found the entrance, shall we go in like this?"


I nodded, pinched my hands, then lowered the clouds, and went straight to the entrance under his leadership.

Surrounded by ghost trees, the air is very cold, and even a little mist escapes and gathers, which looks weird. If I hadn't been here before, I would never know that there is a hidden valley here.

Bai Wuchang stopped, and suddenly stretched out his hand to press the void in front of him, and the palm disappeared. As he moved forward, the entire arm disappeared. He grinned at us, walked into the valley, and the whole figure disappeared. He also disappeared at once, and Qing Ming followed closely with a blank face.

I pulled the back soil and walked in. I passed through the barrier without any discomfort. After entering, Fan Yi and Qing Luo were already standing here to welcome us. However, there are no first-rank Yinchai, and there is only one Yinchai for the second-rank, and there are several Yinchai for the third-rank.

"Let me introduce you. This is the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha from the Nether Blood Sea, Qing Ming, and this is a strong man in the spirit world. Senior Bai Wuchang, the two seniors. The one in front of you is my former subordinate, Qi Yao. Xing Jun, Fan Yi."

I started with introductions for both sides.

"Fan Yi has seen two of them."

Fan Yi Ghost King saluted the two of them, while Qing Ming Wuchang returned the same salute out of politeness.

"By the way, Qingluo, have all the ghosts scattered in the secluded forest gathered?"

I asked Qing Luo, she is more familiar with these errands than Fan Yi, because of her own reasons, she also has a way to contact these errands.

Qingluo sighed, and said: "I have already contacted a lot, and there are many places that have responded, but this secluded forest is so big, it may take three days for them to come here, but they are living in the secluded forest There are hundreds of ghost hunters, and there are many very powerful ghost hunters. Those ghost hunters did not go to reincarnation after death, but served as ghost hunters in the underworld, so their abilities are very powerful. Zhong Yuan, you Grandpa is among them."

"My grandpa? That's great. I knew that nothing would happen to his old man. In this case, let's just wait. I can also use these few days to refine the dragon essence in my body and strive to reach the realm of the earth fairy as soon as possible."

I rubbed my hands together and said with a smile, hearing that grandpa escaped, this is the latest good news.

In addition to me absorbing a lot of Longyuan, Houtu, cousin, Li Nianbai and the others are also doing the same. Now Houtu is obviously much better than when he first came down from the underworld. It should be using Longyuan to recover from his injuries.

"Well, in this case, let me arrange housing for you."

Fan Yi smiled slightly, strode to the open place, and then used secret techniques to use these ghost trees and ghost vines to condense into a simple house.

After the house was ready, I went directly to retreat. After all, reaching the realm of the earth fairy is the most important thing now, because the realm of the earth fairy can surely defeat these real demons. Although I can use the power of the Dao pattern in my palm to eliminate But it will make me lose my ability for a short time. If no one is guarding me, I may encounter fatal danger.

After the consciousness sank into his own sea of ​​consciousness, there were many more dao patterns on the crystal, there were already as many as 69, and the surrounding purple mist was completely covered by the golden dragon element at this moment, like a thin layer The mist was rolling, and I began to drive these dragon elements with my own consciousness, and the source of faith began to rotate, and began to absorb these dragon elements.

Just waiting for these dragon elements to be refined, it should be able to increase to ninety-nine and 81 dao patterns. As the saying goes, ninety-nine returns to the true, and the way of heaven is one less, so nine is the limit, and the emperors in ancient times were called the ninety-five.

Because I am in the Ghost Valley, and I have Houtu to take care of me, I am not worried about any devil coming to attack me, and it is safe here, so I wholeheartedly, these dragon yuan are absorbed quickly, and I also enter a In a state of selflessness.

In the secluded forest, many ghosts popped out of many hidden places. These ghosts were shrouded in black mist, and they shuttled cautiously in the forest, and there were quite a few of them, most of them went to the place where the ghost valley was. .


Fengdu ghost town, near Wangxiangtai.

The huge mirror on the Wangxiang Terrace is still slowly rotating, revealing many pictures, and there are also Mingqian, paper buildings and other objects falling from it, but there is no accident on the stage, the surrounding order is very chaotic, and there are many innocent people. The ghosts enshrined by people began to snatch these tributes unscrupulously, and there was already a mess around them.

In addition to the chaos here, the surrounding houses were also robbed by many wandering ghosts, and some foreign buildings even started to burn, causing raging fires.

However, there was no bad luck to maintain order, and many buildings were destroyed.

And the two huge statues of Yasha evil spirits outside Fengdu ghost city have been destroyed. The seemingly indestructible city wall is covered with potholes, and there are many black gravels under the city wall. The gate is closed tightly, and there is no one outside. It is not guarded by people, not to mention that there are ghosts and ghosts.

In the ghost town, the merchants that were originally open are now strictly closed. There is no merchant, and there are no ghosts walking around on the street. Instead, there are groups of demons wearing black armor and holding long daggers. They are all in a team of six people, and the whole city is divided into dozens of teams, especially those patrolling at the gate of the city.

And in the Yan Luo Palace in the city, there was so much demonic energy that everything inside was completely destroyed.

There are three real demons sitting in the hall, the one on the left is a fairy with a graceful figure in a white dress, and the one on the right is the old man with a white hair and a childlike face, holding a yellow wooden walking stick, and the one in the middle is a woman in a purple skirt, but her face is covered. A gauze, unable to see the face clearly.

At this time, a demon ran in from the outside, saluted the three real demons respectfully, and said:

"Report, the senior members of the Underworld in the Hall of Punishment are all ready now. One of the first-grade ghost messengers has lost his soul, but he has not revealed the secrets of the Underworld. A group of senior personnel?"

"It's really useless. I haven't asked anything for so long? Isn't Zhong Kui one of the best figures in the underworld? Why, Lord Styx personally sealed his ability, and now he is being punished, so he still refuses to speak?"

Elder He's face darkened, and he slammed the yellow wooden crutch in his hand on the ground, causing the whole hall to tremble, making the devil tremble with fright, and he stammered and said:

"Zhong Kui, we also used strong methods, the same as the first-rank Yinchai before, but he just didn't say anything. I'm afraid that if this continues, he will also die out of his wits."

"Old He, have you forgotten how you promised me back then? It's agreed, you won't attack Zhong Kui, didn't you read the list I'm on?"

The purple-clothed true demon in the middle suddenly turned his head and gave He Lao a cold look. His eyes were cold and killing intent emerged. Seeing that, He Lao shuddered in his heart, and quickly said:

"I can't help it either. There are already many high-level personnel who can't stand the torture and tell us some secrets, but more important things are in the hands of Zhong Kui. If he doesn't tell us, we can't run Fengdu Ghost City. You can't Did you see that these shops are closed, and I don’t know where these ghosts have fled, but there is no one there, and the wandering ghosts at Wangxiangtai don’t listen to our orders at all. Unmanageable."

"Those ghosts near the Wangxiang Terrace are nothing worth mentioning to us, Elder He, what you do is simply unnecessary."

The fairy next to her had beautiful eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. Seeing that He Lao suffered a disadvantage in front of this purple-clothed woman, she actually had a feeling of secret joy.

Helao's face darkened, and he said sullenly, "Master Minghe has already ordered that there are many wandering ghosts living near the Wangxiang Terrace, and there are also many ghosts staying in the underworld. If they all belong to us Control, and then use secret techniques to train, which can increase a lot of combat power, Xiaoqing, you are the reincarnation of Lord Styx’s handmaid, these Lord Styx didn’t tell you? You have an innate demon body, blood The method of Demonic Dao is also very pure, it seems that there is some soul control technique in it, why not use it on Zhong Kui? In this way, we can get the secret out of his mouth, and then you can also do not hurt him, killing two birds with one stone , why not do it?"

The real devil in purple snorted coldly and said:

"I still need your advice? You'd better do your duty as soon as possible. Now that the spiritual core of the six realms of reincarnation is damaged, we don't have the ability to repair it. The ghosts that should have been reincarnated are all stranded. Although we are now in charge Fengdu is a ghost town, but the order within it cannot be destroyed, otherwise the cause and effect will deepen and the consequences will be extremely unpredictable."

"You're right, then I'll go and see those reincarnated souls, and Zhong Kui will be handed over to you, Xianxian, you have to be responsible for security patrols."

After finishing speaking, He Lao stood up, strode out the door, and disappeared soon after.

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