Lin Chengfeng said loudly like a pervert on purpose, I was still staring intently at Lan Ling'er's charming towering twin peaks, and swallowed loudly, her figure is really top-notch , now I can be regarded as showing the nature of a man, a little wretched.

As soon as my words came out, many men were very moved, thinking in their hearts, "What, such a wonderful lady, it's only three hundred and eighty-one nights. I have to hire her for a month to enjoy the beauty town, it's a rare opportunity."

Immediately, a man in his 30s walked over anxiously, and said, "Miss, I'm five hundred and one night, how about I give you a week, it's much taller than that kid."

"Go, go, go, too, beautiful lady, I'll give you a month, how about 1000 yuan a day."

"What, you don't understand what it means to be a beauty whose price is sky-high. Beauty, you might as well be my mistress. I will take care of you. I have tens of thousands of pocket money a month. I can also let you live in a villa and drive a BMW." , with Chanel...".

A group of men surrounded Lan Ling'er all of a sudden, they really regarded her as a young lady, and they kept bidding for her, wanting to keep her as a mistress, and asking her to be a mistress as a mistress. Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng waved to Lan Ling'er, Then he left, he knew that the blue beauty must be gnashing her teeth with hatred for him now, wishing to drink his blood and peel his skin, but, I really have important things to do now, so I don't want to have such a The little tail followed, he could only offend the beauty.

"Dead Lin Chengfeng, I, Lan Linger, have never finished with you in this life. It seems that he really knows who I am. How could it be? It's impossible. I have never met him before. However, he was anxious just now. If you want to get rid of me, there must be something urgent or important to do, so this may be a great opportunity for me to get revenge and make a fortune."

The blue beauty suddenly thought of something tricky, which Lin Chengfeng could not estimate. This beauty is smarter than he knows, and she really can't hide any clues from her.

But Lan Damei looked at such a large group of perverts, in addition to hating Lin Chengfeng even more, she was also disgusted to death, and it also gave her a headache, how could she get away.

After Lin Chengfeng got rid of the big beauty Lan, he couldn't help being more cautious. He changed his face and used a small spell, so he was completely different from the original him.

Relying on his last feeling about the 'Haotian Sword', Lin Chengfeng finally found the Xiantian Lingbao-level Haotian Sword in an antique shop, but he found out that there were two other customers in this shop, both of whom were Xiantian swordsmen. The master of the realm.

The Haotian Sword is the innate spirit treasure that I obtained in my previous life. Haotian Sword issued a fateful call to me, and I could feel that call.

"Ma'am, you have already bought a lot to cry, and if you buy more, it may not help the old man's illness."A man said, and the woman called Mrs. looks like a country and a city, about 30 years old, her figure is also perfect, and a mature and attractive aura exudes from her body.

When I entered the store, I couldn't help but recognize them when I heard the man's words. The woman's name is Di Feng, she is a famous beauty in the capital, and she is also a beautiful widow. I don't know how many people in the capital think about her. But no one succeeded. It is said that when Di Feng first married into Dugu's family in the capital, her husband died unexpectedly, so although she is a widow, she is still a big girl. , but she resolutely refused to remarry, and stayed as a widow for a full ten years. During these ten years, the burden of the Dugu family was gradually taken up by her. , but not long ago, old man Dugu got a strange disease and needed a precious magic weapon to cure it.

In my previous life, I met Di Feng ten years later. The Haotian Sword was bought by Di Feng first. In my previous life, I was attracted by the Haotian Sword ten years later and entered the Dugu family , and just happened to cure the illness of old man Dugu, and then I got the Haotian Sword. Although I don't have much contact with Di Feng, and I don't know her well, she is indeed a great heroine.

"No, I must buy it again, otherwise the master doesn't know how long he can last."

Di Feng said very persistently, when I was about to buy the Haotian Sword, Dugu Ling spoke. He is the housekeeper of the Dugu family, and his cultivation base is higher than mine now, and he is in the mid-innate cultivation base. Feng's cultivation level is not weaker than mine, and it is also the peak of the early innate.

"Hey boss, show me that ancient sword."Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng was a little speechless when Dugu Ling pointed at the Haotian sword. It seemed that the Haotian sword was destined to pass through the hands of the Dugu family first.

"Oh my guest, your vision is really good. This is an ancient relic from the Shang Dynasty. It is priceless and it is the treasure of the small shop."The boss exclaimed, he is a whole profiteer, every time the customer is interested in something, he said so, the purpose is nothing more than to make a lot of money, because he himself does not know, those things must be genuine , now the fakes are more real than the real ones, so no matter how good his eyesight is, he still can't tell the real ones.

Di Feng also looked at the Haotian Sword at this time, and the boss took out the Haotian Sword and handed it to Dugu Ling, and praised, "You can tell that you are a person who knows the goods when you see the guests. It’s a good thing, if you buy it back and keep it for a few years, it’s guaranteed that the value will increase several times.”

"That's not necessarily true, boss. You said it was from the Shang Dynasty, but I said it was an imitation from the National Period. If you look at the rusty appearance, you can tell that it was made by soaking in flowing acid. This sword is only a few pieces at most. One thousand yuan, don’t be fooled, boss.”

Lin Chengfeng said in an expert tone, I am actually just talking nonsense, just like the boss, because he doesn't know the truth of the things, so he has no confidence in his heart, so the power of my words is not small .

Dugu Ling is also an experienced person. Although he doesn't know much about this business, after what I said, when he looked at the boss's expression again, he understood that what I said may not be true, but the boss It must be false.

"Boss, I don't want this sword anymore, let me look at other objects."Dugu Ling smiled and said, Di Feng didn't object when she saw this, instead she nodded to me to express her gratitude.

Seeing that the business was in decline, the boss had no choice but to say, "Young man, that's not what you said. It's a fake product. You can't tell for sure, so don't just talk about it."

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