Beauty like the cloud of the Merry Emperor

Chapter 63: Inheritance of Memory

Zhuge Shihan's eyes showed fanaticism, his face showed madness, and he said: "Tao is strength. Only when strength is divided, can there be power. Only when power is divided, can there be people of different ranks."

Sima Zhengxin's eyes still remained on the sky, and he said, "Second brother, what do you think Tao is?"

Tianxiang pondered for a while, and said: "Tao is a road. The reason why Tao is a road is because there are layers of steps going up."

Sima Zhengxin's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he said sharply: "Tao is a mystery that we mortals can't solve. Only one."

If a monk heard this, he would definitely feel shocked, because Sima Zhengxin's understanding of Tao was definitely no less than that of some Mahayana masters outside the domain.

At twelve noon, Shanghai was already in chaos. Wang Xingao summoned 10 people, most of whom were unwilling to listen to his call, because in their view, this was a matter of no benefit, so why listen to his call.

On the contrary, it triggered a more powerful public riot, and some people even killed ten members of the guard team, so that Wang Xingao and everyone in the warrior group could only stay at the Shanghai Navy Base and Qixing Villa, and did not dare to come out to show their faces.

In fact, if it comes out, there will definitely be a large number of ordinary people who will take out cold weapons to resist. Wang Xingao is under great pressure. What he needs is a group of people who can work for him, not rioters.

During the riots in Shanghai, there were many murders, robberies, and rapes of women. The previous grievances and grievances finally broke out at this moment.

In this once-prosperous city, either you kill me or I kill you. Shanghai is in chaos everywhere, especially those powerful people who used power to bully others before, and they were hacked to death one by one. , It is extremely cruel.

The riots have just started, which also means that Shanghai's economy is going into decline. If they continue like this, they will definitely take turns to the lowest-level cities.

Longmen is a mafia gang in Shanghai, and it took the main position in this riot. Long Xingtian ignored the affairs inside the gate and left everything to Longquan to take care of.

The result is that Longquan is lawless, and the younger brothers of Longmen are extremely arrogant. They are all arrogant. It can be said that they oppress the people in Shanghai. They rape when they see women, and they shoot when they eat. As for money, the government has no more. Now has no status.

At the same time as the riots in Shanghai, a war broke out in an instant.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Centipede Mountain had been turned into ruins. The consciousness of a blood man had recovered two days ago. This man was Chen Lingxuan, but he was not awake, but came to a black world.

In this black space without any ray of light, he kept walking forward with puzzled eyes. Chen Lingxuan didn't know where this place was. limit.

Chen Lingxuan didn't have a trace of fear or fear in this place that five fingers could look down on. He still remembered the situation when he was pushed down the mountain. With such a gravity of the mountain, his cultivation base and foundation might be wiped out.

This was something Chen Lingxuan didn't want to see, and he couldn't save it. He was just a mid-stage foundation-building monk. If it wasn't for his combat experience and lack of means, he could defeat Luo Xingbao by relying on the magic pill.

However, he didn't know that even if he defeated Luo Xingbao, he would still have deadly attack methods. In that case, not only would he still be conscious, but his soul would fly away and disappear into the world.

Black is like the color of evil in the world. Chen Lingxuan didn't know how long he had been walking, but he suddenly felt that he had been walking like this for more than two days, and it was useless to continue walking.

Therefore, Chen Lingxuan paused, sat cross-legged, and closed his eyes tightly. He firmly believed that this space was not colorless, but that he did not have the strength to see it, or that his current qualifications were not enough.

Because, in the past two days, Chen Lingxuan has already had a lot of guesses. If we talk about the black space, it is the mysterious black bead, but he has come into the black bead, so it must not be the body.

Dare to make such a judgment, it is because Chen Lingxuan has experimented before, other living 3. .

Things can't be thrown in, even his master can't, Chen Lingxuan can only smile wryly, this restriction is really cheating.

Chen Lingxuan operated the "Sky Feather Jue", but the black space had no aura, no matter how he operated it, there was always no movement.

"Your ancestor." Chen Lingxuan cursed in his heart, opened his eyes, and saw a surprised scene.

In this scene, there was a light curtain ten meters ahead, and Chen Lingxuan said in his heart: "Grandma, there is finally a light, go and have a look."

When Chen Lingxuan walked into that light curtain, the scene around Chen Lingxuan changed accordingly. The place where he was now was a boundless starry sky, and the planets not far away stood proudly in the sky.

Time was flowing, and Chen Lingxuan came to a huge planet. On this planet, Chen Lingxuan saw countless races wage wars in order to survive.

This planet is called Ancient Star, which is the Earth today. Chen Lingxuan is like watching a movie, from the beginning of chaos to the most distant ancient time.

There were too many strong races in the ancient times. Chen Lingxuan was dazzled by seeing them. When there were no boundaries in the ancient times, there were [-] recognized innate races.

These one hundred and eight innate races are the Tianjin, Tianmu, Tianshui, Tianhuo, Tiantu, Tianfeng, Tianling, Tianlei, Tianmo, Tiandark, and Skyblood clans. , Tianfo clan, Tianguang clan, Sky demon clan, Tianming clan, Tiansha clan, Tianhao clan, Scourge clan, Tianyun clan, Tianyu clan, Tianyu clan, Tianjian clan, Tianxing clan, Tianhuang clan, Tiangu clan clan, Tianlong clan, Tianli clan, Tianneng clan, Tianxiu clan, Tianshan clan...

These races were once the rulers of the ancient times, and they were symbols of the way of heaven, because these races were infinitely close to the way of heaven.

There was a catastrophe in ancient times, and the [-] innate races were exterminated. Chen Lingxuan only saw the remains of some innate races. As for these innate races, what was the catastrophe.

How it became extinct is a big mystery in ancient times.

Chen Lingxuan saw Tian Yu, the founder of "Tian Yu Jue". He was a young man, dressed in white, handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. He is an impenetrable enigma.

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