Beauty like the cloud of the Merry Emperor

Chapter 54: The title of monk

Sanxian, Sanyao, and Sanma are divided into nine levels, namely: First Heaven, Second Heaven, Third Heaven, Fourth Heaven, Fifth Heaven, Sixth Heaven, Seventh Heaven, Eighth Heaven, and Ninth Heaven.

There are three thousand underworlds under the underworld, and the most powerful one is King Yama. The situation of each underworld is different, and so is the cultivation level.

Under Yama is the bull-headed horse face, and under the bull-headed horse face is black and white impermanence.

Soul cultivators have their own levels: ghosts, spirit ghosts, purple ghosts, mysterious ghosts, earth ghosts, sky ghosts, black ghosts, white ghosts, silver ghosts, and gold ghosts.

Ghosts are just the souls of dead ordinary people collected by the underworld.

Spirit ghosts, little ghosts with a few traces of spiritual intelligence produced in the underworld, can already cultivate, comparable to human beings at the stage of agility.

The purple ghost, the big ghost who has recovered the memory before death, is comparable to the foundation building period.

The mysterious ghost is already a real ghost who has made a ghost pill, comparable to the golden pill stage.

The earth ghost has become a ghost king who has become a ghost baby, comparable to the Nascent Soul stage.

Heavenly ghosts, ghosts that can already fly, are comparable to the stage of leaving their bodies.

The black ghost, the appearance before the body is condensed, is comparable to the divine period.

The white ghost, the appearance in the condensed body is comparable to the fit period.

The silver ghost, who has passed the catastrophe, is a ghost who has shaped his body. His whole body is silver, which is comparable to the period of catastrophe.

The golden ghost, with a golden body, is comparable to the Mahayana period.

Those who practice emptiness are the so-called bald donkey Buddhists.

Practitioners of emptiness also have their own classification levels: Small Buddha, Great Buddha, Golden Buddha, Buddha, Bodhisattva, Bodhi, Buddha, Buddha King, Buddha Emperor, and Buddha.

Little Buddha, who has just entered Buddhism, is comparable to the stage of agility.

The Great Buddha, who comprehended the meaning of the Buddha, is comparable to the foundation building period.

The Golden Buddha has become the indestructible body of a vajra, and condensed a relic, which is comparable to the golden elixir.

The Buddha, condensed ten relics, comparable to the Nascent Soul stage.

The Bodhisattva has condensed a hundred relics, which is comparable to the period of leaving the body.

Bodhi, condensed a Bodhi bead, comparable to the divine period.

The Buddha, condensed ten bodhi beads, comparable to the period of integration.

The Buddha king condenses a hundred bodhi beads, which is comparable to the period of crossing the catastrophe.

The Buddha Emperor condensed thousands of Bodhi beads, comparable to the Mahayana period.

The Buddha, condensed tens of thousands of Bodhi beads, became a Buddha body, already half a Buddha.

On the guest seats, sat seventeen monks, all smiling endlessly. These 17 people were the ancestors of the other nine sects of the ten core sects of the Cultivation Alliance, and the ancestors of the eight inner circle sects.

Daoist Ganxu on the first seat said in a deep voice: "Fellow daoists, I think you should know why the old man summoned you to my Qiankun sect."

The ancestor of the Chaos Sect was a young man, dressed in black, handsome and handsome, with a smile on his face, he said: "Daoist Qianxu, I don't know what the treasure is, why it will trigger the signs of heaven, Please take it out and have a look."

With a wave of Daoist Ganxu's robe, a gust of wind blew in the center of the hall, a shining black light appeared, and a two-meter-eight-meter-long weapon that looked like a knife and sword appeared in everyone's eyes.

Jian Yuan, the ancestor of Tianjianzong stared at the weapon, suddenly became frenzied, and said with a shocked expression: "This thing is not simple! I just don't know, this weapon looks like a knife and a sword, why do you want to engrave it on it?" I mentioned the word Tianyujian, so could it be a sword?"

The faces of the ancestors of other sects were also moved by it, because when the Sky Feather Blade appeared, their consciousness sensed a trace of terror, which is not even possessed by top-grade spiritual weapons.

As soon as Jian Yuan finished speaking, Wu Xiukong, the sect of the Five Elements, said with a trembling voice: "This thing is most likely beyond the scope of the mortal realm, and it is very likely that it has reached the level of the magic weapon of the upper realm."

Yin-Yang faction Yin Xiaotian said with a strange expression: "It's just that this thing already has an owner, so even if we want to seize it, we don't have the strength."

Xingyue'e of Xingji Sect looked puzzled and said, "Brother Yin, why is this? Is the master still alive?"

Yin Xiaotian nodded, and said with a little surprise: "When you dive into the magic weapon with your divine sense, can you see a trace of seal air? This trace of seal restriction is the blood sacrifice that ancient monks are best at. This magical power, It is a complicated recognition of the master. It needs to use [-]% of the body's blood essence and true energy as an introduction to trigger the blood sacrifice. If the sacrifice is successful, it will leave the master's breath in the magic weapon, and want to seize the magic weapon refined by the blood sacrifice. , unless the cultivation level is as high as the sky, otherwise, this magic weapon is considered a piece of scrap iron."

Everyone's spiritual consciousness swept away the Heavenly Feather Blade, and their faces were shocked. Xingyue'e sighed and said: "Then this magic weapon, even if I have it, isn't it useless?"

Jian Yuan laughed and said: "We won't be able to use it if we have it, but if it's a senior from outside the territory, maybe we can unravel this blood sacrifice. We offer this thing, there is a great chance, in exchange for my disciples of the Cultivation Alliance to leave this resource Earth's opportunities that are lacking."

The eyes of all the old monsters brightened, but Huang Jiali, the ancestor of the Huanglongmen, poured cold water on her and said, "However, none of us has reached the out-of-body stage, so how can we contact the outside world? Even if we contact the outside world, they will believe that I am one-sided as a monk on earth." Is it a word? Maybe the monks outside the territory think that my earth monks are lying to them and will destroy the teleportation array leading to my earth. So that, my earth monks, it is impossible for any monks to leave in the future, and the more cultivators less and less, or even perish.”

Everyone was silent for a while, including Daoist Ganxu, who were all deep in thought, with ugly faces, a two-meter-tall man in golden clothes suddenly showed surprise, and said, "It's not impossible, it's just that the price is too high."

"What method?" Daoist Ganxu's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Fellow Daoist Jin, is there a solution?"

The monk surnamed Jin pondered for a while, and said warmly: "Fellow Taoists, didn't the news you got say that this magic weapon is on a junior in the middle stage of foundation establishment?"

Everyone didn't understand what he meant, and didn't open their mouths, but waited for him to continue. The monk surnamed Jin said unhurriedly: "This magic weapon has an owner, and his owner is not dead. If his owner Death, the refinement of the blood sacrifice left behind, will inevitably disappear without a trace, but if it doesn't disappear, it shows that the master is still alive."

"It turns out that the foundation-building junior is still alive, so he can use this long-lost ancient cultivator's supernatural power. Did he get the inheritance of the ancient monk? That's why he jumped from a mortal to a mid-stage foundation-building cultivator in such a short period of time. .”

"If we find this junior, we are searching for the soul, and we will definitely take everything he got, wouldn't it belong to us?"

The 18 members of Daoist Ganxu changed their faces, their eyes were all greedy, after all, this is the inheritance of ancient monks!If you get it, you will have the possibility to improve your cultivation base, and if you improve your cultivation base, you can find a place outside the territory to practice, and you will have some achievements of your own.

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