Beauty like the cloud of the Merry Emperor

Chapter 10: Heavenly Feather Art

To Chen Lingxuan, these information materials were simply unexpected surprises, and nothing shocked him more than that exercise.Because as I said before, if you want to practice, you need to have exercises. There are good and bad exercises, there are flaws, and there are advantages, and what this black bead brought him is a Tianyu Jue.

The Tianyu Jue originated from the Tianyu clan in the ancient times. The Tianyu clan in this information is just a subtle race. Among the countless races in the ancient times, the Tianyu clan is not very conspicuous.

However, many people have obtained the "Tian Yu Jue", and many monks of the five major systems have practiced it. Since its appearance, no one has been able to practice it to its ultimate form.

Even the ancestor of Tianyu who created this exercise, the founder of the Tianyu clan, the great god of Tianyu, and the emperor of Tianyu have not cultivated to the ultimate form, because this exercise has too many flaws, and one who does not practice well will fall into madness.

If this madness continues, killing must be created, because only killing can improve the realm of cultivation.

And to cultivate this technique to the ultimate state, the training materials needed are all treasures that are hard to find even for the gods who conferred the gods.

Tianyu, the founder of Tianyu Jue, also left a passage: "Tianyu loves the mortal world, the source is from the earth, five positive systems, ten partial systems, magic light for half a day, flying dragons for nine days, and true spirits manifesting emptiness."

Chen Lingxuan thought for a long time, but couldn't figure it out. He secretly wrote down this passage in his heart, so that he might have a chance to solve this mystery in the future.

If those ancestors who have practiced Tianyu Jue knew what Chen Lingxuan was thinking, they would definitely laugh out loud. We have spent our entire lives and haven't solved it, just because you are a kid who just entered the foundation, you want to compare us , is really ridiculous!

The cultivation levels are divided into: Smart, Foundation Establishment, Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul, Leaving Body, Distraction, Fit, Transcending Tribulation, and Mahayana.Each level is divided into front, middle and back three levels.

In addition, there are three levels in the tribulation period. In the early stage of the tribulation, you need to go through three or six minor catastrophes, in the middle period, you need to survive the three or nine minor catastrophes, and in the later period, you need to survive six or six major catastrophes.

Cultivators who have survived three catastrophes can ascend to the upper realm and enjoy eternal life.

Chen Lingxuan was inexplicably promoted to the foundation-building stage. He didn't know it yet, but when he walked on the ground under the sea and found that the water did not pose a threat to him, he smiled happily and said, "This is the foundation-building stage." Shape."

The agility stage is regarded as an introduction to cultivation. In the early stage, one can only absorb the aura of heaven and earth and transform it into true energy. In the middle stage, one can practice many spells.For example, the basic gravity technique, sword control technique, dust repelling technique, water repelling technique and other spells with different effects can form a unique aura in the agility stage in the later stage to defend against the opponent's attack.

And Chen Lingxuan is currently in the foundation building period, also known as the bigu period, and his body has formed a strong physique, which is comparable to ordinary low-grade treasures.

Because one of the main tendons has been opened up, there is no need to eat miscellaneous grains, and the real energy refined from the aura of heaven and earth in the dantian can maintain the scourge of monks.

The agile stage can be regarded as an introduction to cultivation, but the foundation stage can only be regarded as a low-level variety. Afterwards, the Golden Elixir is to be condensed into an egg-sized golden pill in the dantian.

Only with the three flavors of real fire can one refine weapons and alchemy.The Nascent Soul stage is the stage of breaking the pill and transforming into a baby, also known as the stage of infant transformation.

Only when the monk reaches the out-of-body stage can he release the Nascent Soul from the dantian.

Distraction, another meaning, actually refers to the avatar. You need to split the primordial spirit into three primordial spirits in the sea of ​​consciousness, find the forging materials for your avatar, and fuse them. Of course, you can use other people's physical bodies.

Fusion, the three primordial avatars split out during the distraction period are combined into one.

If the fusion is not good, the three clones will collapse, and those who have cultivated before will turn into nothingness.

To cross the catastrophe, the catastrophe that has been successfully overcome can be called the catastrophe.

Mahayana, a monk who has survived three catastrophes is a Mahayana.In the Mahayana period, the true energy is transformed into higher-level energy, so that one can ascend to the upper realm.

After Chen Lingxuan found out that he had reached the foundation-building stage, he used his divine sense to probe his body for a while. His current cultivation level was at the early stage of foundation-building.

He jumped a big realm at once. The information did not say how difficult it is to build a foundation, so Chen Lingxuan took it for granted that it was so fast.

Consciousness can be said to be a person's gas or breath, or it can be said to be a pair of eyes in the dark.For example, Chen Lingxuan is currently in the early stage of foundation establishment, and his spiritual consciousness can cover a range of one mile. Everything within 500 meters, if there is no one with a higher realm, no one can find him.

Chen Lingxuan peeked into the dantian space with his spiritual sense, and found a mass of gas. He thought, this should be the so-called true energy, but these are still spiritual energy, which have just been absorbed, and have not been refined into existing ones.

Turning around again, I came to the brain, and found a space half smaller than the dantian, where the sea of ​​consciousness, the primordial spirit, is collectively called by monks.

The human spirit is the primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit also has another name called soul. Chen Lingxuan saw a phantom in the sea of ​​consciousness, which was his primordial spirit.Only when the primordial spirit reaches the Mahayana stage can it be condensed into a soul orb, which is also a symbol of the Mahayana stage identity.

Suddenly, Chen Lingxuan's consciousness found a black bead in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, hanging there quietly, motionless, like a very ordinary object.

Out of curiosity, Chen Lingxuan penetrated his consciousness into the black bead, thinking, those information materials have said that no matter what kind of object it is, it can be driven only if it has a certain amount of consciousness.

Chen Lingxuan manipulated his consciousness, and wanted to move the black bead out of his mind, but found that the black bead couldn't move at all. He was a little puzzled in his heart, and a touch of his consciousness was suddenly pulled into it by the black bead, and Chen Lingxuan showed pain on his face , that divine consciousness did not sever the connection with the sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Lingxuan seemed to have a pair of invisible eyes, and he could clearly see the space inside the black bead. There was no light, no sun, no moon, no night in the space inside, and there was only a piece of darkness, which was daunting. Consciousness withdraws, but continues to search.

There is not much space for the black beads. In the central area, on a small mountain peak, there is a black weapon that looks like a sword, shaped like a sword, and shaped like a knife.It is [-] meters long and half a meter wide. There are three golden characters on this weapon, Tianyu Sword.

These three big characters are the only ones that can show their colors in this dark space. With a thought, Chen Lingxuan covered the Tianyu Sword with his consciousness, retracted his consciousness, and a weapon that looked like a knife and a sword appeared in his hands. The Sky Feather Sword in the black bead.

The magic weapons of monks all recognize the master by dripping blood. However, such methods can erase or refine the blood essence in front of the powerful. The Tianyu Jue records a method of refining blood sacrifices, which can only be erased by the master. The connection with weapons can become a magic weapon for others.

Under the sea, Chen Lingxuan was not easy to sacrifice, so he took the Tianyu sword back into the black bead again, and Chen Lingxuan soared into the sky. Although he only had the imperial weapon to fly in the foundation building period, he did not have other magic weapons. There was a Tianyu sword in the black bead, and he really didn't have one. Good stuff is available.

But if it is a short flight, it is still possible. In fact, only when the realm reaches the Jindan stage can one fly day and night without relying on magic weapons.

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