This was Chen Lingxuan's dream, and it was also a wish he had pursued in his life.

It's just too absurd to say, he wants to be the overlord, and he is a person of many cultivators, controlling the purple sky mortal world, even including the ten main worlds, eight partial worlds, and three thousand mortal worlds, not one of them is left behind.

The wish is crazy, and indeed a very good dream.

As for whether this dream will come true, there are too many people chasing this dream, and the outcome is still unknown.

However, Chen Lingxuan's desire had sprouted in his heart. He didn't know if he could do it, but he must pursue it once, otherwise, Chen Lingxuan would not be reconciled.

However, Chen Lingxuan didn't know that the ancestors who practiced "Tian Yu Jue" had this idea, but the struggle for hegemony was so difficult, and none of them reached the top on their way to heaven.

So, will Chen Lingxuan reach the top of the road to heaven?Let us wait and see.

There is actually a will to become a king, so this monk, will he still obey those ethereal laws and laws?

For powerful people, the law can be disobeyed.

A monk who transcends the existence of ordinary people, should he still obey?Not to mention, it is such a special monk.

So, laws and laws can scare ordinary people, but what's the point of targeting real capable people?

The hall fell silent in an instant, and countless people could even hear their own breathing clearly. They were shocked. They didn't expect that such a young man was not only arrogant, but also flouted the law.

And shouting such wild words, many people have already thought that even if Chen Lingxuan has some background, he might not be kind.

Because this is a blatant slap in the face of China!Will the top government officials let Chen Lingxuan go?Of course not!

The middle-aged security guard was even more startled, and looked at Chen Lingxuan with some admiration, but said in a more indifferent tone: "What ability do you have, use it quickly, everyone can punish this kind of arrogant person. "

Chen Lingxuan laughed out loud, stared at the security guards for a few moments, and said in a cold-blooded tone, "Are you sure you want to confront me? I won't compensate for medical expenses, and I won't be responsible for any death or injury."

The middle-aged security guard nodded and said, "Don't talk nonsense, there are more than ten of us, are we afraid that you won't succeed?"

"That's good! That's what you said."

Chen Lingxuan shouted loudly, "Die."

While the middle-aged security guard was speaking, he swiped at Chen Lingxuan's hand with his baton, as if he wanted to paralyze Chen Lingxuan first, and then capture him.

I saw Chen Lingxuan showing a mocking face, his figure moved, and disappeared in the same place in an instant, more than a dozen batons fell through!At this moment, Chen Lingxuan quickly punched the chests of more than a dozen security guards around him with both hands. The dozen of security guards were sent flying several meters, and fell to the ground vomiting blood.

Most of the security guards passed out, but the middle-aged security guard in the lead looked at Chen Lingxuan with a shocked face, and said dumbfounded: "You are a warrior, and your cultivation level is so high."

However, Chen Lingxuan said via voice transmission to his mind: "You are wrong in your judgment. I am a cultivator who has transcended the boundaries of mortals. I am a cultivator in the mortal world, also known as a cultivator."

"Cultivator, cultivator." The middle-aged security guard said these words silently twice in his heart, and suddenly felt that his consciousness gradually dissipated, and he felt that this was a sign of death.

The other security guards also crooked their necks. Everyone thought that Chen Lingxuan would be captured and then beaten for a while, but they didn't expect Chen Lingxuan to be so powerful. Everyone didn't see how Chen Lingxuan made the move. They only saw Chen Lingxuan's body swaying, and it was resolved in the blink of an eye. More than ten security guards.

All of them showed shocking expressions, and stared at Chen Lingxuan with fear. Chen Lingxuan was so powerful when he was holding a sick person, wouldn't it be even more powerful after he put it down.

At the elevator in the lobby, a middle-aged man in a white coat with a gloomy face walked out of the crowd, and finally his eyes rested on a young man. It was Chen Lingxuan, and he said in a cold tone, "Are you the troublemaker?"

Hearing this, Chen Lingxuan was completely angry. He thought that the hospital would send someone here immediately, but unexpectedly a middle-aged man arrived. It seemed that his intentions were obviously not good.

"It's me who beats people, and it's me who kills people. Who are you?"

Chen Lingxuan's plain eyes suddenly turned into a look of contempt, and locked on the middle-aged doctor.

The middle-aged doctor said coldly: "You know, you got into trouble."

"I know."

The middle-aged doctor said coldly: "You know, the police will arrest you later."

"I know."

The middle-aged doctor sneered and said, "You know, you injured a female nurse in my Baixue Hospital and shattered the bone marrow on her back, so that she will never be able to stand up in this life and can only lie down."

"I know."

The middle-aged doctor swept over the corpses of the security guards on the ground, and continued, "You know, you killed so many security guards in my Baixue Hospital, you will be shot."

"I know." Chen Lingxuan still said I know, almost choking the other party to death.

The middle-aged doctor seemed to know how powerful Chen Lingxuan was, and said, "You know it all, so why do you fight so hard?"

"If you don't treat this lady in my hands immediately, prescribe her the best medicine, and don't give her the best equipment, I will kill people, not just one person. If there is any accident with her, I will kill her. Its Baixue Hospital, from nurses, to doctors, to the director, and everyone, including the patients, were bloodbathed."

As soon as Chen Lingxuan's super cruel words came out, those who originally intended to watch the show showed fear, and those who were timid even refused to register, and hurriedly escaped from the hospital to talk.

The middle-aged doctor said with a strange expression: "Aren't you afraid of the police and the government arresting you? Don't have any background and think that killing someone is a trivial matter."

Chen Lingxuan said with a smile: "I have killed countless people, not a thousand, but a hundred thousand. It doesn't matter if I kill a few today, anyway, it doesn't hurt, the teeth don't hurt, the skin doesn't itch, and the bones are still there. There is nothing to be afraid of."

The middle-aged doctor said in surprise: "From your tone, it doesn't look like it came from that family."

"Are you talking about the top ten families in the capital? The day before yesterday, I killed a boy named Li Tianran from the Li family, crippled the skills of the other three boys, and turned the daughter of the head of the Chen family into a vegetable. I just killed a lieutenant general Chen Yuyuan yesterday. , Bombed down fifteen fighter jets, today I was a little itchy, so I killed a few more people, do you mean that I want to create more killings."

As soon as Chen Lingxuan said this, all the people in the hall changed their expressions, and the middle-aged doctor was stunned and said: "You actually killed a lieutenant general, a general, you are so brave."

In the eyes of everyone at this moment, Chen Lingxuan is a lunatic who is daring, commits all kinds of crimes, does nothing he dares to do, and is a terrorist whose danger reaches hundreds of millions.

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