Yang Liyan was overjoyed and said, "Young Master Chen, are you serious?"

"No matter what Chen says, he can be regarded as an indomitable man. What he says is like water poured out. If he violates his words, he will destroy me, and I will never be reborn." Chen Lingxuan shouted loudly.

In the darkness, a bright light flashed in Yang Liyan's eyes, and she didn't even notice it herself. She was moved and said, "Mr. Chen, then we will see you in ten years."

Ten years, that is, ten springs, summers, autumns and winters have passed, and the Tianlong Continent is similar to the environment of the earth. Everything here is almost the same as the ancient earth.

Ten years ago, a sensational event happened in the Tianlong Continent, that is, there was an organization that assassinated many masters from the Seven Kingdoms everywhere. This organization was called Zhan Jun.

When they appeared, everyone was wearing a black helmet. Black was considered a first-rate expert, while white was considered a top-notch expert. What shocked all the forces in the Tianlong Continent was that there were more than these two ranks in this army.

According to the ranks of warriors in Tianlong Continent, they are: First Yuan Realm, Second Transformation Realm, Third Stage Realm, Ninth Level of Houtian Realm, and Tenth Level of Xiantian Realm.

In the first year of Zhanjun's appearance, it was only a first-element realm or a second-transformation realm at the beginning, and the stronger one was a triple-level realm, so it didn't attract anyone's attention.

But gradually, this force became stronger and stronger, and then masters of the Houtian realm appeared. This year, Zhan Jun even became the most powerful party in the Tianlong Continent, and he could overthrow a country with a single raise of his hand.

The Seven Kingdoms became restless and questioned those who knew who the leader of the war army was, and finally found out the Longguo Yang family. The war-fighting allied forces formed by the Seven Kingdoms turned the Yang family upside down.

In the end, it fell on Yang Liyan. Yang Xinghao, the head of the Yang family, meant to let Yang Liyan reveal who the leader of the war army was, so as to keep the Yang family from being implicated.

Although Yang Liyan had a guess in her heart, she couldn't believe it. For the past ten years, he has been going to see that person once a month. That person has never left Dragon City. How can he control so many experts?

If that person has this strength, why does he face those ordinary people who bully him every day and endure it one by one?Yang Liyan couldn't figure it out, and she was afraid that if she made a mistake, it would cost that person's life, so she became indecisive.

But the Allied Forces of the Seven Nations did not have the patience to wait. In the end, Long Feng, the current second prince of the Dragon Kingdom, raped Yang Liyan under the stimulation of alcohol, causing Yang Liyan to lose her virginity.

Yang Liyan was a little ashamed of Chen Lingxuan, but it turned out that the matter had come to this, she was already dirty, and she did not dare to go to the ten-year appointment, and she was forced to have no choice but to reveal Chen Lingxuan's identity.

Because she was pregnant now, if she didn't tell her, the child would die, if she told her, Chen Lingxuan would die. Although Yang Liyan felt guilty, she still did it in the end.

After Chen Lingxuan's identity was known by the Seven Nation Alliance Army, the Seven Nation Alliance Army was going to investigate where Chen Lingxuan was, but the building was empty. Who else was there?Not a single ghost.

The Seven Nation Alliance Army even mobilized the power of the Seven Nation to search everywhere in the Tianlong Continent, but they still did not find a trace of Chen Lingxuan.

This made the Seven Nations Alliance army angry, and sent eloquent envoys to declare that they would fight to the death with the Zhanjun army.

20 years have passed, the Tianlong Continent's army seems to have disappeared, no one appears, and the Seven Kingdoms have gradually calmed down.

On this day, a palace in the imperial city of Longcheng, Longguo, burst into colorful rays of light. The newly enthroned emperor of Longguo was also the former second prince.

Emperor Feng was reading the memorial in his study, when suddenly a eunuch came in and told him that Concubine Yang gave birth to a dragon son, and colorful auspicious clouds fell from the sky.

Emperor Feng loved it so much that he named his newborn son Hua, which means to be gorgeous and have a wonderful life in the future, and bestowed the crown prince with the position of crown prince.

Thirty days later, the crown prince of the Dragon Kingdom, Long Hua, held a grand banquet at the full moon. There were hosts from all over the country, and the officials represented the forces from all over the country to celebrate his birthday.

But this day is a day that people in Tianlong Continent will never forget. Although this day is lively, it is just the calm that is about to come.

Outside Dragon City, a middle-aged man in a dragon robe, with a face full of vicissitudes, stared at Dragon City for a long time, and said with a sneer, "Yang Liyan! I don't know what to say about you. What I said back then was just It's a lie, if you marry with peace of mind, you'll just live your ordinary life, what a pity! How can you escape my eyes when you have a mission?"

He sighed slightly, as if recalling: "The mission is on you. I didn't kill you back then because you saved me. Now that you have come to the next generation, I will kill you."

"If you want to come to the rules of this game, that is to kill the person with the mission, isn't it? The master of the game underestimated Chen too much. With that little trick, he thought he could restrain me. Hehe! Interesting, It's just that I don't know what the expression of my old friend from back then was when he saw the soldiers approaching the city, Chen is looking forward to the end of this game, hahaha!"

This middle-aged man is Chen Lingxuan. At this moment, his face is not magically transformed, but has really aged with the years. Behind him are densely packed men in black, and one of the men in black with a golden helmet suddenly said : "My lord, is it time to attack?"

"According to the first step of the plan, rebels, kill without mercy, you go!"

Chen Lingxuan issued the order indifferently.

Ten years of waiting, in exchange for nothing but a conspiracy.

Living alone for 20 years made me understand what Tao is.

The roads are different and do not conspire with each other. You walk your single-plank bridge, and I walk my Yangguan road.

With the passage of time, it has been diluted.

This is just a game, I am too addicted, I want to understand all this.

Maybe it's my indecision, which has caused me to stop for 30 years, making it difficult to take this step.

Maybe it's because I still have a conscience and know that I will repay my kindness, but I have been lonely for thirty years.

A dream, a hallucination, let me completely wake up and realize that you are just a person who hinders me.

You die, I go, this is the end.

At this moment, I don't have any entanglement in my mood. I have been smart for so many years, but I can't make such a firm judgment.

It was you who taught me that the road to success is cruel.

The ancients would not deceive me if one succeeds in success.

I am not originally from this continent. In order to return and recover my cultivation, I have to learn a more cruel way.

You are just my stepping stone.

The seven kingdoms perish, that is when I leave.

The game is over, I will not miss everything here, because there is nothing to miss.

My heart has long been closed, and you can't step into my heart, this is a very common thing.

Goodbye, the kind and virtuous Yang Liyan in my heart.

Goodbye, Tianlong Continent, thank you for bringing me insights, and thank you for such an ordinary life.

Passionate, bloody, crazy.A life of love and hatred, kindness and hatred, this is the environment I will face in the future.

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