But when he got close to Chen Lingxuan, he hugged Chen Lingxuan whose shoulder was bleeding all the time, suddenly grabbed the av47 on the ground, and turned backwards.The bearded man was startled, and when he realized it, he quickly raised his submachine gun and fired a few shots, but he missed.

At this moment, Chen Lingxuan raised the AV47, aimed the gun at the bearded man, his eyes were blood red with murderous intent, and he pulled it several times with his hand.

Bang bang bang!

Perhaps, Chen Lingxuan's marksmanship is not as good as the bearded man who lives on the road, but he seized the opportunity. The bearded man was about to shoot Chen Lingxuan to death when the submachine gun clicked, and the bearded man's face changed. bullet.

Three flame-like rays of light shot through the heart of the bearded man. The bearded man held his bloody chest with a look of shock on his face, and said: "You." a corpse.

Chen Lingxuan was gambling with his life, he was not a gambler, but at the critical moment, he was still gambling with his life.He was betting that the bearded man despised him, and he must think that he was easy to bully and would not be a threat to the bearded man.

And he also won the gamble. After the beard fell down, Chen Lingxuan hurriedly pulled a few gauze tapes to tie his shoulders in the operating room to slow down the blood flow.I went under the operating bed again and took two Desert Eagles.

This thing has an effective range of 200 meters, and the recoil is quite large, one shot is enough to headshot.After leaving the operating room, I will definitely meet other people, but I can't let others see that I'm injured, and I can't let anyone see that I'm here.

This was the first time for Chen Lingxuan to kill someone. Chen Lingxuan didn't know what it was like to kill someone. He just felt that it was very exciting and excited, but most of all he was nervous.

Chen Lingxuan was afraid that someone would appear in front of his eyes. He was most afraid that the police would find out everything and arrest him and put him in jail.

As for the disgust or pain of the first murder, Chen Lingxuan didn't feel it at all.

In the past, his world was very simple. After graduating from high school at the age of 17, he dropped out of school and did not go to college.

Instead, he went to work for more than a year and made some achievements before climbing to the position of a monthly salary of [-].

Because Chen Lingxuan has now shot a few shots and killed someone, all of this is gone, and they will all go away from him.He won't turn himself in, he doesn't feel that he is wrong, and he wants to keep the secret.

Because of this, Chen Lingxuan hoped that he would not meet anyone. He would kill someone if he did. He carried a submachine gun on his back and left ten bullet clips on his body. After walking out of the operating room, he went straight out of the corridor .

After leaving the corridor, Chen Lingxuan saw corpses all over the place, including nurses, patients, and some people howling on the ground.One by one saw Chen Lingxuan passing by, their eyes were full of hope, as if they were begging him to save them.

Chen Lingxuan was very puzzled. If he was an ordinary person with so many firearms, why would he still beg? He should be afraid.

Suddenly, his mind brightened, and he knew the identities of these people. No matter how these people begged, Chen Lingxuan shot each of these guys in the head with the black muzzle of the Desert Eagle in both hands.

When these people saw Chen Lingxuan shooting, their expressions were a little frightened, and they all yelled no.It's a pity that Chen Lingxuan wouldn't listen to what they said. All the remaining guys had their heads blown and their brains scattered all over the floor. Chen Lingxuan smelled it and felt disgusted, so he left here quickly.

When Chen Lingxuan came to the elevator entrance, he found that the elevator was closed, and immediately yelled: "Damn, I would have gone to the stairs if I knew it, damn it."

Secret operating rooms are usually on very high floors. Chen Lingxuan is on the fifth floor. He just passed the stairs to get to the elevator. If he knew that the elevator was not working, he would have gone down the stairs a long time ago.

But as soon as he got down to the third floor, Chen Lingxuan was taken aback, and asked in confusion, "Why can't the elevator be used?"

After finishing speaking, Chen Lingxuan shouted: "No, it must be done by the hospital staff, no, if I get involved in these gangster shootouts, I will be shot and go to the ward. Celebrity hostages, there is no other way."

Chen Lingxuan ran to the head treatment area on the left side of the third floor, and chose a ward near the platform. When he came in, he looked at the number on the ward, and it was ward [-].

It has to be said that this hospital is quite big, and even though ordinary people come to see the doctor and be hospitalized in a privately run hospital, they must not know about it.

When Chen Lingxuan came downstairs, he watched the situation on the fourth floor, and found that only the fifth floor had a gun battle, and some people died. There seemed to be no movement below, but the patients and doctors on the third floor could also hear it, but no one went up. Very weird.

As soon as they entered the ward, there was a scream. In this ward, a girl was sitting on the bed and was on an IV drip, and a female nurse was sitting on a chair on the right side of the bed chatting with the girl.

On the left, there was a young man, who was dozing off while sitting on a chair against the wall. When he heard the girl's scream, the young man was woken up. When he opened his eyes, he saw Chen Lingxuan holding two guns. walked in.

As for what kind of gun it is, he is not an expert and doesn't know much about it.

But behind Chen Lingxuan, he knew it was a submachine gun, and suddenly a strange smile appeared on his face, and he said coldly to Chen Lingxuan: "Put the gun down, and spare your life."

Chen Lingxuan glanced at the young man coldly, and said with a sneer, "Spare me! It's funny, do you know what I have in my hand? Desert Eagle, within 200 meters, I can blow your head off."

The female nurse seemed to be an ordinary nurse. Hearing what the young man said, she hurriedly told him, "Su Nan, he has a gun in his hand."

Su Nan smiled sarcastically, "Do you think you are a sharpshooter?"

Chen Lingxuan laughed and said, "As long as I'm not blind, I can kill the three of you within 20 meters and within ten seconds. Could it be that I saw a wound on my shoulder, or did I want to use that female nurse as a target?"

Su Nan really had this idea, and when she was told her thoughts, she became angry from embarrassment: "You kid, do you know who I am? My sister is the wife of the son and wife of the president of the Liu Group. If you touch me, I will just take care of your family." People will be attacked and killed by gangsters, do you want to put down the gun, or do you want to blow my head off with one shot?"

"What's your sister's name?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Lingxuan pondered for a while, then asked immediately.

But the Desert Eagle in his hand was always facing Su Nan and the female nurse.Because he knew that the girl on the bed must be less lethal.

Even if there were people pretending to be patients, Chen Lingxuan was not afraid, at worst, with a submachine gun, the ward was so small that it could kill all three of them.

The Shanghai Liu Group happened to have a son of President Liu who lied to him, and that was Liu Qiyuan.Apart from this nasty guy, Liu Qiyuan is really the only one who has anything to do with people surnamed Su.

Su Nan thought that Chen Lingxuan was afraid, so she said with a proud face; "My sister's name is Su Shanshan."

After Su Nan finished speaking, she looked at Chen Lingxuan's expression, and found that he didn't show any fear or inferior expression, and there was a little bit of unpleasant anger in her heart.

At this moment, Chen Lingxuan pointed his left hand at the Desert Eagle on Su Nan's head, and immediately moved it to his thigh, with a bang!A shot blasted his calf, Su Nan screamed in pain, his eyes revealed fear and knelt on the ground.

Only Chen Lingxuan snorted coldly: "I don't care who the hell you are, even if you are the prince, I still beat you."

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