Beauty like the cloud of the Merry Emperor

Chapter 42: The cunning and cunning

The Northeast Gang in the past was powerful, and it was no different from the Hongmen faction in today's Jianghu.

But it is because they are strong that they attract many people, who want to pull them into their own affiliated forces. When the little days were beaten away, the Communist Party and the Kuomintang each recruited a series of high-level members of the Northeast Gang to work for them.

When the CCP brought the Kuomintang to Taiwan, the war ended, and the Northeast Clan that participated also showed signs of splitting. The CCP is a sinister organization. Its religious beliefs are better than Buddhism and Taoism, and it can confuse people's hearts.

The Communist Party has conquered the world, so it wants to split the Northeast Gang, because if gangs like the Northeast Gang continue to exist like this, they will have a bad impact on society.

It is precisely because of this that in [-], the Northeast Gang had a high-level discussion, and finally branched out a group of people to Shanghai, which became the current Longmen.

And the rest of the Northeast Gang continued to conquer the world and unified the three Northeast provinces.

Long Xingtian's grandfather, Long Anming, was one of the people who branched out in [-]. Long Anming was not the boss of the team that came to Shanghai at that time, and he was much better than him.

But Long Anming relied on his wisdom and strength to unify the people who came to Shanghai at that time. This was unexpected by the previous Chinese government, and it was also unexpected by those who came to Shanghai from the Northeast Gang.

After Long Anming unified the people, he created Longmen himself, and fought against other gangster forces in Shanghai.

The people who asked Long Xingtian for help were also Long Xingtian's uncles, also surnamed Long. The people who rushed to Shanghai in the Ming Dynasty.

Enemies don't count, and relatives don't count, so why does Long Xingtian help?

But on the fourth day and the fifth day, the Long family in the northeast was still screaming non-stop, and Long Xingtian also got some amazing news, the Northeast gang was disabled.

Long Xingtian couldn't stop laughing, saying in his heart that the fight was good, how ruthless was your grandma when she drove us out?It's better to simply perish.

Long Xingtian still has no intention of helping. He has been busy dealing with people from the Northeast Gang in the past five days, and dealing with those political figures from the Northeast Gang.

But just today, Long Xingtian received a piece of news that made him want to strangle Longquan to death. Longmen was involved in the kidnapping of [-] students, and countless venues were closed, especially the area that belonged to the Ax Gang.

The strange thing is that Long Xingtian should have received this news in advance, but he did receive it today.

That's why this scene happened. Hearing this, Longquan frowned, and said, "Father, I was thinking, why did the Ax Gang suddenly change their dynasty?"

Long Xingtian was stunned for a moment, and said suspiciously on his face: "Yes! Listen to you, I have heard of that boy Wang Xingao. It is said that he is the head of the Golden Ax Hall of the Ax Gang. He is not too young. , can achieve the position of the hall master, and now dare to kill Fu's family, and become the gang master, it seems that the background is very deep!"

A gleam of red flashed in Longquan's eyes, and he said, "Then that means, Wang Xingao probably came from the capital."

"There are not many people surnamed Wang in the capital! Could it be someone from the Wang family?"

Long Xingtian clapped his hands and said: "It should be, but the members of the Wang family have hidden his identity so deeply, it seems that his status in the Wang family is not low!"

A look of cruelty appeared on Longquan's face, and he said with a smile: "Father! I have a way to make that kid Wang Xingao feel bad."

Long Xingtian's eyes lit up, and he nodded calmly and said, "Let's talk."

"If Wang Xingao is really Wang's family, we can contact the Wang's family in the capital, inform them of Wang Xingao's current situation, let them figure it out for themselves, and pass on the things Wang Xingao did to the security department one by one. , when the time comes! Hehe! Are you still afraid that the Wang family and the people above won’t deal with him?”

After Longquan finished speaking, Long Xingtian nodded, shook his head again, and said, "Quan'er, in fact, sometimes the most terrifying enemies are not what you see in front of your eyes, but those who hide in the dark. Although it is feasible, the risk is high, who doesn't have some shameful things, even if we hand over the matter of Wang Xingao to Yang Fan, the security department, so what?"

Longquan was surprised and said: "Father, can't all of this fix Wang Xingao?"

Long Xingtian laughed and sighed: "I'm old, and in the near future, Longmen will be handed over to you, so I will teach you a lesson today. Do you think the Wang family in the capital is scary, or the people from the Ax Gang? ?”

Upon hearing this, Longquan immediately replied, "Of course it's the Wang family."

But Long Xingtian shook his head and said: "Wrong, the Ax Gang is scary. I said just now that the people in the open are not scary, that is the Wang family, but the Ax Gang in the dark is terrifying. If we have a little If you are not careful, you will lose your life.”

Longquan couldn't believe it: "Father! I heard you right! The Axe Gang is just a gangster. It's about the same strength as my Longmen. Why is it stronger than the Wang family?"

Long Xingtian didn't answer but asked instead: "Then let me ask you, if the Wang family wants to exterminate my Longmen, is it easy?"

Without thinking too much, Longquan replied: "That's right! The Wang family is one of the top ten families in the capital, with huge influence. It is not a piece of cake to deal with my Longmen."

Long Xingtian said coldly: "But have you ever thought that if the Wang family moves my Longmen, what will happen to those who benefit from behind?"

Longquan suddenly realized: "Oh! Father, I understand. If the Wang family wants to take over my Longmen, those who benefit will naturally jump out to oppose it, and it is impossible for the Wang family to take action against my Longmen."

Long Xingtian asked again: "Quan'er, then I'm asking you, among the underworld gangs in China, is there any one who has the audacity to arrest [-] students?"

Longquan thought for a while, then Nuan Nuan said, "This is impossible."

A cold light flashed in Long Xingtian's eyes, and he said with a smile: "That's it, the Ax Gang sold their assets to Longmen, it's like leaving this trouble to Longmen, and it caught us off guard, and the tiger would even take a nap. What's more, our Longmen. Although it was hurt a little, when it wakes up, what will happen to those who hurt it?"

Longquan said with joy, "Father! Do you want it?" Long Xingtian said cunningly: "That's right, our biggest threat right now is the Ax Gang. If we want to solve these troubles, we have to get rid of the troubles brought by the Ax Gang. Throw it out, or leave this trouble to other people to deal with."

In the capital, the Wang family compound, Wang Yongyan, the current head of the Wang family, received a phone call and was silent for a while, the expression on his face changed again and again, and finally said: "I see, I will take care of this."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yongyan took out a cigarette and lit it, exhaled a puff of smoke, stared at the location of Shanghai, and said coldly: "Even if you have supernatural abilities, you can't escape from my palm this time. It's time Avenged Yongxin."

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