
The young man answered very simply, as if no or no, and his tone was extremely flat.

Another big man heard the words and sneered, "You want to go in without a membership card?"

The young man was Chen Lingxuan who had disappeared for two days. He looked at the two security guards with a smile on his face and said, "Look at my eyes."

Hearing the words, the two security guards looked into Chen Lingxuan's eyes inexplicably. Suddenly, they felt a cool chill hit their brains, and a white light flashed in the eyes of the young man opposite them. When the two woke up, Chen Lingxuan had disappeared at the gate and walked into the city of seafood.

The two of them didn't know that a young man walked into the Seafood City just now.

In fact, Chen Lingxuan didn't want to do anything, but he didn't have a membership card, the only way to get in.

He recovered some real energy two days ago and left Leishan Village. He went to a bank in another county and stole 100 million RMB. He planned to repair Wang Xingao's house, and then went to find Wang Xingao's whereabouts.

When I came back to Leishan Village, I saw the brand-new Tianyu Town. When Chen Lingxuan asked the people here, he realized that it was funded by some large group companies. In two days, a Leishan Village was changed into a Tianyu Town. Chen Lingxuan felt that It is strange why it is called Tianyu Town.

Chen Lingxuan asked the local people again, and only after watching a video in an Internet cafe did he find out that it was because of what happened when he practiced the Heavenly Feather Sword in the Blood Sacrifice, which made him dumbfounded.

Because, in the last scene of the video, the words "Tianyujian" appearing in mid-air did not reveal his magic weapon.

The first floor is the hall, with many tables. As soon as Chen Lingxuan came in, many people showed contemptuous glances, and no waiter even came forward. He didn't care. He just sat down at a table and picked up the menu on the table. , was thinking about some seafood.

But he heard a sarcasm not far away and said in a strange voice: "Who is this man! Wearing civilian clothes and running into a five-star hotel, can you afford it?"

Hearing this, Chen Lingxuan raised his head and looked at a dining table in the north. A young man exuding the aura of a playboy was looking at him coldly with a sarcastic expression. The expression on his face seemed arrogant, as if anyone in the world They are all like ants that young dudes can crush to death at will.

Chen Lingxuan smiled at the dandy young man, continued to look at the menu, called the waiter, and ordered a crab and two cases of beer.

Seeing that Chen Lingxuan smiled at him, the young man called the waiter again, clearly ignoring him, his face was burning with anger, he picked up a beer bottle on the dining table, and threw it at Chen Lingxuan.

At the same table as the dandy young man, there were three women and two men, all of whom were around twenty years old, older than Chen Lingxuan anyway.

Ever since the dandy young man taunted Chen Lingxuan, the three women and the two men didn't pay attention, but when the dandy young man took the money and threw the beer bottle, the three women and two men immediately turned their attention to Chen Lingxuan's table.

Among the three women, a girl in a red skirt looked at Chen Lingxuan in surprise, and said, "It's him."

The beer bottle flew over and pierced through the air. The dandy young man seemed to have some strength and could control the direction of the throwing object. If Chen Lingxuan was an ordinary person, the beer would definitely kill everyone.

However, what made the six people dumbfounded was that the beer bottle was only a few centimeters away, and it was about to hit Chen Lingxuan's head. However, Chen Lingxuan raised his left hand and pinched the beer bottle in the palm of his hand. what difficulty.

Then, his left hand froze, and the beer bottle shattered into pieces with a bang. The sound of the shattered beer bottle attracted many guests in the hall.

The six people knew very well that if it was any one of them now, they would not be able to take the beer bottle.

The young man's face was a little surprised, but it was quickly replaced by arrogance, and he snorted coldly: "What's the big deal, is it just picking up a beer bottle with one hand, I, Li Tianran, can do it too."

The girl in the red skirt had complex eyes, shook her head and said in denial: "He is innate realm."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Tianran sneered and said, "Zhou Rong, tell me a joke! Look at his age, he is less than 20 years old. Is it possible for him to have a congenital realm?"

"Yes!" One of the two men also nodded and said, "Naturally, that's right. Qin Hua of my Qin family had entered the acquired realm at the age of eight, and he still hasn't entered after ten years. The innate realm, he didn't enter the innate realm until he was 28 years old, he couldn't possibly be as good as my Qin family, Qin Hua."

The other three also vetoed for a while, like a discussion meeting.The light in Zhou Rong's eyes flickered, but she said to Li Tianran: "Otherwise, go and compete with that person to test his strength."

Zhou Rong wanted to use this opportunity to find out Chen Lingxuan's background and strength.

As soon as Zhou Rong said this, the man from the Qin family just now smiled and said, "Naturally, you have reached the peak of the Houtian realm now, maybe you can break through the realm if you have a competition!"

The others also looked at Li Tianran expectantly, making it impossible for Li Tianran not to appear on the stage. If he didn't go to the competition, he was undoubtedly saying that he was afraid of that kid.

Li Tianran was extremely confident in his own strength, and said to himself, the uncle is a genius of the younger generation of the Li family, so why should he be afraid of a boy under 20 years old.

Li Tianran stood up and nodded to indicate that he agreed to go. When he walked to Chen Lingxuan's table, Chen Lingxuan was tearing and biting a crab meat, and then picked up a bottle of beer and poured it vigorously. Then eat and drink.

Chen Lingxuan's spiritual consciousness has long been released, and he is sure that there are no monks in this hall, but there are more than a dozen people here, all of whom are warriors with some strength. According to ancient records, they should be the so-called acquired realm and innate realm.

These two realms are not even comparable to the agility period, and can only have a kind of bad energy of true qi, which is transformed from those deteriorating auras.

Chen Lingxuan naturally heard the conversation between Li Tianran and others, but he didn't take it seriously.It's just a few mortals, as long as these people don't provoke him, what do these people say, it has nothing to do with Chen Lingxuan?

However, he found that there was a girl named Zhou Rong at the table of the dandy young man. He seemed to have seen it there, and recalled it. It was a noodle restaurant in Ping'an Town two days ago. This girl wanted to buy her own pearls.

Now under the peeping of his spiritual sense, Chen Lingxuan discovered that Zhou Rong was an acquired state among warriors, showing signs of breaking through the innate state.As for the dandy young man and the other four people, they are also in the acquired state, but they are a little bit worse than Zhou Rong's cultivation level.

Li Tianran showed a proud expression, with a disdainful smile on his lips, he sneered at Chen Lingxuan: "Little trash, do you have the guts to compete with grandpa and me?"

After finishing speaking, Li Tianran stepped on the dining table, and with a bang, the crabs on the dining table were blown away, bottles of beer fell off the table, and the booming sound was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, especially loud in the hall. .

The expression on Chen Lingxuan's face changed from a smile to anger, and then to indifference and indifference, and then his whole body exuded a chill of repelling others thousands of miles away, making people daunting.

Li Tianran was frightened by the sudden chill on Chen Lingxuan's body, but he didn't want to lose his momentum, and continued to yell: "Don't you have a seed? Haha! This is the first time I've seen a man without eggs, Grandpa!"

"you wanna die."

Chen Lingxuan let out a roar, and the whole hall fell silent, all the guests' attention was on Chen Lingxuan.I saw Chen Lingxuan kicking the dining table away, bang bang bang!The dining table was kicked into the air, and slowly fell off, turning into sawdust all over the sky.

The guests were amazed, as if they were a little amazed at Chen Lingxuan's strength.

Chen Lingxuan is really angry. His patience is limited. This Li Tianran wants to die and violates his bottom line repeatedly. Then I will kill you, a dude.

Seeing that Chen Lingxuan kicked the dining table away, Li Tianran reacted a bit and avoided the blow. However, when he wanted to continue attacking Chen Lingxuan, he found that the target had disappeared.

The next moment Li Tianran felt his neck was grabbed by a cold hand, and he was extremely surprised.

With a click sound, the bone marrow of Li Tianran's neck burst. Li Tianran's neck was tilted, his eyes were staring at death, blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth, and Chen Lingxuan kicked him to the ground beside him.

When Zhou Rong and the others saw Li Tianran lying on the ground, several people exclaimed, "Li Tianran."

When Zhou Rong and the others went over to take a look, they found that Li Tianran had lost his breath.They couldn't believe that Li Tianran, an acquired martial artist, was killed by Chen Lingxuan.And it was still an instant kill, Li Tianran had no strength to resist.

This kind of strength, even his father Zhou Xiadong, a martial artist who has entered the innate realm for more than ten years, could not achieve it.Zhou Rong and the others regretted that Li Tianran provoked Chen Lingxuan, otherwise all this would not have happened.

The waiter told the manager what happened here as early as the moment Chen Lingxuan kicked the dining table. When Manager Yang from Seafood City rushed out, he happened to see the scene where Li Tianran was killed. Killing in broad daylight.

And looking at Li Tianran's clothes, the person who can eat and drink here is obviously not an ordinary person.

Manager Yang had already expected to use security guards, so as soon as he arrived at the lobby, more than 20 big men rushed in and surrounded Chen Lingxuan, all of whom were hired by the security company.

Manager Yang stared at Chen Lingxuan for a few breaths, his face was extremely gloomy, and he said in a bad tone: "Boy, not bad! You are brave enough to kill people in my seafood city."

Chen Lingxuan blankly glanced at the security guards around, and smiled at Manager Yang, "Are you the manager of Seafood City?"

Manager Yang nodded, as if he was a little surprised that Chen Lingxuan was so calm, he wondered, could this be the uncle in front of him?

With such a guess, Manager Yang couldn't offend Chen Lingxuan. He said in a warmer tone, "Yes, I am Yang Huanning, the manager here. You can call me Manager Yang."

At this moment, Zhou Rong and the Qin family man walked over angrily. These people were not simple. The Qin family man's name was Qin Yu, and he was the third young master of the Qin family in the capital.

As for the last man in a white suit, it was Wang Yongxin, the young master of the Wang family in Beijing.

The remaining two girls, one was wearing a white designer vest and a pair of blue jeans underneath. This girl was Chen Tingting, the eldest daughter of the Chen family in Beijing.

The other girl was wearing a fashionable dress, a royal-colored short-sleeved top, and a pair of ultra-short light-colored jeans underneath. It was Xia Yuanyuan, the second daughter of the Xia family in Beijing.

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