Although Lin Chengfeng saw such an amazing scene, he should have been happy, but he couldn't help but frowned, because this is not a romantic encounter, but trouble, and it's a big trouble, I already feel Arrived, Lan Damei is chasing after a congenital mid-stage peak, only half a step away from a congenital late-stage powerhouse, it is obvious that the one who escapes and chases, the person behind will never be chasing and playing.

"Rely on you angel birdman, I said how could this chick still catch up, I didn't expect that I was careless, I forgot to clear her chasing after thousands of miles, really damn it."

As soon as Lin Chengfeng came to his senses, he understood why Lan Damei would come to him for help from miles away, so he couldn't help cursing.

"Lin Chengfeng, you are heartless, you are a man from others, don't you want to see someone put a green hat on you, and that's a bastard in his [-]s or [-]s."

When the big beauty Lan came to me and stopped, she seemed to shout loudly on purpose, I understand that this girl must have no good intentions, but she was so close to me, and the bursts of milky milk fragrance kept rushing into me. My nose, her twin peaks are so close to me, the ups and downs of her twin peaks are so shocking in my eyes at this moment, and the deep cleavage gap between the two peaks , It’s really charming and full of temptation. I don’t care about any honest gentleman at this time. If you don’t look at it, you’re a bastard. Of course, I couldn’t help but glance at it. Besides, she provoked me first , In order to drag me into the water, she actually said that I was her man, so in the end, it's her fault.

"Ah, hooligan, what are you looking at, you still have to be shameless."When the big beauty Lan saw me squinting, her little face couldn't help but blushed, she scolded coquettishly, and quickly covered her with her little hands.

Lin Chengfeng couldn't help teasing, "Didn't you say that you are my woman? Why, as your man, it's not enough for me to only see the beautiful spring scenery a few times, but to be honest, your pair of mountain peaks are indeed It's alluring, it's great."

"Damn stinky man, if I didn't ask you for something, I would surely dig out your eyes."The blue beauty cursed fiercely in her heart, she has never been the one who is willing to suffer, so if she hadn't asked for something from me, she would have turned her face immediately, but her heart was still pounding and accelerated to escape.

At this moment, a middle-aged man arrived, and he looked at me in surprise. He really didn't expect that he couldn't see through my cultivation base. too young.

And Lan Damei, who is a fox, didn't bother to scold me at this time, but turned around, hid behind me, showed her small head and said, "Old perverted ghost master uncle, I didn't lie to you." , this is my man, Lin Chengfeng, the famous genius in Yanjing, if you are sensible, get out of the way quickly, otherwise you will definitely confess here today, it is not my style."

Although Lan Dameiren's last few words were uttered numbly and numbly, to me, those words were full of killing intent, and I couldn't help but cursed in my heart, "Damn it! Just a femme fatale."If I was a normal innate early stage, I'm afraid I would have to confess here today.

"Your Excellency is Lan Ling'er's uncle. I don't want to deal with your master's affairs, so please go ahead. It has nothing to do with me."

Lin Chengfeng glanced at the manly way, and then jumped up directly, wanting to fly to another place, but in my palm, a powerful blow was already brewing.

"Damn Lin Chengfeng, you actually escaped, you are such a coward, a ten thousand-year-old turtle with a shrinking head."She cursed in a crying voice, one can imagine that if I really escaped, her end would be miserable.

Lin Chengfeng couldn't help cursing at this moment, "Why is this woman so stupid when she is in danger."And when the middle-aged man saw me running away, the last ounce of fear in his heart disappeared. He is an old man, so he naturally understands what it means for me to run away.

He really slapped out his palm without any hesitation, and shot straight at me. The powerful palm force blew a strong wind. Under this palm, some wood chips were directly turned into powder and dissipated in the sky and the earth. This palm can be said to be extremely powerful, probably wanting to finish me with one palm without leaving any hidden dangers, he is really a cruel and merciless person.

Lan Damei was stunned at this moment, she never imagined that her master uncle would be so cruel, and he would kill me who was running away, the cruelty was far beyond her expectation.

"Stinky boy, if you know about me, you don't want to live anymore, you should stay here."When he was about to kill me, he yelled at me, with determination written all over his face, it can be seen that he already had the intention to kill me.

Lin Chengfeng understood at this moment that the opponent had already underestimated the enemy, so I immediately turned around and struck out with a huge and terrifying palm. This is the power I have compressed several times, and it is definitely strong enough and explosive enough.

The middle-aged man saw that I shot back at the last moment, and he couldn't help being startled, and immediately understood that I was showing weakness to the enemy just now.

"boom"! ! ! !

The powerful two palms collided together, making an astonishing blasting sound. The sound waves made my ears buzz, and the waves of battle spread continuously in the air. The wind and waves brought by the two palms blew the nearby big trees Huhu loudly, this is really scary.

Seeing this terrifying confrontation, the big beauty Lan accidentally fell to the ground, trembling with fright at the horror of this short-lived fight, she knew that if she had received the palm of her uncle just now, it must be She couldn't even think about what kind of broken limbs and rotten flesh she would become with this palm strike. At this time, she also felt a moment of fear and luck. If her uncle hadn't become lustful temporarily, She will definitely die in an ugly way. Fortunately, Lin Chengfeng forgot to clear Qianli Zhuifeng San.

And after this palm, Lin Chengfeng flew back a full ten meters, and stopped with the help of a big tree. Lin Chengfeng also felt a little resentful at this time, if I hadn't used a palm technique that compresses power , I’m afraid I’m going to get hurt now too, but I’m not having a good time right now. A fight with the Xiantian mid-term will still hurt me a lot. My whole body is numb right now. , but I haven't specially trained my body. If it wasn't for the Sun Sacred Art itself with the effect of body training, after this confrontation, I'm afraid I'd have to fall apart.

Lan Dameiren's uncle also flew back nearly ten meters, and then stopped on a tree. This time, he and I were evenly matched, and his face was not relaxed at this time, but a look of seriousness. Dignified, he didn't expect me to be so powerful, not much inferior to him, not an easy enemy to deal with, he was shocked in his heart.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect Lin Chengfeng to be so strong. Fortunately, I didn't really fight him at that time, otherwise I would definitely die."

The blue beauty couldn't care about the spring that was revealed and said secretly, her jade hands kept caressing her constantly rising and falling twin* peaks, and the deep valleys also changed with the ups and downs of her twin* peaks, she herself I'm afraid I don't know how attractive her current action is, she is really beautiful, if there is an otaku here at this time, she will definitely shout in a daze, "Oh my god, this is the real goddess Bar".

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