All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 1 is all to blame for piracy

"Oh my god, it's all the fault of the 'Poor Shake' novels. Damn me, why did I read Auntie's 'Poor Shake' before? Now it's over, who the hell can do it? Help me."

Lin Chengfeng was carrying out a big teleportation, spanning billions of miles at one time, while muttering, and behind him, there was a large group of immortals chasing after him, the worst ones were immortal emperor-level masters, immortal-level masters There are also many.

"Lin Chengfeng, you are paralyzed, don't think you can escape, you are a scourge of the fairy world, because you are also a fairy, I can deal with it leniently, and I will just lock you up for a few million years and it will be ok."

The Jade Emperor of Heaven shouted, he is a strong immortal in the crowd, and there is a large group of strong immortal emperors around him, chasing Lin Chengfeng together with the Jade Emperor.

"My mother, poor aunt, please forgive me for your old man's spirit in heaven. It's not that I, Lin Chengfeng, stole your book and don't pay the copyright fee. I can't pay you because I can't see you. Well, please forgive me, God, it’s all due to piracy.”

Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but howled, it turns out that this is the case, he, Lin Chengfeng is from China, and he is the only cultivator in China for thousands of years who ascended to the fairy world, but when he arrived in the fairy world, he realized that the immortals are running all over the place, and their status is not as good as that of a dog Ah, he desperately earned immortal crystals and practiced desperately. After 300 years of hard training, he became one of the most powerful people in the fairy world, a powerful figure at the level of immortals.

This is not the end of Lin Chengfeng, but the beginning. After becoming a fairy, he is also a prominent figure in the fairy world, so he began to enjoy the happy life in the fairy world. He has nothing to do on weekdays. , he met the most beautiful woman in the fairy world, Chang'e Fairy, who was shocked, so Lin Chengfeng began to pursue Chang'e Fairy.

But no matter how hard Lin Chengfeng tried, he couldn't win Fairy Chang'e's heart. At that time, Lin Chengfeng's heart moved, and he changed the poor novel, and then said that he wrote it with all his heart and blood for Fairy Chang'e. After reading Auntie Qiongyao's novel, Fairy Chang'e was so moved, and just like that, Lin Chengfeng hugged the beauty back home.

This makes all the powerhouses in the fairy world envious and jealous, and the Jade Emperor is also one of them, "Paralyzed, I am the lord of the heaven and the supreme of the fairy world, Chang'e should be mine. If you dare to rob me of a woman, it's a common practice!" Xianzun, you wait for me."

In this way, the Jade Emperor started to use shady tricks. He took Lin Chengfeng's pirated novel "Qian Yao" and printed tens of millions of copies. The Jade Emperor specially sold Aunt Qiong Yao's novels everywhere. , As a result, the fairies in the fairy world frantically snapped up this shameless pirated poor shake novel.

Then this book became popular in the fairy world. Fairies and fairies began to hold this novel all day long, as if they were possessed by a demon. The Jade Emperor was also stupid at this time. , To the fairies and fairies, it has such a great lethality, but at this time the Jade Emperor laughed again, because he thought of how to get rid of Lin Chengfeng.

But the lethality of Auntie Qiongyao's novels is beyond expectations. The seven fairies of the Jade Emperor are fascinated, the emperor's mother is obsessed with things, and the mistresses of the Jade Emperor are also obsessed. Lin Chengfeng became, and suddenly, Lin Chengfeng became the dream lover in the hearts of countless fairies and fairies.

Once, the Jade Emperor was hugging his mistress, and when he reached the climax, his mistress shouted, "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you".

At this time, the Jade Emperor broke out completely, and shouted, "Paralyzed, I, the Jade Emperor, don't even have this kind of treatment in the fairy world. If you let Lin Chengfeng live any longer, you will fuck up all my girls."

In the end, Lin Chengfeng became the number one public enemy of all the male immortals in the fairy world, and all the male immortals shouted in their hearts, "Damn it, if this goes on like this, Brother Lianniu won't have sex anymore, Lin Chengfeng really deserves to die."All the male immortals are envious and jealous, and hate Lin Chengfeng to death. It is because Lin Chengfeng pirated Auntie Qiongyao's novel for a while that he finally became the public enemy of the fairy world. This is the end of his shameless piracy, so everyone must read the original version ah.

After coming down, it was the Jade Emperor who came out and shouted, playing tricks on Lin Chengfeng, all the male immortals responded one after another, and embarked on the road to kill Lin Chengfeng together.

"Oh my god, this time I got into trouble with my mother just to pick up girls. If I die like this, it will be a big loss. I just held Chang'e Zhimei's little hands. I don’t have a *bo yet, I’m so fucking regretful, why am I so stupid, I’m going to do it a little bit, and I’m not going to die without regret.”

As Lin Chengfeng fled, he was regretting in his heart, hating himself for why he didn't attack Chang'e, the peerless paper girl whom he had soaked in. blue.

When Lin Chengfeng wanted to make another big teleportation, he felt a giant palm that climbed to the sky slapped it down. Lin Chengfeng was accidentally sent flying, and he was thinking in his heart, "Who the hell is this, who is here? Cut off Lao Tzu."

Because of Lin Chengfeng's pause, when the giant palm disappeared, a large group of powerful people in the fairy world, more than a dozen immortals, and more than a hundred immortal emperors, surrounded him tightly.

"Paralyzed, let's see how you can escape. Let's fight together and beat this damned thing to ashes, so the woman from the fairy world will be ours."Seeing this battle, Lin Chengfeng was dumbfounded, and when he was stunned for a moment, the Jade Emperor spoke.

"My mother, this is a group of saints. Why is there such a big battle? I'm going to die here today."

Lin Chengfeng had just finished the words in his heart, and countless attacks that could destroy the world all at once turned him into flying ashes. Just like that, Lin Chengfeng, the great writer who was popular in the fairy world, and the genius immortal Lin Chengfeng completely disappeared in the fairy world.

After the immortals left, a man with a little sun on his head came out, and he also said bitterly, "You are paralyzed, you dare to touch my woman, you really deserve to die."

Finally, another big man appeared, and he sighed and said, "Brother Chengfeng, you have a good journey, we will meet again in the future."

Lin Chengfeng's last words were, "Fucking bastard, it's all caused by piracy. Poor, auntie, I, Lin Chengfeng, came to apologize to you. Don't blame me. Don't blame me. , I regret it, I am still a virgin now, if there is an afterlife, I will not release any beautiful women and widows."

No matter what, the Immortal World finally calmed down again. This incident told Lin Chengfeng a big truth, that is, he will be struck by lightning if he engages in piracy.

Hehe, the guys are all stunned, and the collection recommendation is quickly brought.

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