At this time, the two gangsters realized that someone was behind them, and they were furious immediately. Someone dared to disturb their good business. They turned their heads angrily, walked towards Lin Chengfeng fiercely, and shouted loudly, " Kid, are you tired of life, dare to spoil the good things of our brothers, get out of here immediately, otherwise you will feel better."

"God bless, this man must not be a coward. If he really saves me from being humiliated, I will work hard for him for the rest of my life."

The young woman was in the corner, praying softly to the sky. Her name is Huang Wenjing. She is 28 years old. She is a widow. Her husband has been dead for several years. Her husband’s family thought she was the husband, so they kicked her out. Since then, she has been self-reliant, She set up a small stall and started a small business. Today, she closed the stall a bit late, so she met these two punks.

She looks absolutely beautiful, but her figure is amazing. The little white rabbit on her chest is quite prominent compared with her small waist. In addition to her plump and beautiful buttocks, she is 28 years old. , It's absolutely awesome, so I don't blame these two bastards for being interested in sex.

"Well, I haven't heard someone threaten me like this for a long time. It seems that too many people in this city don't remember me."

Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but said, feeling a little emotional, this was from his heart, since he worshiped Huoyun evil god as his teacher, his practice has been very smooth all the way, if it hadn't been for the accident, Lin Chengfeng It is very likely that he will become another supreme saint in the fairy world, and in the two years since his rebirth, he really hasn't heard anyone talk to him like this for a long, long time.

"Oh, it seems that you really don't want to live anymore, and you want to be like other people's heroes to save the beauty. You don't even look at how much you have."One of the two gangsters was a little surprised, because in normal times, most people would leave if they were so frightened by them.

"Okay, it seems that he is not a cowardly man, this time I am saved."Huang Wenjing said happily in her heart, and then she yelled, "Save me, these two villains are trying to do me...well, you must save me, sir."

Hearing this melodious voice, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but glance at Huang Wenjing, and couldn't help but be amazed by it, and shouted in his heart, "Damn, this is a door-to-door affair, it seems that my broken place is settled. , on such a beauty, taking off the virgin hat, it's damn worth it."

When the two gangsters approached, they stopped to take a look at Lin Chengfeng. They were surprised to find that Lin Chengfeng was wearing a hospital gown. When they saw the words 'Chongguang Psychiatric Hospital', they couldn't help being stunned, thinking in their hearts, "Damn it, this is a crazy situation. Could it be that he is a fool."

"You two bastards, dare to do such outrageous things in the public, let me tell you, you are dead today."Lin Chengfeng said solemnly.

The two hooligans burst into laughter immediately, and one of them pointed at Lin Fan and said, "It's ridiculous, it's so funny, I can't imagine that a fool from the 'Chongguang Mental Hospital' would come to do this kind of thing, it seems that the charm of a beauty It’s big, even the mentally ill are hooked.”

"That's right, you're so ridiculous, you fool, get out of here, or we'll beat you, and we won't even recognize your parents."

"What, my God, this is not a joke, that man is actually mentally ill."When Huang Wenjing heard the words of those two gangsters, she couldn't help being stunned. This was the savior she was looking forward to.

"Okay, don't bother with this idiot, a spring night is worth a thousand dollars, I'll go first, then you, we'll have a good time today."

Then the two gangsters hooked their shoulders together, ignored Lin Chengfeng, turned their heads and walked towards the beautiful woman Huang Wenjing, which made Huang Wenjing fall from heaven to hell again.

She couldn't help but prayed again in her heart, "If someone can save me from these two bastards and save me from their murderous hands, I am willing to commit myself with my body."Huang Wenjing swore in her heart that she was going all out, and no matter what, she didn't want to be insulted by these two scumbags.

Seeing that he was really treated as a fool, Lin Chengfeng was so angry in his heart. He didn't expect that his imposing generation of immortals would be ignored by two gangsters like this. What a shame it was.

"You two damn bastards dare to ignore me, Lin Chengfeng. It seems that this city has really forgotten me. Even the two little bastards have the guts to talk nonsense in front of me. It's very presumptuous. ".

As soon as Lin Chengfeng's words came out, the two gangsters couldn't help being stunned. Two years ago, everyone in Yanjing, the southern capital, knew Lin Chengfeng's name, because Lin Chengfeng Cheng Feng was originally a very famous son of Yanjing, a master of martial arts, because he fought against injustice, and was finally plotted against by others, he became a lunatic and was sent to a mental hospital. This incident was extremely sensational.

When the two gangsters heard what Lin Chengfeng said, their legs couldn't help shaking when they thought about it, because everyone knew that Lin Chengfeng was sent to Chongguang Mental Hospital.

Seeing that he still had some prestige, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help smiling, and then walked towards the two gangsters step by step.

Huang Wenjing was also a little confused at this time, but she knew that she was saved. She had also heard of Lin Chengfeng's reputation. According to legend, Lin Chengfeng was righteous, kind to others, and never put on airs, which is rare among young masters. Not only is he handsome, but he is also a master of martial arts. Some people have seen him fight against hundreds of gangsters alone, and finally won without any injuries.

All these legends about Lin Chengfeng surged into Huang Wenjing's mind at this time, and she couldn't help thinking to herself, "If he really saved me, would I really want to promise him with my body?"

Thinking of this, Huang Wenjing's face couldn't help showing a blush, and she felt shy in her heart, and she couldn't help but think to herself, "Hehe, I must have thought too much, even if I really promised him with *body*, he would be so It's amazing, and you won't fall in love with a little girl like me."

Although Lin Chengfeng has been in a mental hospital for two years, his reputation in the underworld has not weakened, and his deeds are still circulating in the underworld. Therefore, when the two gangsters heard the name Lin Chengfeng, they trembled instinctively. They are just the lower class, and they will not be afraid when they meet the kind of big shot who can kill the biggest of them.

As for whether it is Lin Chengfeng who is fake, the two gangsters dare not think so, and they will not think so, because in Yanjing, no one dares to do this. The word Lin Chengfeng has too much deterrent power In addition, Lin Chengfeng's Lin family is a giant family in Yanjing, and no one dares to mess with it.

The two gangsters shook their legs, turned around pale with fright, plopped down on their knees, kowtowed and said, "Master Chengfeng, you have a lot of people, so please spare us two bastards. We are not human beings, we are animals, we promise that we will never do such unconscionable things in the future, please spare us a dog's life."

"Yes, Master Chengfeng, please let us go. In the future, we will not only be reborn as human beings, but also do good deeds every day to accumulate blessings and virtues for you."In order to survive, the two gangsters said nothing at the moment.

Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng didn't feel soft-hearted. He kicked off the left hands of the two gangsters, grabbed them and threw them a few meters away. The two gangsters immediately cried out in pain. stand up.

Huang Wenjing saw that Lin Chengfeng's attack was so straightforward, she couldn't bear it, and she couldn't help but said, "Can you let them go?"

Lin Chengfeng couldn't help looking at Huang Wenjing's face, and shouted in his heart, "beautiful, beautiful, so beautiful", and then said, "A beauty's mouth is worth a thousand dollars, how could I not give face."

These words made Huang Wenjing even more ashamed. She felt that her little heart was beating rapidly, and a blush rose on her face, which made her even more charming. Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

In the next moment, Lin Chengfeng came back to his senses, he couldn't help being a little embarrassed, he immediately turned around and walked towards the two gangsters, looking at Lin Chengfeng's back, and thinking about how Lin Chengfeng looked at her just now, Huang Wenjing couldn't help but have an idea, "Did Lin Chengfeng fall in love with me?"

Seeing Lin Chengfeng approaching, the two gangsters immediately stopped moaning in pain, endured the severe pain in their hands, squatted down with ashen faces, and looked at Lin Chengfeng.

"Okay, if a beautiful woman speaks, I will let you go, but I have one more thing for you to do."Lin Chengfeng paused and then said, "Tomorrow, I don't want people on your road to know that I, Lin Chengfeng, is back. How can I do it? After tomorrow, everyone on your road will know about me." return".

At this juncture, the two gangsters had no choice. Of course, they could only nod their heads. Lin Chengfeng's ruthless methods just now scared them to death. It seemed that in Lin Chengfeng's eyes, they were just two ants that could be killed at any time.

"Okay, fine, you guys are very sensible, now you can go away".When the two gangsters heard this sentence, they suddenly felt like they had escaped from the sky. They didn't care about the severe pain in their hands, and they rolled and crawled away in embarrassment.

Then, Lin Chengfeng walked towards Huang Wenjing with a smile, and said, "Those two bastards have already left, what else do you need my help for, big beauty?"

"Thank you, Mr. Lin Chengfeng, thank you very much, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have been murdered by them."Huang Wenjing couldn't help showing gratitude.

"You're welcome. It's my honor to serve beautiful women. Also, meeting is fate. You can call me Chengfeng."After Lin Chengfeng paused, he said again, "Beauty, what's your name?"

"People's name is Wen Jing, Huang Wenjing."Facing Lin Chengfeng who was so enthusiastic, Huang Wenjing was extremely shy and said very softly.

"Huang Wenjing, what a good name, can I call you Wenjing?"Lin Chengfeng's directness made Huang Wenjing even more ashamed, because she was in a terrible mess right now.

"Um"! ! ! !A mosquito-like voice came out of her mouth, and Lin Chengfeng's directness made her even more ashamed.

"That's great, that Wen Jing, can you stand up by yourself"?Hearing Lin Chengfeng's words, Huang Wenjing stood up very shyly, but because of sitting for a long time, her feet became numb, and she couldn't help but fell backwards.

"Ah, be careful".Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but open his mouth, and then took a stride, and came behind Huang Wenjing, who was immediately warm, fragrant and soft, with a beauty in his arms. Lin Chengfeng couldn't help being dumbfounded at this time, and an extremely ambiguous scene appeared. At this time, he was holding onto Huang Wenjing's exposed white tender jade legs. The slender, clear and perfect touch immediately gave him a feeling of beauty, coupled with her sexy and charming pink panties, and slightly transparent The pink lace, the deep breast groove, and the endless erotic colors are all in his eyes, which makes Lin Chengfeng, who has his right hand around his waist, stunned for a moment.

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