Shanghai, Police Station, Director's Office.Wang Qixin's cell phone rang, and a woman's angry voice came from the answer: "Your niece Wang Yun was killed in the hospital, do you know? My sons Su Nan and Su Fang also died."

"What?" Wang Qixin was the first to feel a little unbelievable when he heard it, and asked in disbelief, "Did you die in that hospital?"

The angry voice of the woman on the other end of the phone turned into a snarl: "Wang Qixin, you bastard, you still suspect that I am telling lies, if you have the guts to call Meng Qianjin, the director of Qinglian Hospital, to ask, I will not accompany you , hum! You have to give me a good explanation, if you don't kill the murderer's family, I can't calm down the anger in my heart."


After hanging up the phone, Wang Qixin had a gloomy expression on his face, sneered a few times, and called Meng Qianjin, the director of Qinglian Hospital.

Wang Qixin didn't beat around the bush, and said straightforwardly: "Brother Meng, you have to explain to me the matter of your hospital. Shanghai is a big city and can't stand it. You are restless and dare to commit murder again. It's still in the hospital." It’s broad daylight! I said Brother Meng, you are also a sensible person. You have to kill people at night. Don’t talk nonsense to me, you can’t do it at night. This time, I can’t keep you in the private hospital at home. You can do it yourself !"


On the other end of the phone, in the dean's office, Meng Qianjin's face was very ugly, she smashed several teacups and said: "It's the Ax Gang again, what's so great about being founded during the Republic of China, you fucking made me anxious, I'm going to tell the sect master to die with you trash axe."

At Shanghai International Airport, Chen Lingxuan paid the fare and got out of the car at two o'clock sharp. After buying some medicine, he stopped the bleeding in a public toilet. He wanted to take the Desert Eagle with him, but the thought of the airport test gave him a headache.

This time happened to be the time when the flight to the Northeast took off, so he hurriedly booked the ticket. Chen Lingxuan didn't give up on the Desert Eagle, not because he was reluctant, because it was his last weapon.

If there is a crisis, he has already been injured, so he can only rely on these two Desert Eagles to keep him safe.

Seeing the detection instrument scanned his backpack, Chen Lingxuan's face was as calm as water, but his heart was filled with urgency, "Buzz!" The detection instrument made a heavy sound.

This was the response that proved that there was a metal substance in Chen Lingxuan's backpack, and then the noise became louder and louder, so loud that the people queuing up behind to get on the plane could hear it.

The woman holding the detection instrument stared at Chen Lingxuan in shock, and shouted: "Bold gangster, you dare to carry a gun and want to get on the plane, hum!"

Before the words fell, the man said into the headset again: "Airport security personnel, please come quickly, a young man with a gun was detected at the hatch of the economy class."

Chen Lingxuan's expression was a little flustered. Seeing the commotion of the crowd, everyone seemed very shocked, and some even wanted to come up and grab him.

Chen Lingxuan snorted coldly: "Damn it, it's just killing one person, what's the big deal, hum! Die for me."

Chen Lingxuan opened the backpack, took out the Desert Eagle, loaded it, and shot the woman who was testing him in the head, with a bang!Inside the airport, shocking gunshots sounded.

The woman's head blossomed, and she fell down without a trace.From her eyes, Chen Lingxuan could see that this woman didn't seem to expect that he would shoot.

Chen Lingxuan sighed to himself that the People's Republic of China was established on October 1949, 10. Since 1 years ago, no one dared to shoot and kill people at the airport so arrogantly.And he, Chen Lingxuan, had no power, no reputation, no money, and nothing.

After Chen Lingxuan killed that guy, he took out another Desert Eagle and the clips from his backpack and hung it on his body, and just got on the flight.

As soon as the security captain arrived, he saw a woman lying on the ground with a bloody head and she couldn't see clearly. After a few glances, she said in surprise, "It's the Desert Eagle."

The security guards here are all veterans of the special forces, and they can tell what kind of firearm they are by looking at the injury, and they know the firearms like the back of their hands.But let them play with guns and become a sharpshooter. They don't have the strength, otherwise he wouldn't come to be such a security captain.

The other security guards dispersed the crowd and shouted loudly: "Terrorists have already entered on the flight, everyone should not enter."

The people present, no matter who they were, complained a little. They went to the Northeast, some went home, some traveled, some had business, etc. They were all important things anyway.

Just being messed up by Chen Lingxuan made them helpless.

But if they were allowed to go up, no one would dare to go up.Even if they wanted to catch Chen Lingxuan's well-known young people, there were quite a few of them who chose to compromise.For the sake of fame, death is not worth it, just not getting it.

However, many people took out their mobile phones, took this video, and posted it on various websites. Netizens in various forums are also discussing it. The number of participants has reached tens of millions, and it is still rising.

Shanghai, Police Station, Director's Office, Wang Qixin's cell phone rang again. This was the second time he rang today. He pressed the answer button, and immediately there were messages. When he hung up the phone, the expression on his face If eyes could kill, the world would be doomed now, and he would be the only one left.

Wang Qixin has never encountered such an unlucky day. Qinglian Hospital, a private hospital, has killed hundreds of people. Just after the security police were sent to Qinglian Hospital, there was another killing with a desert eagle at the international airport.

God!Wang Qixin thought to himself, what kind of person is this, he is lawless!Terrorists who don't care about the country!

Because the terrorist had a gun in his hand, Wang Qixin immediately dialed Qin Hua, the captain of the special police team, and said coldly: "You must have seen the video about the terrorist shooting the inspector with a desert eagle at the international airport. Bar!"

"Director Wang, why can't I see that our special police team hasn't been out for a month, and this time it's time for us to make meritorious service." A confident voice came from the phone, as if the horror that made people panic Members are just small fish and shrimp, he can easily crush them to death.

Wang Qixin laughed loudly and said, "I trust your strength very much. If you come out, that terrorist is just an ant."

After finishing speaking, he hung up, and called Sikong Yuwen, the director of the Intelligence Agency, to ask her to check the terrorist's identity information.The matter at the international airport will inevitably cause traffic jams, and he ordered various departments for a while, and finally dialed a five-digit phone number with peace of mind.

Familiar with such a small number of phone numbers, either in the hands of a top-ranked large company in the world, or people with a lot of background, and even fewer four-digit numbers, and three-digit numbers have been archived in China's sss-level secrets The file is gone, unless Huaxia No. [-] and No. [-] have the right to view it.

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