"The inner alchemy of monsters is comparable to the golden alchemy of monks. Only monsters at the golden alchemy stage can be formed. Moreover, without more than a hundred years of practice, there is no such strength to conclude the inner alchemy."

"That is to say, this inner alchemy is very effective for me. If I want to restore my cultivation, this alchemy is indispensable."

Looking at the inner alchemy in his hand, Chen Lingxuan opened his mouth and swallowed it without the slightest hesitation. He didn't bite, because he knew that if it shattered in advance, he would not be able to bear this amount of energy.

Chen Lingxuan didn't realize that although his body skin was yellow, there was a faint golden thread in the yellow. As soon as the inner alchemy of the octopus essence entered, Chen Lingxuan immediately performed the formula of "Sky Feather Jue" in the agile stage.


The inner alchemy fell into the dantian and turned into a black energy. All the remaining true energy in Chen Lingxuan's body was stimulated, and he took the opportunity to condense the whole body's true energy into the dantian.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Chen Lingxuan's mouth. It was a mouthful of black blood, and a stench came from it.

Chen Lingxuan didn't look at the black blood, because he knew that it was his own internal injury, the injury from Luo Xingbao hitting him last time, and he was recovering little by little at this moment.

"The reason why cultivation is called agile is that it can absorb spiritual energy, refine it for one's own use, condense grains of true energy, and store it in the dantian. That movement is a trace of vividness. If you are proficient in manipulating true energy, you will be the real one. of agility."

"My current cultivation base is completely lost. I have to start from the beginning and hit the early stage of agility. The demonic power in this inner alchemy is enough for me to rise to the peak of agility Dzogchen."

Time passed by little by little, but in the blink of an eye, seven days flew by.

On the first day, Chen Lingxuan was promoted to the early stage of Smartness, and in the next three days, he was promoted to the peak of Dzogchen in the late stage of Smartness.

All of this also stems from the inner alchemy of the octopus essence, otherwise Chen Lingxuan's body would not have recovered so quickly, and monks who had not reached the foundation building stage were not allowed to fast, and Chen Lingxuan's food was all taken care of by the little golden beast.

In the last three days, Chen Lingxuan studied some basic spells.

The five-element escape technique is recorded in the "Tian Yu Jue", this technique is considered a middle-grade spiritual level spell, and the practice of this technique can only be performed with the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

This reminded Chen Lingxuan of the Tu Xingsun in the list of gods, and he thought that Tu Xingsun also knew how to escape from the earth.

It also reminded Chen Lingxuan of the scene where Luo Xingbao had no power to resist. Xin Dao said that it is better to practice more supernatural powers and spells.

It took a whole day to practice the Five Elements Escape Technique. Chen Lingxuan suffered a lot from practicing this technique. For example, the Earth Escape Technique sometimes didn't work at all, which made Chen Lingxuan suffer from physical pain.

His current physique is no better than before. After the octopus spirit, he has returned to a mortal body. Basically, if he is shot with a desert eagle now, it will definitely work.

The next day, Chen Lingxuan became proficient in water polo, fireball and other low-level spells.

On the third day, Chen Lingxuan cultivated the Spiritual Mantle.

Chen Lingxuan lived in style at the foot of the mountain, but he didn't know that there was a disturbance in the outside world in the past seven days. Shanghai Longmen was forced to disband under the pressure of the government.

Moreover, everyone in Shanghai who has a case is invited to drink tea. Naturally, this tea is not so delicious. Once they enter, they will either be sentenced to life imprisonment or die.

The atmosphere in Shanghai was somewhat serious. At the same time, the press conference held in Shanghai was held by Yang Fan, the head of the Yang family, and Xia Tian, ​​the head of the Xia family.

And it was announced in a big way that all of this is because the gang forces do not take the government seriously, which formed the current scene.

Announcing Chen Lingxuan's crimes one by one, first killing people at the airport, hijacking a plane crash, burning Tianyu Town and killing tens of thousands of people in flames, it can be described as audacious and contemptuous of the country.Killed the lieutenant general, blackmailed the gangsters, and the heir of the British Slater family Luke for more than 500 billion US dollars.

Kidnapping [-] students, murdering people in the Northeast with impunity, attacking police stations in various places, and bombarding military areas with missiles.

Chen Lingxuan's behavior shocked the whole world and made Chinese people angry. On the Internet, a netizen named Daode in the Tianhua Forum published a discussion forum titled: Should Chen Lingxuan be punished for his behavior?

As soon as this post appeared, someone immediately replied: "The matter of the common anger of humans and gods should be punished."

"Parents who can raise this scum are not good things and should be shot."

"Kill! This kind of dog deserves to be beaten. I think that if I have some money and strength, I will be domineering. I look down on this kind of person the most."

"Mie, I agree with the Chinese government to punish the nine clans of demons. Our people in the Celestial Dynasty are kind-hearted. This person is a devil. It can be said that a piece of mouse droppings ruined a bowl of soup."

"This kind of trash character with no quality should be extinct."

People replied one after another, but in the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of people have commented on the post, and it is still continuing, which makes the Huaxia government have to pay attention.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, in Xingxia Village, Heilongjiang, a BMW car drove into the village. A middle-aged man in white came out of the passenger seat, with a smile on his face, staring at the houses in front of him, and said, "Chen Rain, come out!"

A young and beautiful girl opened the car door, holding a small pink bag in her hand, with a pair of smart eyes, looking at Xingxia Village, she smiled and said, "Dad, is this the home of my elder brother?"

The middle-aged man in white showed a little bit of anger, and snorted softly: "Yu'er, you have to remember, that villain is the enemy of my Chen family, and his ancestor Chen Huafu is a disgrace to my Chen family. It's not your big brother, you know?"

Chen Yu is not very old, only 17 years old, but she is ice and snow smart, heard the anger in her father's tone, stuck out her little tongue, and said with a smile: "Dad, do we really want to come here to do that? "

The middle-aged man in white stared at the villagers walking around in Xingxia Village, and said with a sneer, "He Chen Tiantao, although he sentenced my Chen family, but he brought even greater humiliation to my Chen family. They gave birth to Chen Lingxuan This son is no more disgraceful to my Chen family than his ancestor Chen Huafu."

Chen Yu asked curiously: "Father! Then Painter Chen, what kind of shame did he bring to the Chen family!"

The middle-aged man in white gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Huafu, this name represents the disgrace of the Chen family."

While the two were talking, they had already entered Xingxia Village. When the villagers saw the two strangers, they avoided collisions, which made the two move forward much faster.

"During the Republic of China, Chen Huafu and my elder brother Chen Yuyuan's grandfather, Chen Huace, were originally brothers. Both of them were middle-aged at the time, and they reached the peak of innate talent. They were one of the rare masters in the Jianghu at that time."

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