The octopus spirit opened its bloody mouth wide, revealing the disgusting stench inside. Seeing this scene, Chen Lingxuan naturally knew what the monster was thinking, and cursed in his heart: "You damn devil, if you have a chance to escape, I must make sure that your bones do not survive."

The octopus spirit looked at Chen Lingxuan contemptuously, and said in his heart that I am a noble Jindan period demon cultivator, how can I be compared with you, a junior who has lost his cultivation, eating you is your blessing, and you can't cultivate in eight lifetimes here.

Chen Lingxuan felt the tentacles binding him, and suddenly exerted force, his body gulped towards the blood basin, and landed in it. The octopus spirit closed its mouth and swam to its lair.

The mouth of the octopus spirit is quite large, and some white liquid rolled towards him. When Chen Lingxuan came in, he had already obtained the power to move his body. Suddenly, he took down the submachine gun and pointed at the red meat all around. Shooting, his eyes were fierce and he said: "You dead monster, who is not good to eat your grandma's food? If you insist on eating your ancestors' food, I will let you enjoy the fire front dinner."

Because it was inside the mouth of the octopus, and there was no lake water to block it, the bullets from the thunderbolt pierced into the flesh and blood of the octopus, and traces of pink blood leaked out, and the octopus showed pain, "尜尜! 尜尜!" Tentacles Swaying around, the small lake became chaotic in an instant, and the water sprayed high.

Chen Lingxuan in Octopus's mouth encountered a big trouble. The submachine gun ran out of bullets, so he threw the gun over there, but he didn't expect that the submachine gun was corroded by the yellow liquid coming out of the throat.

The submachine gun melted into a black liquid in the blink of an eye, making Chen Lingxuan's heart skip a beat. The yellow liquid seemed to have a spirituality, and was surrounding him.

After five breaths, some yellow liquid stuck to Chen Lingxuan's body, and he felt a spiritual tingling, as if his soul had been greatly hurt.

A foul-smelling smell spread out, Chen Lingxuan covered his mouth and vomited, the smell was so disgusting, bloodshot eyes appeared in his pupils.


For some reason, Chen Lingxuan's stomach suddenly swelled up, like a woman about to give birth, her skin turned pure yellow, and even her hair turned yellow, looking a bit vicissitudes.

Chen Lingxuan felt that his vitality was rotting, and he felt a lot of pain, but he didn't have the slightest ability to resist, and a feeling of suffocation enveloped him.

This was Chen Lingxuan's unprecedented feeling. For the first time, he felt that death was so close to him. Although Luo Xingbao beat him severely last time, he didn't feel this way because he was still able to resist.

But now, Chen Lingxuan has no strength to resist.

It seems that fate is no longer in his own hands. At this time, the octopus spirit has already decided the end of his road, which is a road to death.

No matter whether Chen Lingxuan was willing or not, he could not utter a single sound. The pain of his rotting flesh made him dare not even think about anything.

"Is this death?"

Chen Lingxuan seemed to see his parents smiling at him. His body had already seen many muscles and bones. If his body was not comparable to a low-grade treasure, the octopus spirit would have squeezed him dry long ago.

Everything, like yesterday, is recalled in my mind.

I am not afraid of death, death is not terrible, whether I am willing or not, I cannot decide.

On this day, when it was dark, the gates of hell opened to me.

This land is shattered, earthquakes and mountains shake as if the end is coming.

People are gone, right and wrong have become the past, I am just a passer-by in this world.

The octopus spirit is a little angry. This human body is so hard that even his saliva can't melt it, which makes him very angry. When he tried his best to melt the skin and flesh of this damned human body, what happened? Misfortune happened.

A streak of multicolored light suddenly shot out from Chen Lingxuan's sea of ​​consciousness, forming a small golden beast with a cute little head, which looked like a cat, with four claws, and a golden symbol between its brows , gleaming, a huge coercion emanated from the golden talisman.

Suddenly, the eyeballs of the octopus spirit showed a bit of fear. It was struggling, causing the water in its small lake to swirl, forming a circular vortex. The octopus spirit wanted to get rid of something, but the more it struggled, the brighter the golden light on its body became. is strong.

Kaka!With a bang of bone marrow bursting, the octopus spirit fell into the lake with a pair of unrepentant eyes, a big hole was made in its mouth, and a small animal that looked like a kitten flew out of the lake.

Its four paws wrapped around a deformed person, it was Chen Lingxuan, far away from the small lake, came to a rock, and the little beast threw Chen Lingxuan on it.

At 08:30 in the evening, within the Huaxia border, a helicopter was about to fly out of the Huaxia country at a terrifying speed. Suddenly, a fighter jet in front blocked it, and a threatening voice said: "This place is already It is the border of China, no one is allowed to pass, please descend the plane, otherwise, we will attack with illegal elements."

On the helicopter, the pilot was an Englishman named Jin Duo. He shouted coldly in English: "I'm an Englishman, not a Chinese. Don't stop me. Does your country want to trigger a war?"

Sitting next to Jin Duo was Wang Xingao. He smiled and said in Chinese, "Jin Duo, aren't you talking nonsense? I just triggered a war and had to escape from China."

Jin Duo smiled helplessly, and said: "Mr. Wang, although you are not very old, I have to admire your courage. How dare you go against your motherland. If it were me, I would definitely not have the courage. It seems that the Holy Master chose The spokesperson is really extraordinary."

A sneer appeared on Wang Xingao's face, and he said: "Jin Duo, you are the person in charge of the UK, how much will the cost this time be? 500 billion US dollars should be enough!"

Jin Duo said with a distressed face; "The envoy said that this time is too difficult, only [-]% will be charged, and only your people will be sent to the UK. As for what will happen to you in the future, I don't think this is what I should think about." gone."

A murderous intent flashed across Wang Xing'ao's eyes, he laughed loudly and said, "It seems that your envoys don't like us!"

It was only a moment between the two of them talking. The pilot of the fighter jet had received an order from his superiors to stop anyone leaving the territory of China. Otherwise, he would have let them go long ago after hearing that Jin Duo claimed to be British.

"No matter who it is, let me land and give you a hundred seconds."

A somewhat domineering voice came from the fighter plane.

The two Wang Xingao on the helicopter heard this, and they couldn't help laughing. Wang Xingao stared at the fighter jet on the screen with great interest, and said with a chuckle, "I will perform later."

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