The spiritual weapon is a very good magic weapon, with great attack power. The five soul bell in Li Yanyue's hand is a magic weapon that combines the sound wave system and the soul system. If the user is strong, it will naturally exert a great effect.

But Li Yanyue is only at the beginning of refining the five soul bells, and can only exert one percent of its power. Otherwise, even if Wu Neng is now in the golden core stage, Li Yanyue has the strength to resist for a while.

Li Yanyue was at a disadvantage. Facing the black palm being slapped, she manipulated the five soul bells to resist in a panic. However, with her current strength in the late stage of foundation establishment, she could only emit a golden soul sound.

The golden soul sound may be very harmful to the monks in the foundation building period, but it can't pose any threat to Wu Neng in the early stage of Jindan. The golden notes were crushed by the black palm. This time the black palm did not dissipate, but continued to grab Li Yanyue. Come.

escape!This is what Li Yanyue is thinking at the moment, if she is not his opponent, then she can only run away.

Li Yanyue hastily took out the magic weapon of the flying sword, and after stepping on it, she manipulated the five-soul bell to emit golden notes one by one, resisting the black palm's grab, and with a flash of red light, she retracted the five-soul bell, and headed towards the southern urban area. run away.

"Bitch, do you still want to escape?"

Wu Neng, who watched Li Yanyue run away, had a look of sarcasm on his face, and immediately flew into the air, chasing after Li Yanyue at a super fast speed.

Li Yanyue exerted her breastfeeding strength and had just escaped a hundred meters away, cold sweat dripped from her back, moistening the front of her clothes, and a gloomy chill covered her.

A black light rolled to the front, revealing Wu Neng's figure. He mocked: "You are running away! I want to see if you can escape from the palm of my uncle today."

"Wu Neng, don't bully others too much."

Li Yanyue had no choice but to stop flying, and shouted angrily at Wu Neng.

Wu Neng laughed loudly and said: "Too much bullying, what is too much bullying?" Speaking of this, his tone changed, and he said sharply: "Now you know that I am not at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, but at the early stage of Golden Core, how can I let go? over you."

Li Yanyue was taken aback for a moment, and said, "What do you want?"

"I want your life."

Murderous intent flashed in Wu Neng's eyes, he opened his mouth, and a black light flew out. It was a 1.8-meter-long black sword. Wu Neng held the black sword in his hand, and swept out three white lights to sweep Li Yanyue.


With Li Yanyue's strength, if she didn't have this speed, she had no choice but to resist, and she sacrificed the five-soul bell to resist for a while, but this time the golden note issued by the five-soul bell was easily defeated by a white sword glow. broken.

The power of this white blade light has not diminished. It pierced Li Yanyue's lower abdomen with one blow, and the red blood flowed away from the lower abdomen. Two wounds to the shoulder.

Puff puff!Li Yanyue flew non-stop like a kite with a broken string, vomiting blood even more without money.


With an earth-shattering sound, Li Yanyue fell to the ground from mid-air, and a half-meter-wide hole was made in her tender body.

In the sky, Wu Neng flew down with a knife in the air, looked at Li Yanyue covered in blood with a sneer, and then attacked with several sword lights. Li Yanyue was shot several meters away by the powerful force, with several wounds on her body, and she vomited With little blood, he lay on the ground and vomited endlessly.

Li Yanyue's real energy in her dantian was in chaos, and she couldn't mobilize her spiritual power to escape or resist. Not to mention these things, let's say that she has suffered serious injuries from three injuries to her lower abdomen, shoulders, and thighs.

Wu Neng was not attacking, and walked towards Li Yanyue in a leisurely manner, as if he wanted to play tricks on her. Li Yanyue's complexion darkened, and she thought to herself, is it true that this bastard is really going to kill her today?

no no no!I don't want to die, Li Yanyue struggled in her heart, and finally the will to survive prevailed. Just when Wu Neng was half a meter away from her, Li Yanyue's body turned into a blood light, and disappeared from Wu Neng's sight in the blink of an eye.

Wu Neng was startled, his body flickered, and he appeared a hundred meters away, chasing him away at an extreme speed, and then released his consciousness. 2000 meters away, a blood light flew away at a terrifying speed, and broke free from Wu Neng's grasp in just a few seconds. The range of consciousness.

Wu Neng's face changed drastically, and he thought that if Li Yanyue escaped, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Stinky bitch, she escaped with the technique of blood escape."

Wu Neng never imagined that Li Yanyue would know the technique of blood escape. Now he can only pursue and kill Li Yanyue before the others know about it, so as to avoid future troubles.

On an unnamed mountain outside the urban area of ​​Shanghai, Chen Lingxuan cut some wood in the deep forest and built three wooden houses. At this moment, he was cross-legged in one of the wooden houses, with his eyes closed and no expression on his face, like an eminent monk in meditation.

Chen Lingxuan took the flight back to Shanghai last night. At dawn, he came to this unnamed mountain, built a wooden house, and prepared to retreat for a while. He felt his fighting power and was really excited.

Apart from the fact that his realm was in the middle stage of foundation establishment, Chen Lingxuan seemed to be able to sense that a cultivator at the early stage of foundation establishment might be able to kill him.

Not only is the combat power a zero, most of the information that Chen Lingxuan received before was the Heavenly Feather Jue, and other information was when the monks produced it, what era it was before, and what the previous era was like.

This is all about history, but he doesn't know anything about the current monks. He really wants to go to a monk to ask what is in his heart, but he dare not go because Chen Lingxuan is afraid of being killed.

Don't look at how powerful he is in the eyes of mortals, but in the eyes of a foundation-building stage monk with some strength and experience , can definitely be counted as the number one ant.

So all night, Chen Lingxuan was thinking about the spells in the "Tian Yu Jue", which can be practiced in the foundation period of Tian Yu Jue. There are ten spells and supernatural powers.

The first one is the technique of restraining breath. If he has achieved great success, with his current state, unless he is a monk who is three levels higher than him, that is, those who are below the middle stage of leaving the body, they will not be able to see Chen Lingxuan's true cultivation level.

Chen Lingxuan felt that the spell had no combat power, so he didn't practice it, and continued to read.

The second one is Tianyu Nine Escapes, which is an evasion technique. To put it bluntly, it is used for escape. Chen Lingxuan felt that it was too useless, but he regretted it for a while afterwards.

The third one is Tiansha Yinjue, which has great attack power, but it needs to be cultivated in the place of Tiansha, and those who practice this technique must possess Tiansha, if they do not meet the requirements, if they try to practice forcibly, they will explode and die .

Chen Lingxuan thought about it, and thought that after repairing this thing, he would be looking for death.

The fourth is spiritual movement, which is a pseudo-teleportation. Familiar monks can only use the teleportation technique if they have reached the integration stage. However, this technique can supplement the previous realm and cannot perform teleportation.

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