In the capital city, in the suburban mountainous area, in an old-style villa, in the living room, Chen Tingting was lying on a medical equipment machine tool. An old man in a white coat stared at Chen Tingting on Chen machine tool, frowning deeper and deeper, suddenly His complexion darkened, and he let out a long sigh; "Miss, she..."

"Is Tingting's injury hard to recover??"

A strong man in his thirties sat on the sofa beside the tea table and shouted loudly, his face was a little ugly, because he smelled an ominous premonition.

The old man in the white coat looked horrified, and sighed: "The murderer who injured the young lady was so vicious that he destroyed the main nerve in the young lady's brain. It made the young lady's consciousness fall into a deep sleep, and she became a living dead, that is, now What medicine calls a vegetative state, this kind of disease, even if Hua Tuo is reborn, the eldest lady cannot be cured."


These words exploded in the mind of the strong man like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. His eyes were dimmed, and a cigarette in his hand fell to the ground without realizing it. Treat Tingting."

Putting the instruments and tools into the suitcase in the white coat, he replied: "Mr. Chen, how dare you talk nonsense, there is still another way, but the success rate of this way is also subtle!"

The strong man is Chen Tingting's father, Chen Yuyuan, who is the current head of the Chen family. He is 42 years old this year. Because of practicing martial arts, his face has temporarily warmed up Yan Lao.

When Chen Yuyuan received the news that Chen Tingting had been seriously injured in Shanghai, she was furious, and immediately used the energy of the military region to send a private plane to bring Chen Tingting back.

Chen Yuyuan checked Chen Tingting's injuries with his internal energy and found that there was no physical injury, but he just didn't wake up, so he invited Fan Hua, the dean of the medical school, to have a look.

Hearing that there is still a cure, Chen Yuyuan smiled a little, and asked hurriedly, "Old Fan, what is the cure?"

Fan Hua said in a deep voice: "The Chen family is a family of warriors, and the eldest lady is from the fifth generation. I'm right!"

"That's right." Chen Yuyuan nodded and said, "Is it related to this?"

"Of course it has something to do with it." Fan Hua said with a smile: "Warriors practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies. According to ancient records, warriors are divided into two realms, namely the acquired realm and the innate realm. Among them, the acquired realm is to open up the two veins of Ren and Du Waiting for a few tendons, and the innate realm requires opening up the two main tendons of the whole body, I don’t know if Lao Qiao is wrong.”

Chen Yuyuan said: "Mr. Fan is really well-informed! You are right."

Fan Hua's eyes shone brightly, and he said with a heavy face: "To heal Missy's injury, three conditions are required. First, twenty warriors in the innate realm must have their skills at the innate realm for more than 20 years. Second, five The ten martial artists of the Houtian realm must have been in the Houtian realm for more than ten years. The third is to find ten kinds of medicinal materials, namely the thousand-year-old Tianshan snow lotus, the thousand-year-old Wujin ginseng, the blood of the dragon, the thousand-year-old ice air, the dragon ball, and the thousand-year ghost The flower of the unicorn, the blood of the unicorn, the feathers of the phoenix, the water of the dew of the sky, and a dragon horn."

Chen Yuyuan's face turned black when he heard this, and said, "Mr. Fan, you are not kidding me! Even if the first two conditions can be met, the last ten kinds of medicinal materials are dragon balls! The blood of the unicorn, the feather of the phoenix, the blood of the dragon, and the heavenly dew I have never seen the water, and the dragon's horn, these are all legendary things, except for Tianshan snow lotus and Wujin ginseng, the other eight are simply impossible to get."

Fan Hua laughed and said: "Mr. Chen, if you want to treat Missy, these three conditions are indispensable. Laoqiao Medical School is busy. Since Laoqiao can't cure Missy's illness, I will leave."

Fan Hua put the tool bag on his back, walked out of the living room, turned his head and said again: "I forgot to tell Mr. Chen, the fighters who participate in the treatment of the first two conditions, no matter whether the young lady is cured or not, all their skills will dissipate, and the young lady The chance of waking up is only one in a billion."

After Fan Hua left, the words just now kept ringing in Chen Yuyuan's ears. He felt that there was no need for Fan Hua to lie to him. After all, there would be no benefit for him. However, it took so much energy to save his daughter.

After Chen Yuyuan thought for a while, he already knew that the top management of the Chen family would not agree. Even if he was the head of the family, he did not have the right to order the Chen family to use it privately.

Even if Chen Yuyuan has the ability to meet the three conditions, it will seriously hurt the vitality of the Chen family, and may even withdraw from one of the top ten families, so that they retire to the mountains and forests.

However, the daughter cannot be cured, so the murderer can't let her go unpunished. Chen Yuyuan is a lieutenant general in the military region, the commander-in-chief of the Lightning Special Forces, and the commander of the First Division of China.

Chen Lingxuan made a phone call to the training ground of the Lightning Special Forces. After getting through, he said in a deep voice, "I'm Chen Yuyuan."

A surprised voice came from the phone: "Chief, what are your orders?"

"Ask Ling Yun to answer the phone."

"Chief, please wait a moment."

Lightning special forces training base, in an iron lump air defense floor, there is an office on the second floor, Ling Yun is the head of the first regiment of the Lightning special forces, and also holds the position of deputy commander.

The public landline phone at the desk rang suddenly, Ling Yun picked up the receiver and put it to his ear, and heard a cold voice: "Ling Yun, immediately call all the soldiers of the Lightning Regiment [-] and [-], and bring weapons, within three hours, You must arrive at the Shanghai Military Region and wait for me."

Ling Yun was a little puzzled and said: "Chief, mobilize the troops of the two regiments, what are you going to do?"

A cold light flashed across Chen Yuyuan's eyes, and he snorted coldly: "Obey the orders of your superiors, and don't ask too many questions."

"Yes!" Ling Yun hung up the phone in some confusion, thinking in his heart that in this day and age, there is peace. Could it be that China is going to war?

Ling Yun didn't think too much about it, obeying the orders of his superiors is the bounden duty of every soldier.He immediately mobilized the soldiers of the first and second regiments and rushed to the Shanghai Navy District quickly.

At the same time as the two regiments of the Lightning Special Forces in the Northeast were mobilizing, Zhou Xiadong mobilized a regiment of troops in the Nanjing Military Region, undoubtedly rushing to Shanghai.

In the Guangzhou Military Region, the Li family mobilized two regiments.In the Shanghai Navy District, the Xia family and the Qin family mobilized a regiment of troops.Beixuan, the Wang family mobilized a regiment of troops.

The six families of Zhou, Chen, Xia, Wang, Li, and Qin mobilized a total of seven regiments of troops.

A squad has ten people, a platoon has a hundred people, a battalion has 300 people, a company has 500 people, a brigade has 10 people, a regiment has [-] people, and a division has [-] people.

The strength of seven regiments and 7 people swept across the big city of Shanghai. This is another storm that is about to come.

The six families all wanted revenge. Apart from revenge, Tianyu Town, which is now the Ghost Gate Town, is a nickname given to it by the people.The local government doesn't have the time to change the name of a small town where a natural disaster occurred.

Chen Lingxuan didn't know about the accident that happened in Tianyu Town. He, the instigator, had already come to the urban area of ​​Shanghai, bought a motorcycle, filled up the gasoline, and drove the motorcycle back to his home in the urban area of ​​Shanghai.

Chen Lingxuan lived in this home in downtown Shanghai for two years. During more than 700 days, he lived here for more than half of the time.

This house does not belong to Chen Lingxuan, it is rented by Chen Lingxuan. This is an old small yard. There are pots of flowers around the walls of the yard. There are more than 20 varieties of peonies, roses, lilies, etc., all of which are Made it because of Chen Lingxuan's spare time.Seven days without maintenance, it has withered.

On the pots of withered flowers, Chen Lingxuan searched with his spiritual sense and found a lot of handprints. It is obvious that someone has already searched the yard.

There are only two floors in the yard. The first floor is for Chen Lingxuan to eat, watch TV, and take a shower.And when some friends came, they were brought here. Upstairs is a bedroom and some wardrobes.

Chen Lingxuan walked to the gate on the first floor, looked gloomyly at the white seal in the middle of the door, exerted his divine sense, click!The white seal shattered into pieces.

Chen Lingxuan's keys, ID cards and other documents had already fallen into the ocean. He punched the door lock with his fist, and there was a bang!A big hole was blasted out at the lock of the door. Chen Lingxuan pushed open the door and walked in. In the living room, the furniture that used to be neat and tidy was surprisingly messy, just like a garbage dump.

The TV has been broken in half, the sofa has been split into sections, the refrigerator is even more cruel, only some parts can be seen, the floor has been pried open piece by piece, and the pictures on the wall have been torn in half and discarded on the ground .

This is a clear sign of revenge.

Chen Lingxuan walked into the kitchen indifferently, and saw black substances everywhere. The walls with tiles were black here and red there, and the cooking furniture had become fragments all over the floor. Here, a few grains of rice and some seasoning for cooking.

Going up to the second floor, Chen Lingxuan saw that the bed he used to sleep on was torn apart, and the clothes in the closet were torn apart one by one.

If Chen Lingxuan was still skeptical just now, he is sure now.Someone must have deliberately destroyed everything here, so don't worry about who did it.

It wasn't something the government did, or those in the capital found out Chen Lingxuan's address and came to revenge.

However, those in the capital are less likely, and the government is more likely.


Chen Lingxuan was silent for a long time, then he punched the wall, a wall burst and collapsed in an instant.

When Chen Lingxuan first came in, he was very angry in his heart, wishing to kill and destroy everyone here. Gradually, his anger faded, it can be said that it turned from light to darkness.

With a punch, a chill erupted from Chen Lingxuan's body.

Although he knew it in his heart, when he was about to die in the hands of the gangsters, with whom did he throw fire?

No one, because he is an ordinary person, a commoner in China, with no power, money, or power, no one will pay attention to his death, and his death will not affect others.

But now Chen Lingxuan went beyond the range of ordinary people and became a cultivator, which brought great changes to him. If someone threatened his life in the future, Chen Lingxuan would not hesitate to kill those people, no matter what their status was.

Chen Lingxuan would no longer panic, nor would he be so reckless like the first time he killed someone.

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