All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 11 Talking about the Great Sage and Zixia

"Then will I become very powerful in the future, and I can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and live forever?"Wen Jing raised her head and asked me very seriously. I nodded and said, "Yes, it's fine. You can even ascend to the fairy world in the future, and see Monkey King, the Monkey King, and Fairy Zixia. How about we Does Wen Jing also want to see the Great Sage and Fairy Zixia together, if she wants to, then she must take the road of cultivating immortals."

However, Wen Jing's answer was beyond my expectation, and it also moved me a lot. This is a little woman who loves me deeply. She only has me in her heart, and I am the most important.

Wen Jing looked at me seriously and said, "Those are not important, and I don't care."

I couldn't help asking, "Then what's important, what do you care about, I thought you, Wen Jing, are like other girls, and really want to know the final outcome of Monkey King and Fairy Zixia."

"I don't care about those, and it doesn't matter in my heart. What matters is whether I can be with you forever after I cultivate immortality."

Listening to Wen Jing's words of endless affection, I only had one thought in my mind, that is, I can't live without her in this life, so I nodded fiercely and said, "I can't live without you in this life."

Then I rudely tore Wen Jing's clothes, and I kissed her fiercely, and she said to me as if she was resigned, "Chengfeng love me well, I will always belong to you alone."

Lin Chengfeng was immediately detonated, and became crazy like never before. He seemed to want to completely integrate this woman into his body. I directly punched Huanglong roughly and forcefully. A big battle started, I hugged her white*tender*slender*long jade*legs and kept pounding them, it was very regrettable and touching.

After a full two hours, Lin Chengfeng saw that Huang Wenjing couldn't take it any longer, and he was almost at the limit, so he stopped. After that, Huang Wenjing went to sleep with satisfaction, and I started to exercise and cultivate my Sun Saint. Decision, I can't wait to continue to become stronger.

After noon, Huang Wenjing woke up refreshed. Seeing that Lin Chengfeng was still meditating, she thoughtfully went to make lunch. I didn't want to waste her good work, so I had to accept it. This time I gained a lot. Although I also gained something last night, it was more about helping Wen Jing temper her body and lay the foundation. Just now is the real double body cultivation. , my cultivation has finally reached the peak of the innate early stage, and the speed of entering the realm is beyond my expectation.

In fact, from the perspective of cultivating immortals, Xiantian is the foundation-building period, while Houtian is the Qi training period, but the names are different. However, if you have not broken through Xiantian, you cannot say that you are already a cultivator, because only after breaking through Only after being born with innate ability can one truly possess the methods of the immortal family, such as flying with a sword, and have a lifespan of thousands of years, and perform some Taoism. Of course, Lin Chengfeng is different. Even if he is still innate, he can also perform some Taoism, such as escape. Art, this is his advantage as a fairy, but it will be a bit too expensive for him to use it now.

After Lin Chengfeng finished his work, he walked to the dining table and looked at the several dishes on the table. Although they were not complete in color and fragrance, they were definitely very attractive. The dishes in big hotels may be better, but they are not as appetizing as these small dishes.

"We Wenjing is so good, I really don't know, if one day, I don't have you Wenjing by my side, how can I survive."

Lin Chengfeng said very sincerely, this is definitely what I said from the bottom of my heart. This kind of life, compared with my previous life of penance, is really a heaven and a hell. There is no comparison. I am completely in love with this kind of life now. With this gentle and considerate woman, I really can't leave her anymore.

Listening to my direct confession, Wen Jing felt like a little girl again, her beautiful and mature face blushed again, she was extremely charming, and her heart was so sweet that I couldn't help but twitch my index finger.

"That's right, she's not as good as Chengfeng as you said, she just tries her best to be a little woman, as long as you don't dislike Chengfeng."

Lin Chengfeng heard these words, not to mention how moved he was, such a good woman treats him so wholeheartedly, treating him as the only one in the world.

"I hate it, how is it possible? In my eyes, even dragon meat is not as delicious as the food you cook. Even if it is the God of Cookery in the fairy world, his cooking is not as good as yours, because there is our quiet and deep love in this food. It's incomparable."

"It's not that exaggerated, but Chengfeng, have you really eaten dragon meat, are there really dragons in this world?"

Huang Wenjing asked with a trace of innocence. She didn't look like a woman who was about to be thirty. People said that women's IQ is zero in love, and it was true.

Lin Chengfeng said without hesitation, "Of course there are dragons in this world, but I have eaten dragon meat."I was so ashamed in my heart, I actually ate dragon meat once after I became an immortal. It was truly peerless and delicious, and it was made by the foodie God of Cookery, even more so. In the previous life, God of Cookery was one of the few in the fairy world. One of my good friends.

"Oh, there really is the Supreme Treasure of the Great Sage and Fairy Zixia in the fairy world?"Huang Wenjing finally asked the question that countless women wanted to know the most.

"Yes, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, is also the Supreme Treasure of the Great Sage, he is one of the seven sages of the demon clan, and later became the fighting Buddha in the Buddhist world, and Fairy Zixia is the best of the Tathagata. The wick of the fairy 'Purple Light'".

Lin Chengfeng said with certainty, because not only have I met the Great Sage, but I am also a good friend of the Great Sage. The friendship between me and the Great Sage was forged. I started my career with martial arts, and I am very belligerent. , and the same is true for the great saint. It is normal for two warlike people to come together and become friends. I don’t know how many times I have fought with the great saint. There is no victory. As a martial artist, I am no worse than anyone in fighting. Anyway, we can always have a good time fighting, which is why I will quickly become famous in the fairy world.

And Fairy Zixia did have a relationship with the Great Sage, and in the end the two could not be together. The Great Sage will start a fight against the Holy Buddha in the Buddhist gate, which is also related to this factor. To control the Great Sage and want him to surrender completely, Zixia knew Tathagata's intentions, so she turned into a wick again.

This is one of the reasons why the Great Holy Lord turned to Buddhism. The reason why the Great Holy Lord would do this is also related to the weakness of the demon clan. In the vast fairy world, there is only the demon clan, and there is only one saint.

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