On a certain street in Shanghai, among the crowds.

A young man in street clothes walked leisurely into a coffee shop on the side of the road and went straight to the second floor. A waiter came over and asked, "Sir, what do you need?"

The young man said flatly, "Take me to private room No. 4."

The waiter hummed, and looked at the young man speechlessly. There are numbers on the private rooms here. Don't you know how to read it yourself?But as a waiter's duty, this is what she must do, and she dare not neglect in the slightest.

This is the young man's first visit to this coffee shop. For him, drinking plain water is almost the same as drinking coffee!He is not so luxurious yet.

The waiter took him to the door of private room No. 4 and left. He pushed open the door of the private room, and there was a curse from inside: "Chen Lingxuan, you damn guy, you're 10 minutes late again."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a man in a suit looking at him with anger on his face. There was a cold light in his eyes, which quickly dissipated. Chen Lingxuan didn't notice it.

Chen Lingxuan laughed a few times, and said calmly: "Liu Qiyuan, you know my home is there, so it's not easy to be here 10 minutes late."

After Chen Lingxuan finished speaking, he walked into the private room, and saw two beauties sitting on the sofa. Chen Lingxuan knew both of them. One was named Su Shanshan. Her family property was 600 million. She ran a chain store. He had been dating a month ago. girlfriend.

The other one, which is not simple, is Li Zhenqin, the daughter of the CEO of a medium-sized company with a scale reaching tens of millions.

Chen Lingxuan greeted the two of them, and then sat on the sofa opposite the two beauties.

But Liu Qiyuan said at this time: "Chen Lingxuan, if you agree to what happened last time, my Liu family will give you 500 million. You must know that 500 million is not a small amount of money. With this amount of money, you can do those things." All that needs to be done, as long as you sign this contract."

Chen Lingxuan's eyes glowed brightly and he said, "Does it have to be like this?"

Liu Qiyuan is the son of the chairman of the Liu Group. The assets of the Liu Group are over [-] million. This time, his girlfriend, Li Zhenqin, has a kidney problem. If she doesn't replace her, she will die.

The bad thing is that it was too difficult to find a match for Li Zhenqin's broken kidney, but the Liu Group's energy is still quite strong, they found Chen Lingxuan who had a suitable kidney, and asked him to donate his kidney.

Liu Qiyuan said clearly that as long as he donates, he can give him a large sum of money, and he didn't say how many figures, but judging from the assets of the Liu Group, it should be quite large.

Although one less, still alive.But Chen Lingxuan just didn't agree. He just didn't want to live a short life. He knew that if one of the human organs was missing, the life expectancy would be shortened.

It's impossible for anyone to agree to this kind of thing, just kidding!Donate a kidney, and his Vajra Spear can no longer be lifted.

Chen Lingxuan didn't agree, and Liu's group couldn't do it in front of others, but there was a sudden change.The day before yesterday, his girlfriend Su Shanshan, whom he had just met for a while, got the news from somewhere that someone was asking him to donate a kidney and that he had a lot of money to pay, so he tried every means to persuade him to agree.

And his parents also promised that as long as he agrees, he can marry Su Shanshan.

This moved his heart. Chen Lingxuan's ancestors were from the Northeast. During the war in the Republic of China, he fled to Shanghai and left his family business.His parents went back to Northeast China two years ago to buy a house to live in, and therefore spent all their money, while he stayed in Shanghai to work.

After all, Shanghai is the number one city in China, and it is quite easy to earn about [-] a month. He can earn [-] a year, [-] for food and clothing, and the remaining [-] to be sent back to the Northeast.

But even if he works for 50 years, he may not be able to earn 500 million. At present, such a good thing, he feels that it is not a big deal to donate, at least he will not have to work hard in the future.

There are also benefits to take. After the money arrives, he can marry a beautiful woman as his wife. Chen Lingxuan feels that he has made a lot of money, so he is here today.

Su Shanshan thought that Chen Lingxuan still wanted to agree, so she snorted coldly: "Ling Xuan, you still don't agree?"

Liu Qiyuan's eyes shone brightly, he chuckled and said, "Chen Lingxuan, don't you think it's too little? If you nod your head and sign a letter, you will get an extra 50."

Chen Lingxuan smiled wryly and said, "I don't think it's too little. I think that besides signing the contract for donating a kidney, I have to get a marriage certificate with Shanshan this afternoon."

Liu Qiyuan laughed and said, "I can't make up my mind on this, you have to ask her opinion."

While Liu Qiyuan was speaking, he looked at Su Shanshan meaningfully.

Su Shanshan's eyes flashed brightly, and she said angrily: "Ling Xuan, what my parents promised you is that after you finish donating, we will get engaged first, and we will get married first. Whoever you have met will get the marriage certificate first, and then It’s just a hassle.”

Chen Lingxuan was speechless, so he could only nod his head and say, "Okay! I'll just follow what you say."

The woman's face changed very quickly, and Su Shanshan had a smiling face in an instant, and said to Chen Lingxuan, "Don't worry, after you finish donating, my parents will choose a good day to get engaged."

From the beginning to the end, Li Zhenqin beside Su Shanshan did not speak.

after an hour.

In a private hospital, in an operating room, Chen Lingxuan changed into a surgical gown and was lying on the operating bed. When he came in, he was brought in by a middle-aged man's doctor.

Chen Lingxuan watched the middle-aged doctor prepare the medicine there, and his heart beat faster. He was very courageous, but it was the first time in his life that he encountered such a thing, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

A few minutes passed, and Chen Lingxuan felt that the time was like years, it was really difficult!For a moment, he felt that he had made a wrong choice. Why donated his kidney? Was it just for the beauty of Su Shanshan?

Or because Su Shanshan's family is rich, and he is her boyfriend, but he is so poor that he can't even afford a car, and has an inferiority complex.

To say that Liu Qiyuan's 500 million is very tempting, but if he donates a kidney, will there be any sequelae in the future? Chen Lingxuan is in good health, and he dare not say that he can live to 200 years. He still thinks he can live to at least [-] years old. of.

The door of the operating room opened, and two female nurses came in. The noise woke up Chen Lingxuan on the operating bed. After laying down and thinking about it for a while, he felt that he was still incapacitated.

Just as Chen Lingxuan got off the operating bed, one of the two female nurses who came in said, "Sir, the operation is about to begin, please go up."

The middle-aged doctor who was in charge of the operation was just preparing the things needed for the operation, when he saw Chen Lingxuan coming down, his expression turned cold, and he warned: "Boy, you hurry up, otherwise, you don't want to come down today."

Hearing what the two said, Chen Lingxuan frowned slightly, staring at the middle-aged doctor in a white coat and said coldly: "Is this what Liu Qiyuan meant?"

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