Beauty like the cloud of the Merry Emperor

Chapter 56: Wang Xingao Goes Crazy

Wang Xingao's heart has always been calm, he can't get angry, even if the munitions in the villa are dragged to the passage between the garden and the woods in the villa, his expression is normal, as if this is just a normal thing.

However, this Wang Xingao, who is not angry, is very ordinary, definitely the most terrifying Wang Xingao. At this moment, he is not not angry, but looking at the villa where he has lived for a few days, looking at the guards of the warrior group who have been disarmed Team. More than 4000 people raised their hands and surrendered. He felt a little ashamed of Chen Lingxuan.

That's right!He felt guilty, Wang Xingao didn't know that Chen Lingxuan was here and what Chen Lingxuan was doing, Wang Xingao didn't have the strength to protect him, so he was ashamed of Chen Lingxuan.

At this moment, Wang Xingao's heart suddenly became complicated. A period of good times in his childhood appeared in his mind, and finally until an accident happened, these beautiful lives gradually left him.

He came to a frosty world. In this world, only cruelty can survive, so he learned to kill, to be ruthless, and to be heartless and cold-blooded!

In this frosty world, Wang Xingao met a very special person. He was the same age as Wang Xingao, and he had a high opinion of his future life. This person was Chen Lingxuan. In this frosty world, the two had nothing to say. Don't talk, talk about everything!Gradually the two became brothers.

Brother who can pay the price of death, when those familiar faces that appeared in his childhood appeared in his mind again at this time, Wang Xingao finally realized something.

If you want to get it, you have to lose it.

Losing doesn't mean everything.

However, there is a price to pay.

The price is high, the loss is greater, and the gain is ignorant.

Those ignorance, very mysterious, made Wang Xingao really want to know.

Wang Xingao thought about it, he didn't know how he got down from the mountain, and he didn't know how he got out of the villa. He was woken up by a shout, only to realize that he had left the villa.

The person who called him was Yang Xue. Yang Xue said angrily at this time: "Master Wang, you are really brave! You have hidden so many arms, and from your villa, you also found some people of different ages. The clothes you wear are all under [-], do you dare to say now that the [-] students who disappeared in Shanghai recently have nothing to do with your ax gang?"

Wang Xingao said in a flat tone: "Director Yang, you want to convict me based on these? Are you going to put me in prison? I advise you not to do this, otherwise, your Yang family will not be able to keep you! Even Even your Yang family is in danger."

"Not ashamed to speak."

Yang Xue mocked Wang Xingao's words, "Who do you think you are now? Even if you are the head of the Wang family, you are not qualified to say such a thing. You are a scum of the Wang family, you are really arrogant."

Wang Xingao, who had always been calm, showed a crazy look on his face, and roared: "Yang Xue, I warn you, don't mention the word Wang family, or else, you don't want to leave Shanghai tonight."

"Hmph! You still dare to threaten in person? It's really a shame for the Wang family to have you out."

Yang Xue ignored Wang Xingao's words and continued talking about her.

Yang Huajun got into a police car and said coldly: "Director Yang, call back the team!"

Within two hours, a lot of cars had already come to the villa, loaded those suspicious things, as well as ammunition, and the simulated body armor customized by Chen Lingxuan into the cars, and helped more than 4000 people get in with the axe.

Yang Xue sneered a few more times before getting into the police car and leaving.

At this point, Seven Star Villa no longer exists.

But Wang Xingao stopped at the gate of the villa, sneered and said: "Yang Xue, you are deceiving people too much, hehe! I think I was too kind before. The Sikong family framed me, and I will pay it back ten thousand times. Let Sikong's family, Wang's, and your Yang family's blood flow into rivers, so as to repay my ten years of uselessness."

After finishing speaking, Wang Xingao took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said indifferently: "On the [-]st, the vacation ends early, return quickly."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xingao made another call and said in English, "Give me a batch of weapons, bazookas...sniper guns...high explosives...submachine guns...machine guns...Desert Eagle...missiles can come Okay, it’s better to have more time bombs and remote control bombs.”

In a restaurant far away in the United States, a young man about 27 or [-] years old, with white hair and a white man, said with a shocked expression: "My God! Wang, what are you doing? Are you going to fight? Do you want to fight?" Don’t be afraid that the Chinese government will wipe out your ax gang!”

Wang Xing'ao said with a flat tone of smile: "Jess, just tell me, can you give me these weapons, if you can, I will buy 100 billion US dollars in one go."

Jess said disdainfully: "Wang, are you belittling me? If you go to other arms dealers, you will definitely not be able to buy these things, but if it is here, I will definitely do it for you, tonight Can it be delivered? Also, please confirm the quantity of the order. "

Wang Xingao was silent for a while, then said: "[-] bazookas, [-] submachine guns, [-] machine guns, [-] desert eagles, [-] time bombs, [-] remote bombs, [-] hand grenades, high explosives, As long as it can turn a hundred miles into ruins, it's ok, let's have three missiles!"

After hearing this, Jess took a breath and said, "You are really crazy! What are you doing here! Can you reveal it."

Wang Xingao pondered for a moment, and said, "My ax gang's house was ransacked. You don't know that the Guoan people and the police destroyed my villa worth 6000 million U.S. dollars."

"Also, he arrested all the members of my Ax Gang, but he didn't arrest me. Obviously, there was an explanation from the superiors. They are not jealous. I have some friends abroad, and they are afraid that I will go crazy."

"Now I'm a polished commander. Not to mention that the ax took everyone away, I even took away all the munitions in the villa and more than 4000 sets of simulated bulletproof vests! They also said it was a suspicious item, said It may have been stolen from the country. These things are worth [-] million U.S. dollars! They are good, they are national items, and the money becomes the country’s money.”

Jess said with a look of surprise: "It's really crazy, the people of the Huaxia government are obviously trying to suppress you! One billion and 6000 million US dollars is enough for the total amount of my daily business income. Could it be that the people of the Huaxia government have already Don't care about your identity?"

Wang Xingao looked solemn, and said: "Jess, I think you should do your job well. You should not be involved in these things. I'll transfer the money to your account later, and that's it. Bye."

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