"Miss, you still don't get out of the way. It seems that you really want to be tied back by someone again. Don't blame me for a while."Lin Chengfeng didn't pay attention to those big men who were about to attack, and said to the woman jokingly.

Out of instinct, the woman immediately ran behind Lin Chengfeng, and said weakly, "What's so strange, if you can't deal with them, I'm afraid I'll be caught by them anyway, that's why I don't bother." run away."

Lin Chengfeng could see that the woman was still quite scared, but her words were probably quite reasonable. As a little girl, she could never escape from the hands of these big men, because this is Yanjing, and they are Yanjing snake.

Seeing that Lin Chengfeng was still so arrogant and dared to ignore them, the three big men became extremely angry, and immediately rushed over with their fists pumped.

"Come on, come on, hurry up, or you will be beaten to the ground."Seeing the three big men rushing over fiercely, the woman couldn't help urging Lin Chengfeng. Seeing the posture of those big men, she was even more afraid.

"Why are you so anxious, just these pustule-like boys, I can't handle it with one punch, so what's there to rush."

Lin Chengfeng said in a nonchalant manner, this really pissed off the three big men rushing over, they were so disrespected by me, it really made them very angry.

"Damn boy, let you pay our fists, and see if you dare to be so arrogant."A big man shouted frantically while rushing, his emotions have lost control.

And the big guy who took the lead looked at me with a serious face. Although I behaved very arrogantly, he still didn't dare to despise me in the slightest. Instead, he became jealous of me. Indifferent, besides being a fool, it can only be said that I am a master.

In three or two moments, three big guys crossed a distance of nearly ten meters and rushed to me. The fastest guy punched me and hit my face. He seemed to be really I am very angry, otherwise I would not choose my face to hit.

At this moment, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help smiling, he didn't try to dodge, which frightened the woman, and she couldn't help thinking, "This man is not mentally ill, he was just being stupid just now." .

When the big man's fist was less than ten centimeters away from me, the wind from the fist blew my hair. When they thought I was going to get punched, I still didn't make a move, because there was no need, and they had no strength to hurt me.

With a sound of 'bang', the punch of the big man hit me in the face. It was not as good as tickling Lin Chengfeng, because Lin Chengfeng is not a mortal body now, and the big man just felt a kind of ecstasy in his heart. When he was able to flatten me with one punch, he found that a burst of pain came from his fist, as if the bones were cracked, the pain was piercing.

"Damn, I hit steel, is this guy a robot"?The big man couldn't help but said this in his heart, he stepped back a few steps in disbelief, and his face was full of pain.

The two burly men who were slower behind also followed in the footsteps of the first burly man, and they all punched with all their strength, and when they quickly attacked me, they all had a question, "Why did he get hit by a bullet?" The boxing seems to be nothing, hell, did that brother hit it lightly?"

And when they hit Lin Chengfeng, there was a bang, and they actually hit Lin Chengfeng. Only then did they know why Lin Chengfeng looked like he had nothing to do after being punched.

Because of the severe pain, the three big men backed up again and again, and immediately cried out, holding the fist that hit me, with a painful expression on their faces, cold sweat on their foreheads, and they couldn't help screaming "ah".

This made the big man in the lead and the woman behind me extremely puzzled. How did I look like a normal person when I was beaten, and it was the one who beat someone who seemed to be beaten. This really puzzled them.

Those three big men looked at me with fear in their eyes. They have never met such a person. They almost crippled themselves after punching someone else. This is really beyond their comprehension. Think, how can there be such a person in the world.

"What's the matter, you didn't want me to look good, why did you punch me, but you all looked like you were beaten, aren't you too useless?"

Lin Chengfeng looked at them lightly at this time and said, with a look of great interest, no matter what, seeing this, the woman understood that those big men were no longer my opponents, and she immediately said proudly, "You guys A piece of garbage that only bullies weak women, how about it, now you are finally a softie, I thought you were so amazing, but it turns out that you are just a few cowardly men who can only bully weak women."

Being ridiculed by this woman, the big man in the lead knew that there must be something wrong with Lin Chengfeng, because his brother knew that three or five ordinary men were no match for one of them, so how could he be so unbearable.

"What's going on, why do you all seem to have been beaten."The big man in the lead looked at his own group, who were clenching their fists, and said with a painful expression on their face.

"Old...old...boss, that guy is a monster. His face is harder than steel. I'm afraid it's nothing more than the legendary indestructible body of King Kong."

"That's right, boss, I punched him, and I felt like I was hitting the mech. The bones of our fist seemed to be cracked, it hurt me to death."

"He's really scary, boss. I think even if a bullet hits him, it might not hurt him."

One by one, the three big men said with fear on their faces that their bodies couldn't help shivering, and they were only a little better than ordinary people. How could they not be afraid when they met Lin Chengfeng, a natural master? Lin Chengfeng Chengfeng is like a real superman to them.

"What, you are so strong, could it be that you are a legendary martial artist?"

The woman asked curiously. After hearing the description of the three big men, she immediately thought of the legendary martial arts master in her mind.

"Your Excellency, I don't know what that means. We know we are not opponents. Please forgive me for the offense just now. I don't know how to let us go."

The big man in the lead spoke to Lin Chengfeng with a little fear, and his tone was more respectful. This is the rule that the strong are respected.

"What can I mean, isn't it just that I met your lawless chaser? I just happened to run into it, so I didn't care. As the saying goes, do a good deed every day. I can only say that you are really unlucky. Me, now, it's not hard to ask me to let you go, take me to meet Liu Chenghui, I want to see, after two years, how degenerate he has become, and how dare he become a kidnapper He doesn't feel ashamed of such a nasty thing, and he's a woman, and I blushed for him, it's really shameful, this brat."

At the end of Lin Chengfeng's speech, he looked a little angry, which made the big man in the lead understand that Lin Chengfeng and Brother Hui might really be old acquaintances.

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