Beauty like the cloud of the Merry Emperor

Chapter 45: The Unbearable Past

With these 700 people, the classification of hall masters, incense masters, and rudder masters will disappear.

Now these people are planned to be the guards of the warrior regiment, each with a Desert Eagle, plus a sniper gun, two grenades, and a set of body armor.

The equipment for 700 people cost Chen Lingxuan [-] million US dollars. The most important thing is the bulletproof vest. If you buy a large amount, there is no supplier. If you buy a small amount, a set will cost several million. If it is fully equipped Also, it's quite expensive.

So Chen Lingxuan hired several experts who made body armor, gave them some materials, and made a simulated body armor according to Chen Lingxuan's request.

The simulated body armor can block ten bullets at most, but the real body armor can block about fifty bullets.

Of course, the materials cost money. Chen Lingxuan spent more than 4 million U.S. dollars on the purchase, and the rest of the money was regarded as the remuneration for those experts.

These experts were really good at their workmanship. In five days, they actually made [-] simulated bulletproof vests, which allowed Seven Star Villa to add a layer of protective cover.

Wang Xingao drove Chen Lingxuan around in the car, and Chen Lingxuan in the passenger seat frowned and said, "Where are you going?"

"Just take a stroll." Wang Xingao said perfunctorily without telling the truth.

Chen Lingxuan felt strange, where exactly was this guy going?However, he didn't ask any further questions. Instead, he looked at the surrounding routes and said with a smile in his heart: "I really have some expectations!"

Chen Lingxuan's cultivation base has temporarily warmed up, and no matter how he attacks the later stages, he will not be able to break through this barrier.

Chen Lingxuan didn't know what was going on, and thought he had encountered a bottleneck, but he didn't know that it was because of the mutant magic pill that caused his current situation.

A Mercedes-Benz stopped at the entrance of a hotel. Wang Xingao threw the keys of the Mercedes-Benz to the security guard, took out a gray membership card from his pocket, and prepared to take Chen Lingxuan in.

Unexpectedly, the security guard said in a cold tone: "Grey card, only the cardholder can enter by himself, and cannot bring other people in."

When Chen Lingxuan and Chen Lingxuan heard this, a trace of anger flashed in Wang Xing's proud eyes. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. He said with a gloomy expression, "Sikong! What's the matter with your hotel? I'm in your hotel. At the door, the security guard won't let me in, what do you say?"

A confusing voice came out of the phone and said: "Xing Ao, wait a moment, let me understand the situation."

"You'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise, what happened today will be regarded as a humiliation given to me by your Sikong family."

Wang Xingao changed his usual laughing and joking appearance, and behaved domineeringly.


Yuwen Hotel is one of the top ten families in the capital, the Sikong family business. In the general manager's office, Sikong Qingyuan is looking at a document.

Suddenly, her private cell phone rang, she frowned, looked at Sikong Yuwen on the caller ID, looked startled, and pressed the answer button.

Sikong Yuwen shouted for a while: "Qingyuan, the hotel security doesn't let Wang Xingao in, what's going on?"

Sikong Qingyuan said in surprise: "He has a gray card, so he should be able to come in according to the rules."

"Then what does he say, he is at the hotel gate now, but the security guards won't let him in?" Sikong Yuwen said coldly.

Sikong Qingyuan is a little helpless, although she is Sikong Yuwen's eldest sister, but in the family, at best, she can only be regarded as an outgoing department executive.

Otherwise, when the Sikong family opened the hotel, they would not have named it after Sikong Yuwen instead of her Sikong Qingyuan.

Sikong Qingyuan didn't dare to offend Sikong Yuwen, so she said in a weak tone, "I'll check it out."

Sikong Qingyuan questioned Minister Jin of the security department, and Minister Jin issued an order to all the security guards in the hotel.

And when the security guard at the entrance of Yuwen Hotel, who blocked Wang Xingao from entering, received the news, his face turned pale with shock, and he hurriedly said to Wang Xingao: "Misters, you can go in now."


Wang Xingao snorted coldly, kicked the security guard, and scolded: "You can get out of here tomorrow, you are a dog who is in power."

Chen Lingxuan, who followed Wang Xingao, was a little surprised that Wang Xingao would behave like this. After all, he felt that Wang Xingao was a gentle person, and now he was easy to get angry, it was like two different people!

However, Chen Lingxuan's spiritual sense did not detect the aura of seizing the house in Wang Xingao's body, so he was relieved. When the two sat down in a box on the second floor, Chen Lingxuan finally asked: "Xingao, What the hell is going on here?"

Wang Xingao said with a smile: "Brother Xuan is no stranger to the top ten families in the capital, so you should have guessed something!"

"Are you from the Wang family?" Chen Lingxuan had guessed this before coming up, but he couldn't believe it. If Wang Xingao was from the Wang family, then he had to change his plan.

A trace of hatred flashed in Wang Xingao's eyes, and he said bitterly: "That's right! I am indeed the Wang family, and I am also the current Patriarch, the second son of Wang Yongyan, the second young master of the Wang family."

Chen Lingxuan's pupils shrank when he heard the words, and he said indifferently, "Xingao, I think you should tell me this the moment we meet."

Wang Xing'ao was not surprised by Chen Lingxuan's change, but said: "I, Wang Xing'ao, am a member of the Wang family who abandoned me. It happened ten years ago. At that time, I was only eight and a half years old, and I was still the second young master of the Wang family. Enjoy this aura, enjoy the admiration, awe, surprise, etc. of peers."

"And then?" Chen Lingxuan asked coldly, his expression still unchanged.

"And then! Haha! That was an unforgettable event in my life. It was also because of this accident that I left the Wang family alone at the age of eight and came to Shanghai, living alone."

"The beginning of the matter was at a banquet. My elder brother Wang Yongxin, Yang Huayue from the Yang family, Sikong Yuwen from the Sikong family, and the four of us together."

"At the banquet, the four of us played around. After all, we were still children at heart. While we were having fun, my elder brother Wang Yongxin suddenly suggested that we play catch and catch cats."

"The three of us immediately agreed to come down, so this accident began."

"The four of us use rock-paper-scissors as the rule. Whoever loses will catch whoever is hiding."

"A punch, I lost, and I became the one who caught the three of them and hid in the dark."

"The place where the three of them are hiding is very secret. The banquet hall is very big. I searched for 5 minutes, but I didn't find the three of them. I was a little anxious. After all, the rule is that the three of them must be caught within 15 minutes."

"After searching all the banquet halls, I went to the locker room to search, but I found out that my elder brother Wang Yongxin took a bloody dagger and stuck it in a girl's stomach. At this time, the girl's internal organs could be seen. Arrived, obviously out of breath."

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