All the beautiful women of the Merry Fairy

Chapter 43 Fighting the Left Tiger [Part [-]]

Another point is that he wants to try Lin Chengfeng's cultivation. If Lin Chengfeng's speed is fast but consumes a lot of energy, Zuo Shanjun can roughly calculate Lin Chengfeng's cultivation, but he is doomed. I'm going to be disappointed, although generally speaking, speed is directly proportional to cultivation, but Lin Chengfeng, who has the innate body of Thunder God, has a great advantage in speed, coupled with Lin Chengfeng's current extraordinary body, left Tiger's temptation was considered a failure, but he was a little more afraid of Lin Chengfeng.

Lin Chengfeng was still leaping freely, like a flying swallow, even if Zuo Shanjun tried his best, he still couldn't surpass me. This made Zuo Shanjun feel a bit more murderous in his heart. Allow yourself to have such a powerful enemy alive.

"Damn it, I really lost my face this time. I wanted to test him first, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful. It made me lose my face. It seems that this kid came prepared. , I can't be careless this time."

Zuo Shanjun thought in his heart, both of them were leaping at a speed that exceeded the speed of sound, from a distance, it was like two shooting stars passing by, the speed was really extremely fast, this is the fear of a master-level master.

"Haha, I finally gave this old guy some color. He wants to use my competitive heart to test me. Unfortunately, my speed is far faster than yours. The innate Thunder God's body is really beneficial. If I don't make a breakthrough today, I'm afraid I can only use a more despicable method to finish him off with the Haotian Sword. Otherwise, with his speed, I can't do anything to him at all. It seems that it is right to choose to take risks today."

Lin Chengfeng was striding forward, while thinking in his heart, if he hadn't chosen to take the risk of training his body a few hours ago, he might have had to choose a sneak attack to win. Let Zuo Shanjun lose face on the bright side.

"Hey Grandmaster Zuo, why don't you speed up? It's not because you spent too much energy when you conquered that beauty just now, so you have become a soft-legged shrimp now."

I saw that Mr. Zuo Shan seemed to have reached extreme speed, so I deliberately said this sentence, trying to make him half dead, at least make him stingy for a while.

"Stinky boy, don't be complacent, let me tell you, you will know if I am a soft-legged shrimp in a while."

Zuo Shanjun said a little angrily, in his mind, of course he understood what Lin Chengfeng was up to, so he also tried his best to control his emotions so as not to let himself get too angry.

Seeing this, Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but thought to himself, "Sure enough, it's an old fox. It seems that he can't be angry with him anymore. Well, it seems that he can only be killed in battle."

I saw that attacking with words didn't have much effect, so I gave up. Anyway, I don't care about this effect, but this made me see that Zuo Shanjun's self-control ability is quite strong.

The two meteor-like masters finally came to the foot of the mountain, and the two flew towards the depths of the mountain at the same time. The powerful aura emanating from Zuo Tiger made many nocturnal animals lie on the ground in fright. instinct.

Finally, in the deep mountain forest, Lin Chengfeng stopped gracefully on a towering tree, looking at Zuo Shanjun from a distance, and Zuo Shanjun stopped on a tree 100 meters away in unison, confronting Lin Chengfeng So, [-] meters is not a distance for the two of us, it can be reached in an instant.

"Great Master Zuo, since you have expended a lot of energy on the woman's belly, why don't I let you make the first move, otherwise I'd be a little embarrassed."

Lin Chengfeng was clearly here to humiliate him. It has to be said that he, a master figure, was caught by Lin Chengfeng for this criticism. It is his bad luck, and he is destined to suffer some disadvantages in terms of words.

"Lin Chengfeng, you humiliated me again and again, I will kill you today, and today next year will be the day of your death."

As soon as Zuo Shanjun finished speaking, he immediately pushed out his palm. The huge palm strength shone with terrifying battle light, flashing like thunder and lightning. Wherever his palm passed, there was a terrifying scene, The tree ends of the big trees were turned into fly ash.

The terrible breath caused the nearby birds and animals to flee elsewhere after screaming in fear. The animals' sensitive intuition told them that something terrible would happen here, so they could only run for their lives. escape.

Seeing that Mr. Zuo Shan directly killed him with a palm, Lin Chengfeng didn't dare to be careless. He immediately struck out with a palm, without terrifying momentum, without extraordinary strength, and some were just ordinary palms. The power of the palm made Lin Chengfeng restrained, and it looked like an ordinary palm.

"What, what is this, the realm of anti-Pu Guizhen, what a powerful boy, he really has a few brushes."Seeing Lin Chengfeng's ordinary palm, Zuo Shanjun was a little surprised, because even Zuo Shanjun couldn't use a blow to achieve an anti-plain and simple truth at will.

Between the lightning and the flint, the two of them seemed to ignore the 100 meters and appeared in front of each other at the same time. They hit each other with their palms, and the sound of "bang" shook the sky, and the wild sound wave directly broke many branches. Countless leaves.

And the aftermath of the confrontation between the two of them directly destroyed most of the tree under their feet. The battle waves continued to flood in the air, spreading in all directions like a spider web, eliminating the blow of the two of them. prestige.

The strong wind and waves directly broke many branches, and even overturned several nearby trees, causing them to fall over by their roots, and some debris was directly turned into nothingness. This is the power of their blow. , strong to the extreme.

The flames of war are still going on, the two seem to be tied, and it seems that neither can do anything to the other. The two strong men looked at each other, shouted at the same time, and slapped again, and there was a loud "boom" , the two flew upside down at the same time, still no one could do anything to the other.

While the two were flying backwards, they couldn't help leaving an astonishing flame scratch under their feet. They were all using their utmost strength to prevent themselves from going backwards, so they drew this terrifying trace in the air.

"This old guy has amazing palm strength. Fortunately, my physical body is strong enough, otherwise I would not be his opponent at all. Although my cultivation base is not good, but with my strength, it should be enough for him to drink a gourd." .

Lin Chengfeng couldn't help but thought to himself, although he was fine, his ears were still buzzing at this moment, even with two palms, his blood was churning, Lin Chengfeng's cultivation was still weak after all , if his cultivation is raised to another level, the result will definitely not be like this. However, his cultivation has also improved as fast as a rocket. If he continues to rise like this, his foundation may be a little unstable. Innate, it is not after a long period of time that they are promoted to the next level. Of course, this is also related to their lack of resources.

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