All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 15 The Beautiful Woman Di Feng

Lin Chengfeng pretended to be generous and took out a check for one million yuan, and paid the money. The boss happily accepted the money, wrapped the sword, and gave it to Lan Ling'er.

"Hehe, it's good to have a rich man. If my dear can treat him like this all the time, that's good."Lan Ling'er said in a coquettish manner, and said something to me very affectionately.

Lin Chengfeng also put on a show at this time, put his arms around Lan Ling'er's waist and said, "Honey, are you satisfied now, don't be angry with me anymore."

Lan Ling'er was also unexpected at this moment, she didn't expect that Lin Chengfeng would hug her directly, this was the first time that she had such intimate contact with the opposite sex, and it also made Lan Ling'er's face blush, which in the eyes of outsiders , It's the sweetness of a young couple, it's very normal.

"Damn Lin Chengfeng, you dare to take advantage of me, don't you want to live, be careful, grandma, I will make you die badly."Lan Ling'er said viciously through the sound transmission, but how could I let her go, the Haotian Sword is really too important to me.

"Lan Ling'er, what do you do? I don't need to tell you. Others don't know that you did the big cases you did in Yanjing, but I know it clearly. You shouldn't want to be accused I'll send it to the police station. Of course, before sending it, I will seal your cultivation. At that time, I don't need to tell you what will happen to you. In addition, you are so beautiful. It is conceivable that you will have How tragic, so now that the drama has begun, it has to go to the end."

Lin Chengfeng also threatened through voice transmission, this scared Lan Ling'er enough, she had no choice but to give in, I hugged her tightly so that she couldn't escape at all, otherwise she would have already escaped.

"Dead Lin Chengfeng smelly Lin Chengfeng, how could he know so much, what a mistake, now it seems that he can only show weakness."Lan Ling'er cursed resentfully in her heart, she is really afraid now, if her cultivation base is banned, she is arrested at the police station, and the sufferer finds her again, her fate will definitely be worse than going to hell.

"If I'm not mistaken, one of the two is Butler Dugu, and the other is Mrs. Di Feng?"

Lin Chengfeng's words surprised Dugu and the two of them, they didn't expect Lin Chengfeng to recognize them.

"Master Lin really has good eyesight. He is indeed a famous genius. Di Feng is really impressed. I just don't know how you recognized us, Master Lin Chengfeng. We should have never met."

"There is something to be said. Mrs. Di Feng, you are famous all over the capital. No one knows it. Who doesn't know it? It's true when I saw it today. Butler Dugu guessed it."

Lin Chengfeng said without any concealment that it was because of Mrs. Di Feng's fame that he had seen her photos. Dugu Ling was something he remembered from his previous life, not a guess.

"Master Chengfeng praised you so much. The little girl deserves such a beautiful name all over the capital, but it's you, Master Chengfeng, who hide so deeply. This is really admirable."

Di Feng said with a look of admiration, she thought that Lin Chengfeng could stay in the mental hospital for so long, not only did he not go crazy, but he became even more unfathomable. This kind of heart alone is enough to prove that Lin Chengfeng's city is extremely deep. , he is old-fashioned and very approachable.

"That's right, Master Chengfeng, I also admire you deeply. I believe that Yanjing may not be able to hold you as a dragon sooner or later. If you intend to come to the capital, my Dugu family must be your ally. I just don't know if you can, Master Chengfeng." Let me tell you, there is still a magic weapon in Yanjing, and my master is waiting to use it urgently, please let Master Chengfeng know, the Dugu family will definitely be grateful to you, young master."

Duguling pleaded, he is still sincerely loyal to Dugu's family now, so he is still very concerned about Mr. Dugu's affairs. I know that he still has a thought about Di Feng, and this thought will make him go on the road to life in the future. Wrong way, and finally died at the hands of old man Dugu.

"That's right, Master Chengfeng, I hope you can tell me, the little lady is very grateful, the Dugu family can't live without the master."

Miss Di's begging made Lin Chengfeng feel a little soft-hearted. He knew that Di Feng's life was quite miserable, and in the end it would not end well. A woman who is too beautiful and does not have a strong man as a partner will end up How could it be better.

"Damn Lin Chengfeng, it seems that you are really a big pervert, your eyes shine when you see a beauty, but this beauty Di is indeed beautiful."

Lan Linger had a hint of contempt for the voice transmission, Lin Chengfeng didn't talk to her, if possible, Lin Chengfeng really wanted to accept Di Damei, if he could practice with Di Damei, then the cultivation base would not be easy go up.

"Mrs. Difeng, butler Dugu, is seriously ill. In fact, I know the condition of Mr. Dugu very well. You don't need to look for any magic weapon anymore. It's just a wishful thinking."

What Lin Chengfeng said made Mrs. Di Feng very excited. She stepped forward and grabbed my hand and asked, "Master Chengfeng, listen to what you said, do you know how to cure my master?"

After a while, Di Feng felt her gaffe, quickly let go of my hand, and took a step back, but Lin Chengfeng could still smell the body fragrance on her body, which was quite attractive.

"I'm sorry, I'm so excited, Master Chengfeng."Mrs. Di Feng blushed a little, and apologized to me quickly.

Duguling's mood at this time is complicated. He doesn't want Mr. Dugu to get better so quickly, because he enjoys this kind of time with Mrs. Di Feng, but he also wants Mr. Dugu to get better and revitalize Dugu's family. Mrs. Feng worked so hard.

And the owner of the store, after receiving the 100 million, stepped aside early. From his eyes, he can naturally see that Di Feng and Dugu Ling have extraordinary identities, so he doesn't want to know more about the important people.

Lin Chengfeng looked at Mrs. Di Feng and said, "It's nothing, nothing. In fact, it's not difficult to cure Mr. Dugu's illness as long as you find the right person. You just need to find someone who has broken through to the innate, and the internal strength you cultivate is just perfect. Yang, the old man can be cured, I don’t need to say more about the old man’s disease, you know it too.”

"Master Chengfeng, what you said is the same as what our master said, but let's find such a master there."Dugu Ling said helplessly, because in the age of degeneration, there are few people who can cultivate, and it is even more so for those who have broken through to innate, and those who have broken through innate are those who have cultivated to the inner strength of yang, even more so. Hard to find anywhere in the world.

As for why Lin Chengfeng knew about Mr. Dugu's illness, it's not surprising, because there are quite a few people who know about it, and it's not a big secret.

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